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Drinkin’ In The Morning

We all know that drinking water is necessary for good health, but did you know that the time of day that you drink it affects how much benefit you get from the water?  A recent infographic on the Life and Livingness blog shows some interesting facts that will have you reaching for a glass of water before your cup of coffee even.
Here’s the gist of it all:

  1. Drinking water first thing in the morning, before breakfast particularly, helps cleanse the colon, making it easier for the body to absorb the nutrients you will later consume.
  2. Drinking water helps increase the production of new blood cells and muscle tissue. When better than before your morning exercise?
  3. Drinking water jump starts your daily weight loss. According to their statistics, 16 ounces of chilled water can boost your morning metabolism by 24%.
  4. Drinking water purges toxins from the blood, helping give you glowing skin. That’s a little less time you can spend on your morning routine!
  5. Water in the morning rebalances your lymph system, which helps with all your daily functions, balances your fluid levels, and fights infections.

We always knew a glass of great-tasting, healthy drinking water was a perfect way to start your day – glad that the medical sciences agree with us. To make sure that your water is all that it should be, use a home water filter to flush out the things that you don’t want to drink!