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The Benefits of a Water Softener

Hard water is the single most widespread water problem here in the United States. The United States Geological Survey, the department responsible for collecting nationwide data on water quality and supply, stated that 89.3% of US homes have hard water. So what is hard water? The simplest explanation is that hard water is water with a high mineral content, usually excessive calcium and magnesium.

The quality and hardness of water is dependent on several factors – where the water originated, a home’s geographical location and the type of water filtration process it goes through before it reaches the tap. Not all water is hard enough to warrant a water softener, however if the mineral content is high enough, the benefits of a water softener significantly outweigh the cost of the system. Residential water softeners can easily become one of the most proficient household energy saving options available to homeowners.

The Battelle Memorial Institute recently conducted a study that researched the effect of water hardness on the performance of faucets, showerheads, dishwashers, clothes washers and water heaters. The results conclusively determined that softened water promoted better functionality, efficiency, life expectancy and appearance of each and every component tested. Water heaters, in particular, dramatically benefited from softened water over hard water. It costs 47 percent less to operate water heaters with softened water over hard water; this energy savings on water heaters alone was shown to reduce a home’s carbon footprint by over 14 percent.

Another crazy comparison the Battelle study uncovered was the flow rates between showerheads using hard water versus soft water. Showerheads using hard water lost a massive 75 percent of their flow rate within 18 months as compared to showerheads using soft water. There was almost no decrease in flow rate in showerheads using soft water; they maintained a brilliant luster, full flow and good-as-new performance.

Water softeners also have hair and skin benefits as well. Hard water can leave a filmy shampoo reside on the hair much like soap scum residue in showers and tubs. Soft water deters excess buildup, so hair stays soft and shiny without the dryness and frizz associated with hard water. Soft water also helps skin retain moisture and keeps skin from becoming dry and irritated from the minerals in hard water.

If you are one of the millions of households that have to deal with hard water on a daily basis, you might want to consider investing in a water softener. The benefits of softened water make it one of the best investments you can make in your home.