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Archive for May, 2012

Levels of Nitrates in Drinking Water Cause Concern

Posted by Rayne Water

drinking water system like reverse osmosis or a water filter with LINX technology to filter your water.
Here in California, drinking water is not perfect. Even within the state, there are areas where tested water has shown dangerous levels of contaminants. As explained in one recent article from CBS 47, even the Valley has some unsafe drinking water. U.C. Davis researchers tested water in California and found that the Tulare Lake Basin and Salinas Valley have unsafe levels of nitrate in drinking water. The California legislature asked U.C. Davis to test California’s drinking water to see if nitrate contamination from agriculture is a problem in the state and the study confirmed that it is. The water is unsafe and can cause health problems. Agriculture is responsible for about 90% of the nitrate contaminating drinking water.
According to the EPA, nitrates and nitrites are nitrogen-oxygen chemical units which combine with various organic and inorganic compounds. The greatest use of nitrates is as a fertilizer. Once taken into the body, nitrates are converted to nitrites. High nitrate levels in water can cause methemoglobinemia or blue baby syndrome, a condition found especially in infants less than six months. Methemoglobin does not carry oxygen efficiently. This results in a reduced oxygen supply to vital tissues such as the brain. Methemoglobin in infant blood cannot change back to hemoglobin, which normally occurs in adults. Severe methemoglobinemia can result in brain damage and death. Pregnant women, adults with reduced stomach acidity, and people deficient in the enzyme that changes methemoglobin back to normal hemoglobin are all susceptible to nitrite-induced methemoglobinemia.
In 1974, Congress passed the Safe Drinking Water Act. This law requires EPA to determine the level of contaminants in drinking water at which no adverse health effects are likely to occur. These non-enforceable health goals, based solely on possible health risks and exposure over a lifetime with an adequate margin of safety, are called maximum contaminant level goals (MCLG). Contaminants are any physical, chemical, biological or radiological substances or matter in water. But the cost of the possible solutions is staggering, and is not an immediate possibility. Some are nearly impossible, like cleaning an entire basin, which could cost up to 30 million dollars a year.
A more affordable and direct solution is to contact us for information on our drinking water systems which will reduce these contaminants and filter drinking water right at your kitchen sink. Our water treatment systems are the most affordable solutions and will benefit anyone in the affected areas as well as other consumers who want to take the necessary precautions for safe drinking water at home or place of business. We also offer a reverse osmosis system, water coolers, and many other drinking water filters to meet anyone’s needs. Contact us and remove concern and contaminants from your tap.