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Start questionnaireAnswer a few questions and find the perfect product for your needs.
Start questionnaireWe know that California is often in the center of the drinking water crisis in the nation. Whether because of the drought or agricultural water contamination issues, Californians are once again finding themselves in the news for lack of safe drinking water and this time, we ALL need to pay more attention!
There are a hundred reasons that your water can become contaminated – but it only takes ONE to put your family in danger. A recent article from High Country News discusses the new issue of low socioeconomic communities in California suffering from lack of cash … which means they also lack safe drinking water in many places. But is it fair to say that a poorer community shouldn’t have the same quality drinking water as communities who have more money? Should we base access to safe drinking water on the economic class of that community?
After all, we are a developed nation and world leader, so shouldn’t all of our citizens have access to safe water? Well according to this article, a million people don’t.
Having already dealt with water shortages due to the drought, Tulare County and the town of Woodville are now dealing with things like streetlights, sidewalks and sometimes clean drinking water and proper sewage treatment because they are unincorporated. They do however play a huge role in the agricultural economy in California. A report by the State Water Resources Control Board found that there are 680 community water systems across California that rely on contaminated groundwater as part of their drinking water supply. Not all communities are able to properly treat this water to make it safe enough. The capacity to treat the water for the masses is not available right now.
Without drinking water systems or home water filters, something else must be done. Our drinking water products are in the frontlines, but we all can see that the issue goes way deeper than protecting your home from the surface. It is a starting point, but more must be done to improve the drinking water for all of our residents in the great state of California.]]>