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Start questionnaire There are many communities in the United States that, unfortunately, do not disinfect their water. As a result there has been an unfortunate increase in the amount of human viruses, which may expose the population to increased health risks such as gastrointestinal viruses.
One such study in Wisconsin found that a norovirus, found in tap water, was up to 63% responsible for causing illnesses in children less than 5 years of age. The likely source was attributed to wastewater leakage from sewers, which then traveled through the soil and flowed into the groundwater. There was also evidence of viruses in the soil flowing into the cracked water pipes of homes.
The Marshall Clinic Research Foundation and the University of California, Davis conducted the work and published their findings on June 1st, 2012 in a peer reviewed journal known as the Environmental Health Perspectives. The lead author of the study in Wisconsin was Mark A. Borchardt, a microbiologist who works for the US agricultural Research Service in Marshfield. Nationally it was indicated that there are 20 million people being served by 95,600 drinking systems that do not disinfect their water. In addition the EPA reported that an estimated 57 million people drink treated groundwater that does not meet federal goals of reducing viruses by almost 100%. Last year, Botrchardt testified before a legislative committee indicating that the benefits of disinfecting the water outweigh the cost. The viruses most frequently detected in water were of the following types: adenoviruses, enteroviruses and noroviruses, all which would definitely have an impact on the population’s health and even lost man hours at work.
A good water treatment company can provide solutions to keep your water safe and your family healthy. Residential water filters use the latest technology to ensure that dangerous viruses and chemicals are being removed from the water that you and your family consume. A water treatment company can provide you with the best and most economical Reverse Osmosis system. Contact you local residential water servicing company today so they can help you and your family have a healthier, safer water supply for all of your consumption needs.