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When it comes to Water Treatment,

There are several different solutions and Companies to choose from, but not all solutions are the same.  Some companies will claim their systems soften water without the use of salt, others will have a low price but not disclose that expensive plumbers have to do the installation and have no program for follow-up service.  Others will make claims of great service but the truth will be revealed by customer experiences on Yelp. Moreover, many do not give you the options to rent, purchase or finance and very few carry all types of treatment options.

Rayne Water is the premier Water treatment company for California, Arizona and Nevada, offering industry-leading customer service and all water treatment solutions for your home or business. Our suite of solutions, includes Softeners, Conditioners, Hybrid systems, Reverse Osmosis, Portable Exchange, Bottle Free Coolers, Fluoride treatment, Chloramine treatments and much more.   Rayne will recommend solutions that fit your budget (rent, purchase, finance) in a consultative, educational and respectful process, getting you the perfect water treatment solution, at a great price, that meets your needs and those of your family or business.


  • Arrow Mark Rayne Water vs. Big Box Companies
  • Big Box companies have attempted to throw their hat in the ring when it comes to Water Treatment. You can buy a cheap system there and throw it in your trunk, but then what? Here’s what they don’t tell you:

    • ADDITIONAL COSTS - Hire, schedule and pay an expensive plumber to install the equipment, who hopefully knows about your water system.
    • SERVICE - No resource available in case you need service. You will have to hire that expensive plumber each and every time.
    • OPTIONS/EXPERTISE - A big box employee will attempt to tell you what is the ‘right’ system for you, even though they are not water treatment specialists and do not carry all options (Water Softeners, Whole House Conditioners, Hybrid systems, Portable Exchange Service, Reverse Osmosis Systems, Fluoride systems, Chloramine Systems…).
    • OFFERS - They do not offer rentals and feature purchase only. They will sell you what they have with no substantive assistance from the sales person, thereby likely incorrectly selecting the proper size or application.
    • PERSONALIZATION - No complimentary In-Home water test, to ensure you are offered the appropriate solution. They will sell you only what they have.
    • QUALITY - While price at the big box store may seem attractive, lower price often means lower quality, shortened lifespan, and higher maintenance expenses.
    • WARRANTY – Big Box typically offers limited warranties and often they come up short when you need them the most. Our systems’ warranties range from one to ten years depending on components, and we’re always here to serve you.
  • Arrow Mark Rayne Water vs. Online Water Company
  • E-Commerce may be a great way to shop for many things, but buying a properly sized water treatment system(s) that addresses the specific issues you have concerns with, and provides Company trained installation and service, is virtually impossible.   Here’s what they don’t tell you about the online stores:

    • INSTALLATION - You have to hire, schedule and pay an expensive plumber, who hopefully knows about your water system, to install it.  Or the Company will hire a 3rd party plumber (subcontractor) in your area for an additional cost.
    • SERVICE - No resource available in case you need service.  You will have to hire that expensive plumber each and every time.
    • OPTIONS/EXPERTISE - A big box employee will tell you what the ‘right’ system is for you, even though they are not water treatment specialists and do not carry all options (Water Softeners, Whole House Conditioners, Hybrid systems, Portable Exchange Service, Reverse Osmosis Systems, Fluoride systems, Chloramine Systems…).
    • OFFERS - They do not offer rentals, purchase only, and they will sell you what they have with no substantive assistance from the sales person. This can lead to incorrectly selection of the proper size or application.
    • CONVIENENCE – They do not offer a Free Trial of the system, and returning their heavy, bulky equipment is time-consuming, expensive and a hassle.  
    • PERSONALIZATION - No complimentary In-Home water test, to ensure you are offered the appropriate solution. They will sell you only what they have.
    • ETHICS – Online companies can recommend the wrong sized equipment at a great price so you think you’re getting an even better deal.
    • ETHICS – Online companies are known to recommend a ‘salt-free water softener’.  There is no such thing.  To truly soften your water for your entire home you must use a chloride solution (salt).
    • HONESTY – Online deals often seem too good to be true because they are too good to be true.
  • Arrow Mark Rayne Water vs. National Water Treatment Companies
  • A National Water Treatment Company can offer products and services similar to Rayne Water, but that’s where the similarities stop.  For instance, Yelp reviews and Consumer Affairs profiles are both very revealing to the quality of service you can expect from a National company.  Often, these are individual Franchises with varying levels of quality and customer service. Here’s what the big Companies don’t tell you about their services:

