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Archive for May, 2010

Rayne of Phoenix Sets a High Green Standard

Posted by Rayne Water

Rayne of Phoenix for their commitment to being environmentally responsible – and for very simply having a great idea! In the Phoenix Business Journal last week, Rayne of Phoenix revealed the introduction of two patent-pending processes for home and business use. The first product is a home water softener that limits the amount of salt that is allowed to enter the wastewater system, and the other is a drinking water system that, unlike reverse-osmosis, wastes minimal water in the purification process. In an industry that has changed very little over the last 50 years, these two products will be the leading edge into the future. Water softening systems flush water through tanks filled with salt and as a result of a chemical reaction, the sodium changes places with hard-water elements like calcium, manganese, and magnesium. This process, when taking place in tens of thousands of homes using traditional water softeners, creates more than 1 million pounds of salt pollution in Arizona’s groundwater each year. Rayne’s solution? To desalinate the water before discharging it as wastewater. Rayne of Phoenix provides customers Soft Water Exchange Tank Service, which confines tank regeneration to a properly-designed desalination facility so that salt discharge rate is nearly 0% and water usage is reduced by at least two-thirds. Rayne’s second new product, a drinking water system called Linx, is being rolled out as an alternative to traditional reverse osmosis systems. Much like traditional systems, Linx works on an ion-exchange principle, but wastes 90% less water than reverse osmosis. Great job, Rayne of Phoenix! You’ve raised the bar for service, quality, and green living once again. Give us a call if you need a Phoenix water softener system or have any questions about water filtration systems!