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Archive for August, 2010

President’s Anti-Cancer Panel Recommends Home Water Filters

Posted by Rayne Water

In their official annual report, President Obama’s Cancer Panel recommends the use of home water filter devices to decrease exposure to cancer-causing chemicals. While municipal water systems are tested on a regular basis and homeowners are encouraged to test their wells for contamination, studies find that there are still numerous known or suspected carcinogens and endocrine-disrupting chemicals that are ingested through drinking water. The report says that control of environmental cancer risks is hampered by conflicting or inadequate exposure measurement and ineffective regulation of chemical exposures. And, while disinfection of public water supplies has dramatically reduced waterborne illnesses, research indicates that long-term exposure to disinfection by-products such as trihalomethans may increase cancer risk.
In addition to man-made dangers, there are naturally occurring problems with drinking water. For example, most of the inorganic arsenic in drinking water is from natural sources. Even though it is “completely natural”, this ingested arsenic has been linked with skin, lung, bladder, kidney, and prostate cancers.
The President’s Cancer Panel’s report, titled “Reducing Environmental Cancer Risks: What We Can Do Now” indicates that “individuals and families have many opportunities to reduce or eliminate chemical exposures.” Some of the suggestions made by the Panel include:
Filtering home tap or well water to decrease exposure to known or suspected carcinogens. Also, when water must be stored or carried, stainless steel, glass, or BPA-and phthalate-free containers should be used.
In 2009 alone, approximately 1.5 million Americans were diagnosed with cancer, and 562,000 died from the disease. Further, approximately 41 percent of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, and about 21 percent will die from cancer. In addition to causing cancer, many of the chemicals that the panel studied also interfere with normal hormonal function. Also distressing is the fact that many cancers are increasing in children. The report states that “pound for pound, children take in more food, water, air, and other environmental substances than adults.”
How do we combat the millions of contaminants facing our bodies every day? The first step is to become informed. Second, we take the necessary precautions to protect ourselves and our families. The Water Quality Association recommends purchasing water treatment products that have received the Gold Seal certification for being able to remove a variety of contaminants. Finally, we must each take a stand for our community. Every person can choose to be the voice that demands responsive policy making and responsible industry.
To read the full report, click here

Plastic, Plastic Everywhere, and Not a Drop to Spare

Posted by Rayne Water

We have all done it. Drank a bottle of water or a soft drink, and when we think no one is looking, thrown it away in the garbage, left with a twinge of guilt. On the other hand, many households attempt their hand at recycling, which in many cases also leads to plastic waste somewhere along the lines. If you have ever felt the guilt of wasting this plastic, you are not alone.

Ok, so what are a few bottles tossed away here or there? It may be adding up to more than we think. According to an article from MSNBC, the EPA said that only 7.1 percent of our plastic waste was recycled in 2008. And according to the Natural Resources Defense Council, over half of Americans drink bottled water, making it a billion dollar market each year. So while your couple of bottles may not seem so bad, imagine how many other people have done the same. It adds up. Plastic waste can lead to toxins dissolving into the ground, blocking drainage systems, causing environmental and even harmful health effects.

There are so many brands of bottled water and flavored water, but the truth is, buying bottled water and the dangers of plastic waste don’t compare to the affordability and the safer options you can find with a water filtration system. Don’t fall into the marketing scams created by many of these companies. Bottled water doesn’t prove to be safer than tap water. Filtrated water is safe, cost-effective, and responsible. You can drink as much as you need and not feel guilty about any lack of recycling.

Rayne provides these solutions and can eliminate the plastic waste in your household, as it already does for thousands of others. To read more about plastic waste in America, click here.