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Do Counter Top Water Filters Work?

We are fortunate to live in a country where we have somewhat unlimited access to clean, healthy, drinking water.  That being said however, there are still impurities in our water supply system that can be harmful for human consumption. From heavy metals to bacteria to pharmaceuticals, many of these contaminates find their way into our drinking water which is why we need to be vigilant in making sure we are filtering out these contaminants to protect us and our families.
There are numerous different water filtration systems on the market today, ranging from a pitcher in the fridge to high end drinking water systems; does it really make a difference which one you buy? The short answer is YES, it definitely makes a difference! It would be wonderful if we could just all go out and purchase an inexpensive counter top water filter or install a simple water faucet filter, but unfortunately they have limits on what they can do.
The biggest concern with a basic single stage water filtration system is that they give a false sense of security; homeowners think they are protecting their family from water contaminates when in fact they aren’t really filtering out much at all. Due to the fact that most of these types of water filters rely on carbon filtration only, they are ineffective in filtering out a whole host of contaminates. Carbon filtration will filter out chlorine and some other minor contaminates, but they leave behind some pretty major ones.  
Counter top water filters, water faucet filters and your basic filtration pitcher are not able to filter out many dangerous contaminates; arsenic, fluoride, nitrates, radium, asbestos, bacteria, human viruses, chromium, microbes, perchlorate and uranium can all penetrate past these simple water filters and can cause some serious illnesses and even death. They are also ineffective in filtering out inorganic minerals and pharmaceuticals which more and more are making their way into our water supply every day.
For truly effective water filtration, homeowners must look to reverse osmosis filtration or ion-exchange water filtration. Both types have the ability to filter out over 99 percent of these harmful contaminates, leaving you with the cleanest, safest drinking water available. While both are equally effective, choice tends to come down to preference and efficiency. RO systems provide superior tasting water, but with a significant amount of water waste. LINX Drinking Water Systems provide equally superior water, but with the ability to customize taste and without the water waste seen in RO systems. Whichever way a homeowner decides to go, they will be assured that their water is safe to drink.