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Archive for September, 2012

Is what you see what you get?

Posted by Rayne Water

Las Vegas residents are dealing with an unusual drinking water issue lately. According to an article in the Las Vegas Review Journal, residents seem to be confused about whether to toast before drinking their glasses of water, based on the champagne-like image they see. A bubbly and cloudy change is appearing and they want to know why. Officials published an explanation for residents who were naturally concerned about the safety and purity of the drinking water they were seeing from the tap – and hoping that what they see is not what they get.
The water district maintains 76 major wells scattered below the desert that we know as the Las Vegas Valley, and they’re pressed into service especially during the peak season of the summer months. The demand from these aquifer wells, which according to the water district can produce nearly 175 million gallons of water a day, becomes further accelerated during the present mother of all droughts that continues to plague Southern Nevada. This mix with the regular water source is causing quite the visible stir – but will not have any negative effects as far as residents are being told.
The water is affected by what they say is “similar to the effect created when you open a bottle of soda. The thousands of tiny air bubbles that form give the water a slightly white appearance.” Water district literature further explains that “because water pipelines are pressurized, air remains trapped in the water until you open the faucet and release the pressure.” “It’s really nothing more than trapped air in the wells,” added Beth Moore, a spokeswoman for the water district. “The bubbles appear as a result of cold water that rises to a warm surface.”
“While this may impact your water’s appearance, it does not affect water safety and will not harm household plumbing systems. All tap water delivered to our customers meets or surpasses state and federal Safe Drinking Water Act standards,” states the article. While this may be true, contamination could still occur without notice because not all contaminants are tested. Environmental factors also affect tap water status and should be considered before drinking. If you saw bubbly, cloudy drinking water flowing from your tap, would you drink it? Would you serve it to your loved ones? Guests or visitors? Most people are not sure that they would. With a drinking water system, harmful contamination is reduced and water tastes great and looks pure. Don’t be embarrassed by your tap water. When it comes to drinking water, what you see is what you get. Contact a trusted water treatment company for testing, information, products, or anything else pertaining to the condition and safety of your drinking water. With a drinking water filter, you will feel good about your tap water – even when appearances vary.

The Bottled Water Crisis Here and Now

Posted by Rayne Water

We have all felt the convenience of bottled water at one time or another. But as a result, we are now feeling the crisis of plastic waste devastating our environment. This convenience has turned into a massive waste which is destroying our planet’s ecosystems. Plastic water bottles are overflowing landfills, polluting the streams, rivers and oceans, altering the environment in which we live. Over 60 million plastic bottles wind up in landfills or dumps across the country every single day, making an alarming 86% of all produced plastic bottles never recycled. One plastic water bottle takes 700 to 1,000 years to biologically degrade, earning it the status of true toxic waste.
This type of waste is rapidly growing as millions of health-conscious Americans are consuming more and more bottled water and enjoying its convenience. A recent article from The Northern Iowan states that every 27 hours, Americans consume enough bottled water to circle the globe, and in a week’s time the bottles will stretch more than halfway to the moon. While we encourage people to drink plenty of water, we also suggest that it be done the right way – with a water filter and reusable cup or bottle rather than plastic bottles. “Bottled water consumers justify their purchases by claiming that bottled water tastes better than water from the tap. In an effort to prove that tap is just as good, a series of blind taste tests were done at Stanford University in California. Participants tasted three different kinds of water: tap water, bottled water and filtered tap water. Filtered tap water was the most popular, with 50 percent of voters preferring it over the other choices.”
According to one environmental website, “investing in a home water-purification system and reusable water bottles are excellent alternative solutions to stop the plastic water bottle crisis. The amount of money and of Earth’s natural resources saved by using these eco-friendly alternatives makes it worth the effort. Many health-conscious families already own a drinking water system  in their home. Our company’s products are eco-friendly; our reverse osmosis systems actually wastes up to 90% less water than traditional reverse osmosis systems and will still reduce harmful contaminants from the tap. It is convenient, great-tasting, easy, and cost-effective. What more could you ask for during our plastic water bottle crisis? To read more from this article, click here.

Are you looking for a drinking water system or water softener system in Southern California? We have many SoCal locations and can provide water softeners in Bakersfield all the way down to San Diego. Give us a call today!