    • INSTALLATION – Often, a National Company will hire a 3rd party plumber (subcontractor) in your area for an additional cost.
    • CUSTOMER SERVICE – Traditionally suffers.  Read reviews on Yelp or online, no Company is perfect, but some Companies ratings are downright scary.
    • HIDDEN FEES – Some Companies will charge a delivery fee (portable exchange tanks), a statement fee (to get a paper bill), or other misc. fees.
    • CREDIT CHECKS – Some Companies mandate a personal credit checks prior to approving you as a rental customer.  This can unnecessarily affect your credit and put your information at risk.
    • LONG TERM CONTRACTS – Some companies will attempt to lock you up with as long as a 5 Year contract (yes, 5) for a residential rental.  They will spin a ‘lower rate’ for a longer term. Rayne does not do contracts greater than 1 year for residential service.
    • PRICE INCREASES – Some companies will execute a price increase on your rental system even though you are still under contract for your original price.  Rayne will NEVER raise your rates when you are under contract.
    • COST OF BUSINESS – National Companies spend $millions on National TV commercials, advertising campaigns, and Retail partnerships, and thereby pass the costs on to you, the consumer.  These costs can be in the original price of a system or in the high costs of maintenance and service.
  • Arrow Mark Rayne Water vs. Plumbers
  • Plumbers are perfect if you have a clogged toilet or need a faucet installed, but what they aren’t are water treatment specialists.  Ask yourself one question, will the plumber test your water and give you a recommendation based on your needs, or will they sell you what they have?  Here’s what else Plumbers don’t tell you:

    • EXPERTISE – Plumbers are great at plumbing but rarely really know, or care to know, anything about water treatment, including how to correctly size and set up a softener.
    • ETHICS - Plumbers often just sell whatever the plumbing supply sells. This can be higher priced and will charge what a customer can pay.
    • DEPENDABILITY – Usually provide low-end systems that manufacturer’s refer to as the throw-aways of the industry.  Consumers buy them for low price, use them for a few years, then throw them away or replace them when they break down and can’t get service.
    • COST - You have to hire, schedule and pay an expensive plumber, who hopefully knows about your water system, to install it.  If you have issues, you’ll be paying again.
    • STABILITY – Rayne Water has been around for over 90 years, and will be here whenever you need them.  Will the local plumber?
    • KNOWLEDGE – Plumbers can recommend the wrong application for your concerns, either intentionally or unintentionally.  They rarely know or care to know anything about the chemistry of water treatment.
    • WARRANTY – Will the plumber work with you on the manufacturer warranty? Do they offer extended warranty on components and parts up to 10 Years?
    • OFFERS - They do not offer rentals, purchase only, and they will sell you what they have with no substantive assistance from the sales person. This can lead to incorrectly selecting the proper size or application.
  • Arrow Mark Rayne Water vs. Salt-Free Companies
  • Salt-Free Companies specialize in, you guessed it, salt-free water systems, not water treatment.  They will tell you it’s the best way to treat your water because that is all that they offer, not necessarily because it is the right treatment solution for your specific issues or home.  If you read nothing else, read the section on Salt-Free Water Softeners. Here’s what the Salt-Free Companies don’t tell you:

    • DEFINITION - Water softening is the removal of calcium, magnesium, and certain other metal cations in hard water.
    • ETHICS, MISREPRESENTATION ON SALT–FREE WATER SOFTENERS – These Companies will tell you they have salt-free water softeners.  This is untrue. They may have carbon-based systems that have a scale remover providing some soft water like benefits, but their systems DO NOT provide true soft water.
    • DECEPTION – If it leaves calcium and magnesium in the water (talking to you Lifesource and others) you should not be calling it a “Softener”; it is inaccurate and deceptive.  
    • SALT-FREE WATER SOFTENER – As a leader in the Water Treatment Industry, if this technology truly existed, Rayne Water would offer it.
    • OPTIONS/EXPERTISE - They sell you on what is the ‘right’ system for you, even though they only offer a limited product line of solutions and do not carry all options (Water Softeners, Whole House Conditioners, Hybrid systems, Portable Exchange Service, Reverse Osmosis Systems, Fluoride systems, Chloramine Systems…).
    • PRICE – The systems offered by these companies are higher priced and are basic carbon systems, but when you pay celebrities to take pictures next to your systems, the price goes up.
    • RAYNE SPARTAN – If you are interested in a salt–free system that truly offers soft water benefits, check out the Rayne Spartan.  We’ll tell you the truth about the system capabilities, what they will do, but more importantly, what they won’t do.
  • Arrow Mark Rayne Water vs. Single Location Mom & Pop
  • Single location Mom & Pop shops are great for grabbing a pizza or visiting an old bookstore, but are usually not the best when it comes to the advanced sciences of water treatment.  Unfortunately, they have a tendency to fall behind the times, have trouble keeping up with the demands of the water treatment industry, and often offer older, outdated technology and models.  Here’s what else you need to know about these locations:

    • STABILITY – Mom & Pop shops go in and out of business.  Rayne Water has been around for over 90 years, and will be here when you need them.  
    • QUALITY – Often offer cheaper, non-branded equipment, pieced together with their sticker on it to make it appear branded.
    • ETHICS – Often quote a low price over the phone to get your business, without testing water or understanding your needs.
    • UNPROFESSIONAL – Several actually run their business from their garage.
    • FLEXIBILITY – If you move, you will either have to leave the system behind or hire a new company that may not be familiar with the product, how to re-install and how to service the equipment.
    • OPTIONS – Many do not offer financing or rentals as an option.
    • ANTIQUATED - Rarely up-to-speed on the latest technology in the industry.