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Archive for May, 2022

How to Stay Hydrated in Hot Weather

Posted by Rayne Water

The summer months are heralded for their warm ambiance, eternal sunshine, and joyous nature. And as the bubbly, feel-good vibes start lifting, so does the number on the thermostat. In which case, if there was ever a season to stay hydrated, then it’s right around the corner. 

To that end, if you’re wondering how to stay hydrated in hot weather, you’ve found yourself in capable hands. Today, we’re going to extend this discussion to review the three key drivers of proper hydration—quantity, frequency, and speed.   

From there, we’ll provide a few hydration tips for summer and outline some basic safety practices to help you avoid any potential heat exhaustion or any heat related illness. 

#1 Quality: Be Sure to Drink the Right Beverages

Let’s make one thing clear—not all drinks are created equal. While it’s common sense that drinking liquids help you hydrate, there are certain beverages that can do the exact opposite (looking at you, alcohol). 

Furthermore, drinks that are saturated with caffeine or sugar can act as a diuretic, which means they move water through your body at a faster speed. To that end, when it comes to adequate hydration, one of the key drivers of a “quality” beverage is its electrolyte concentration. 

Electrolytes are essential minerals that help regulate muscle contractions and balance fluid cells in your body. In other words, they help you keep hydrated! 

Types of electrolytes include but are not limited to:

Did you know that even water will (typically) have trace amounts of electrolytes? Although electrolytes are commonly associated with sports drinks, they’re also found in fruits with high water content like coconut water, watermelon water, and other fruit juices.1 

By ensuring that the liquids you’re ingesting are rich in electrolytes, you help your body retain its hydration (which is especially important in warmer climates). However, it’s important to note that many beverages marketed to be “high in electrolytes” are also saturated with sugar.

That’s why it’s paramount to review the label, do your due diligence, and ensure you’re drinking the right types of liquids when in hot weather. 

Get started today! We specialize in providing the purest water possible!

#2 Quantity: Be Sure to Drink A Lot of Liquids! 

The CDC recommends that you “drink 1 cup (8 ounces) of water every 15–20 minutes” when you’re spending prolonged time in a hot climate or under summer heat. This can help you cool down your body temperature and maintain proper hydration. Another way to conceptualize this guideline is one and half (or two) single-use water bottles (the type you can buy at a gas station or grocery store) every hour.2

However, you shouldn’t consume more than 48 ounces of water in an hour. While this may seem counterintuitive, extreme quantities of water can dilute the electrolytes—especially sodium— in your body.

If you’re looking for tips for staying hydrated in the summer that’ll help you track your water intake, consider the following:

Ultimately, you’ll need to drink enough water to replace what you lose in sweat. 

While this can absolutely depend on your body type, metabolism, and overall fitness level, it’s widely acknowledged that keeping a healthy intake of liquids is incredibly beneficial for hydration (especially when it’s hot outside!). 

#3 Frequency: Be Sure to Drink Throughout the Day! 

When your body signals that you’re thirsty, it can be a sign of dehydration. While this shouldn’t come as a surprise, in hotter climates, you should aim to mitigate that thirst by being proactive about your water intake. 

So how often should you drink water? As mentioned above, try to drink hydrating liquids every 15 to 20 minutes and don’t go for more than an hour without drinking water in the heat. 

While not the most appealing thing to visualize, you should also pay attention to the color of your urine to estimate your hydration levels.2 

The reality is that hydration favors consistency. In the hotter months, it’s important that you’re at least drinking something every hour. Additionally, you should aim to never be thirsty as opposed to letting that feeling signal that it’s time for a beverage. 

Summer Hydration Safety Tips

On the hottest days, hydration becomes a safety factor, not just something to aid your physical well-being. In which case, to ensure you’re protecting yourself from the heat, it’s paramount that you: 

In tandem with liquid intake, you need to do all you can to mitigate the effects of warmer weather and the sun. So, be sure you make use of reminders to help you remember to drink water

The Drinks to Avoid 

While it’s important to focus on what you should do to stay hydrated, there are some clear red flags you should steer clear of to ensure you’re staying hydrated. Drinks to avoid include but are not limited to:

If you’re going to avoid any of these beverages, alcohol should be at the top of your list. Given that alcohol is a diuretic, it can actively dehydrate your body.  

Invest in Residential Water Filtration Systems

When you’re constantly refilling water bottles to stay hydrated, quality tap water can spell a different drinking experience. To that end, investing in a water filtration system might be the hot weather game-changer you didn’t anticipate. 

While it’s easy to reach for a single-serving bottle of water to quench your thirst, is that the most sustainable and cost-effective way to hydrate? 

Even if you’re aware that drinking your tap water could save money and resources, there are various factors that might keep you from drinking it (this also largely depends on where you live). If that’s the case, filtered tap water might be a phenomenal upgrade to your home! 

Benefits of Filtered Tap Water

When your tap water is your primary source of hydration, you’re making both a cost-effective and environmentally sound choice. In which case, a few benefits include: 

Especially if you live in an area that’s prone to extreme climates, filtered tap water can make a huge impact on the way (and your ability to) you stay hydrated. 

Rayne Water, Water Filtration for Your Home

Now that you know how to stay hydrated in hot weather, the most important thing to practice is consistency. Drink beverages that actually nourish your body, make sure you’re intaking enough liquid, and keep a consistent drinking schedule. 

If you’re doing this from home and you don’t want to purchase single-use water bottles or refillable gallons, then you’re in the right place. Whether you’re in need of a reverse osmosis system or a water softener, at Rayne Water we’re on a mission to service your filtration needs. 

Curious to learn more? Let’s talk about some solutions to keep your household happy and  hydrated throughout the warmer months!

