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Archive for February, 2012

There’s Little Water Problems – And Then There’s 1000 TIMES THE LIMIT

Posted by Rayne Water

Desert Sun’s recent article about some California wells containing huge amounts of Chromium-6. In some cases, wells contained 1,000 times the amount deemed safe by the State.

Hexavalent chromium is a potentially carcinogenic (cancer causing) metal that Erin Brockovich brought to the media’s attention some time ago. Because scientific studies on the contaminant are still ongoing, official maximum allowable standards have not been set, but California’s public health officials have determined a “goal” of 0.02 parts per billion that public water utilities and private wells should try to stay under. To implement and maintain a chromium-6 removal system is speculated to cost just one California water district more than $275 million and would raise water rates by approximately 74 percent.

Many Californians complain that there is absolutely no room for cancer-causing agents in their drinking water. Others argue that if chromium-6 were a real problem, they would have felt the effects of it by now, since generations of people have been consuming this same water. Regardless of which way the public opinions swings, governmental regulation is a long ways off, with the EPA often taking four or more years to set limits.

The solution is surprisingly easy – and affordable. While a faucet-mounted or pitcher-style water filter will not remove the contaminant, a reverse osmosis system generally can. Be sure to ask your water treatment professional for a list of contaminants their water filter can remove.

Fix It, or Drink It

Posted by Rayne Water

Ultimatums and drinking water just don’t mix. The only option for drinking water from the tap should be pure and safe in order to do its job correctly for your health. But all over the country, in cities and small towns, we are finding out about harmful contaminants in drinking water that can cause some major health concerns. There are small steps being taken, but not all municipalities can or are doing much to solve some pretty alarming issues. Some cities have given the ultimatum. Either drink the water or don’t. But that doesn’t seem to be acceptable, even in the economic state we are in.
According to recent news from KWQC, Dixon, Iowa is currently being cited (again) for dangerous drinking water. Three times last year, dangerously high levels of nitrate were found in Dixon’s water at 11 milligrams per liter; the limit is ten. Now a year later, nothing has been done and water tests came back even worse at 13 milligrams per liter. Leaders say Dixon is leaning towards building a new well, but it’s not that simple. So although they may be correct, it may not be that simple, it is that important. Talking about the issue is not enough. Leaders must be doing something to solve the issue. Unfortunately, as stated in the article, “Dixon officials have to figure out how to pay for the cost of the new well, the cost of the land to put that new well on, and the cost to hire an engineer to do the research and make sure this problem doesn’t come up again. All of this is estimated to cost well over $100,000, but Dixon only has $2,000 to pay for it and the town is running out of options.”
But you don’t have to run out of options whether you are facing a similar issue in your area or fear that your water could potentially be contaminated. Water filters can be the best choice to eliminate or reduce harmful contaminants while still providing a constant flow of safe drinking water with the most advanced technology. Don’t choose an ultimatum when it comes to drinking water. Choose the best water filter for you, and worry less about what leaders in your town are doing, or would do, should you find yourself in this situation. To read more from this article, click here.