Now is a great time think about the drinking water quality in your home. Have you ever considered what could be in your tap water and the potential contaminants you could be consuming? There’s no doubt that this country has some of the best drinking water in the world. But even here, we have issues and contamination that we may not even know about. Groundwater pollution, pesticides, chemicals and agricultural runoff, along with old water treatment facilities losing their effectiveness at filtering our drinking water, is causing drinking water all around the country to be compromised. This month, how about thinking about installing a home drinking water system to relieve you of any contamination concerns?
Is Your Drinking Water Safe?
There are 100’s of reasons to filter your home’s drinking water. The Environmental Protection Agency currently has set regulations for over 100 contaminants, but there are another 100 or so that are not even regulated. California is having a drinking water crisis – no, not just the drought – where rural communities and almost 1 million people are drinking water that is not up to par and is loaded with contaminates. Now is the perfect time to read that water quality report that your municipality sends you. It’s important to educate yourself on where your home’s drinking water comes from and to learn about the potential contaminants in your drinking water. After that, you need to investigate the advantages (and pure necessity it seems these days) of a home water filter or other drinking water system to remove potential or present contaminants. You want your tap water to be as safe and contaminate free as possible for you and your family. Our products are eco-friendly and affordable – two reasons you need to stop waiting and start browsing. When it comes to our water quality we can be responsible and part of the solution too!
Are you looking for a water softener system in Southern California? We have many SoCal locations and can provide water softeners in San Diego all the way up to San Jose. Give us a call today!