Find a location near you!



  1. Healthline. 8 Healthy Drinks Rich in Electrolytes.
  2. CDC. Heat Stress: Hydration.
  3. Slate. You Are Paying 300 Times More for Bottled Water than Tap Water.
  4. Cleveland Clinic. Electrolytes.
  5. Rayne Water. Residential Reverse Osmosis Systems.

4 Benefits of Commercial Water Filtration Systems

Posted by Rayne Water

From the farming industry to the food and beverage sector, water is an integral part of keeping business flowing smoothly. However, if your municipality’s drinking water is hard, odorous, or discolored, it can put a wrench in your best-laid plans.

Whether you simply need to provide quality drinking water for the employees at your office or filter thousands of gallons for beverage production, there’s a filtration system for you.

A commercial water filtration system or commercial reverse osmosis system, offers countless benefits in improving your water quality and, with it, your employees’ quality of life. In this guide, we’ll go over four central benefits you can enjoy when bringing a filtration system to your place of business.

#1 Safer Water

The most important benefit of a commercial water filtration system is that it increases the safety of one of our most vital resources: water.

While some industries utilize non-potable—that is, non-drinkable—water for cleaning purposes, you generally want to make sure that all the water on your premises is potable. It’s always a good idea to test the chemical and mineral levels of water when your employees or customers will consume it.

Likewise, you should also test any drinking water you use to feed any livestock or furry friends who are involved in your business activities.

If you’re on municipal water, you may assume it’s already safe. However, it’s important to look into the details:

If you’re on well water, you might face a different set of challenges as your local water table fluctuates.

No matter your water source, the bottom line is that water filtration makes drinking water safer.

Depending on the specific method of filtration, it can remove:

Municipalities seek to remove the most harmful of these contaminants. However, even those that don’t pose a health risk—for example, calcium and magnesium—can affect the overall quality of your water.

Installing another filtration system in your own building is the best way to ensure protection and peace of mind.

Reverse Osmosis Systems starting at only $25/mo. Try before you buy!

Reuse Water Waste and Maximize Efficiency

While you can improve the quality of the water that you consume, you can also improve the quality of the water that leaves your industry as wastewater.

Wastewater is water that has already been used for domestic, commercial, or industrial processes such as washing dishes or watering crops. Filtering this water can make it suitable for other purposes.

#2 Fresh Flavor

Even if water is potable and safe to drink, it might still have an undesirable taste or mouthfeel. With a filtration system, you have more control over your business outcomes, which leads us to our next point.

In the food and beverage industry, water not only needs to be safe but also top quality. From bagels to beer to pickles, water is the basis of marketable products. Even on the small scale of an individual restaurant or cafe, you want your guests to fully enjoy a glass of water in your establishment.

A commercial drinking water filter is a must-have for:

If your establishment features drinking fountains or complimentary water, you’ll likewise want to ensure it leaves your patrons feeling quenched and content.

#3 Control Over the Details

Anyone who manages a business knows how important it is to control the factors that you can.

Here’s a variety of businesses and the ways that water filtration can help control the details.

The benefits of commercial water filtration systems are highly specific to different industries. Take some time to research the unexpected ways that filtration would benefit your business.

#4 Affordable Cost

Installing your own water filtration system at your business or factory might actually help you trim costs—especially if you’re paying for spring water or pre-filtered water. Instead of purchasing gallons of bottled water, you can rely on your own source.

There are even energy efficient water filtration systems available to help you accrue savings over time. Waste water doesn’t have to be thought of as waste. Rather, it’s another resource at your disposal.

Other Filtration Considerations

When you decide to invest in a commercial water filter system, you’ll need to take steps to ensure you’re receiving all the benefits that you should. From maintenance to installation, water filtration systems aren’t a one and done appliance.1 To that end:

With proper care maintenance, you’ll reap the rewards of your new system for years to come.

Commercial Water Filtration System Options

Depending on your business water filtration needs, there are two water filter options: Reverse Osmosis and Activated Carbon.

Each method is designed to capture certain chemicals or particles. However, many water filtration systems involve a combination of the RO water filter system and activated carbon to catch more contaminants.

Here’s a more in-depth look at how each system works:

Keep in mind that not all dissolved elements will pose a problem, Minerals and salt could even be desirable to some businesses. Consider your desired outcome is for the water that you use. Do you need to grow acres of corn? Or do you need incredibly soft water for making bagels?

To decide on the best commercial water treatment and filtration system for your needs, consult with an expert.

Rayne Water’s Solutions for Homes and Businesses

From small businesses to industrial operations, many companies can benefit from filtration to improve the quality of your water supply onsite. Whether you need a reverse osmosis system for business or activated carbon filters that have the capacity to filter 1,000 or 10,000 gallons of water per day, water softener companies offer plenty of options available for you.

At Rayne Water, our 94 years of business have equipped us to meet your commercial reverse osmosis system needs. We have locations in Arizona, California, and Nevada. So if you need a water softener in Sacramento or a reverse osmosis system in Phoenix… we’ve got you covered! 3 Get in touch today to learn more about our solutions, from the reverse osmosis filter to water softener and beyond.

Find a location near you!


  1. Consumer Reports. How to Make Sure Your Water Filter Really Removes Lead.
  2. Food and Wine. Is New York Water Really The Secret To The Best Bagels and Pizza?
  3. Rayne Water. Commercial Reverse Osmosis System.
  4. How Stuff Works. What is activated charcoal and why is it used in filters?
  5. EPA. Drinking Water.
  6. How Stuff Works. How Reverse Osmosis Works.
  7. Rayne Water. Water Softener vs. Water Filter.
  8. Rayne Water. Types of Water Filters.