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Archive for March, 2017

How Does Fracking Affect Drinking Water Safety?

Posted by Rayne Water

What was once said to be safe for drinking water is now taking a different direction. When fracking and water contamination first became a topic of discussion years ago, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other agencies said that fracking would be safe for drinking water and water contamination was not a likely outcome. Thankfully, more research was done and the results are what many people had orignially thought could happen – possible drinking water contamination.
As explained in a recent article from The NY Times, the EPA has concluded that fracking has definitively contaminated drinking water in some circumstances. They came to this conclusion after the final version of a comprehensive study first issued in 2015 was published.  Do those circumstances really matter? Yes, they do! When it comes to the safety and quality of your drinking water, every household deserves high quality, safe drinking water.
The report is the largest, and most in-depth to date, of the effects of fracking on water supply. It comes as President Donald J. Trump has vowed to expand fracking and roll back existing regulations on the process. Is this in the best interest of the health of all citizens, or is this in the best interest of financial gain and oil?
As we learn more about the EPA’s change in position and new results from these studies, it is motivating residents around the country to protect the quality of their drinking water, whether it is due to fracking or other means of contamination. Even though the U.S. has some of the best drinking water in the world, it is far from perfect. Now, fracking is yet another concern which could impact American water quality and consistency.
The report may not be faultless and critics are pointing out the gaps already. However, the new report found evidence that fracking has contributed to drinking water contamination in all stages of the process. As the article explains, these include acquiring water to be used for fracking, mixing the water with chemical additives to make fracking fluids, injecting the chemical fluids underground, collecting the wastewater that flows out of fracking wells after injections, and storing the used wastewater.
Is this enough motivation for you to protect your drinking water from contamination from fracking, as well as the decisions at the federal level, which may not have your best interest at heart? We thought you may agree. If you’re ready and willing to consider our drinking water systems, you’ll be happy to know that ours utilize the most advanced drinking water filtration technology, as well as a low cost that you can afford to protect your family from water contamination. The time is now to protect your drinking water from fracking!

Small Town Utilities Under Fire for Water Contamination

Posted by Rayne Water

A recent study showed that people living in smaller communities were more likely to have drinking water that contains high levels of lead. It has been found that many small utility companies are not being held to the same standards as large companies.
About 100,000 people get their drinking water from utilities that discovered lead contamination in their water supply, but failed to treat the water to remove it. Of these locations, it was found that the utility companies took over a year to come up with a proper treatment plan and it took even longer for them to start treatment.
Almost 4 million Americans get water from small operators who skipped required tests or did not conduct the water tests properly. Families in these areas weren’t notified about the unsafe levels of lead in their water.
It might seem like the number of areas served by small utilities isn’t that big. But together, the number of people exposed to lead-contaminated drinking water, or water not properly tested for lead, since 2010 is about 5 million.
Money seems to be the number one factor as to why small, often rural community utility companies don’t test their drinking water. It can cost up to $50 per tap to check for lead in drinking water.  Some areas have skipped testing the drinking water for lead for the past 10 years!
It’s important to keep your family safe and healthy. And obviously, relying on small town utility companies is not the safest course of action. Fortunately, homeowners have the option of protecting their own drinking water. Installing an in-home water filtration system, such as a reverse osmosis water filtration system, is the easiest way to ensure that the water you and your family are drinking is protected.
Water filtration systems are able to protect against not only lead contamination, but from other common contaminates as well; nitrates, arsenic, chlorine and many others. Give us a call and we can test your water and recommend the best water filtration system available to meet your unique water filtration needs.

Water Filtration is a Necessity Not a Luxury

Posted by Rayne Water

Almost 54% of homeowners feel that having a home water filtration system is a luxury. There seems to be misinformation about home drinking systems. So, when is a home water filtration system needed? Well the answer is more often than you might think!
As ground water water flows into lakes, rivers, and streams, it will pick up a bit of everything it touches. And there is the possibility that any of these contaminates could eventually find their way into your home’s drinking water supply. A drinking water filtration system is the best way to help clean up some of those items left behind in your water.
A water filtration system helps remove harmful contaminants. The list of contaminates that can lead to health issues includes well-known dangers like arsenic and lead, but it also includes bacteria and organic and inorganic compounds that are less well known, but dangerous nonetheless.
In addition to harmful contaminants that may be in water, there are also contaminants that might not make you sick, but they affect the look, taste, and smell of water. These contaminants can give water a chlorine or rotten egg smell or turn it cloudy or off-color.
Some contaminates, while not harmful to humans, are corrosive and can damage pipes and appliances. The disturbing thing is that your water utility is not required to test for all of these contaminants.
It’s important to also remember that without a filtration system, drinking bottled water is the other option. Bottled water is expensive! It can be 2,000 times more expensive than tap water. The other issue with bottled water – insane waste. Most households don’t recycle them, so instead, they sit in landfills and take a toll on our environment.
Give us a call and we will take you through the different water filtration systems we offer. We can help you determine the perfect system for your own unique household water filtration needs.

How to Quickly and Easily Maintain a Water Softener

Posted by Rayne Water

To better understand soft water, we first need to understand what hard water is. Hard water is simply water, which contains high levels of calcium and magnesium. Hard water issues are one of the most common water issues we see here in the United States. In fact, 85% of people in the US have hard water.

Over time, hard water can damage appliances, pipes, and other items in your home.

Here are some of the most common complaints, and symptoms of hard water. If you experience any of these issues on the list, you most likely have hard water.

The best solution to hard water issues is to install a water softener.

Water softeners reduce, or even eliminate, many of the problems associated with hard water. However, once you have decided to install a water softener, now you need to know what kind of maintenance is required. Fortunately, most water softeners are easy to take care of, if you follow some simple maintenance procedures.

One of the most important things you can do for your water softener is to make sure you are using the right kind of salt.

The top 3 salts to choose from are rock, solar and evaporated. Most stores stock the shelf with rock salt, since it is the least expensive of the three. The problem with rock salt though, is that it tends to have more insoluble minerals and that can lead to a muddy tank. Solar salt, is middle of the road salt, with fewer insoluble minerals. The purest form of salt is evaporated salt, this is the best option for a water softener.

A few things to check when maintaining your water softener.

Salt bridges and mushing, along with clean parts that are free of residue are the top three maintenance items for your water softener. A salt bridge occurs when a hard crust forms in the brine tank and creates an empty space between the water and the salt. Common causes of bridging include high humidity, temperature changes around the water softener or using the wrong kind of salt. You may have a salt bridge if your salt tank appears full, but you know your water isn’t soft. The quickest way to test for a salt bridge is to take a broom handle and carefully push on the top of the salt to break it up, if it has become hard. Next thing to check is mushing. This happens when sludge or mushy stuff forms on the bottom of the tank. If this happens, draining the tank is the best way to clean up the problem. Another cause of mushing is the kind of salt you are putting in. Opt for a better salt that is more soluble, which will drastically reduce mushing concerns. Last item to check when taking care of your unit – clean valves. Make sure parts are clean and free of and residual buildup. Taking care of your water softener is fairly easy, but important. Simple maintenance of your water softener will ensure a smooth-running system and allow you and your family to continue enjoying the benefits of soft water for years to come.]]>