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Are You a Caffeine Junkie?

drinking water systems like a reverse osmosis water filter for your appliance. At the same time, consider this – hydrate with lots of water, not just coffee. Since 60% or more of your body weight comes from fluids, staying hydrated is necessary for optimum performance and can actually make you feel just as good as that cup of coffee does. For coffee drinkers not willing to kick the caffeine habit, your coffee could taste even better with filtered water. According to experts, 98% of coffee is water. Coffee brewed with chlorine or other hard chemicals will be flat and almost bitter in taste. When water comes from one of our high-quality, eco-friendly water filters, it will change the taste of your coffee for the better. Chlorine, algae, and other contaminants will be removed, allowing you to have better tasting water mixed with the coffee grounds or coffee beans – and that is the flavor you should taste in the first place. Because coffee is so closely tied to the water that you drink, be sure that your water is softened and filtered, creating a high-quality through the simple use of a quality drinking water system. We all can use some coffee to keep us going once in a while, but don’t forget to also stay hydrated with plenty of filtered drinking water during the day too. Contact our water treatment company for more information on how to improve your most important beverages of the day!]]>