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Archive for February, 2016

Water Softener Bans

Posted by Rayne Water

California is facing a water crisis of epic proportions and has been for several years now. With the available water sources dwindling and no end to the drought in sight, the state of California has been looking at other alternatives for their water supply. This has led them to look at utilizing wastewater where they can. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) water recycling can be used for agricultural and landscape irrigation, industrial processes, toilet flushing, and replenishing ground water basins among other things.

Problem with inefficient water softeners

The problem with much of the wastewater in California is that it is contains a high level of total dissolved solids (TDS); a lot of this has been attributed to the widespread use of inefficient water softeners in the region. Many parts of California have hard water and a vast number of residents employ the use of water softeners to alleviate the problem. Since the majority of water softeners are salt based, the discharge of sodium into the ground can be quite significant. In some instances, they can discharge a pound of sodium and potassium in the sewer system every day.
This contamination of waste water has led many communities to ban the use of water softeners. The bans started about six years ago and are continuing to spread to other communities throughout the state. There are currently more than 25 counties that have banned the use of water softeners and those numbers are expected to grow. So what other options are there for homeowners who are faced with hard water?

Alternative to salt based water softener

Hard water is more than just a nuisance, it can wreak havoc on household appliances, pipes and even hair, skin and clothing. If a home has hard water, some sort of action must be taken, and if a water softener is not an option then a Portable Exchange (PE) Tank Soft Water Service is a great option. The PE Tank Service provides the same benefits of a water softener but without the use of salt and as a consequence, salt discharge.

How does PE Tank work?

The regeneration of the water takes place in a state of the art facility by trained technicians. The water is stored in a portable tank that is then delivered to the home by a Rayne technician. The tanks do not require any electricity and no drains because a technician simply exchanges the tank when it is empty. The frequency of the exchange will depend on the number of individuals living in the home and the level of the water hardness. The PE Tank Service is an excellent option for areas with a water softener ban in effect as well as for homeowners who don’t want to be bothered by having to service and maintain a water softener but still enjoy the convenience of softened water.