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Archive for March, 2014

The Developing Brain and Chemical Exposure

Posted by Rayne Water

In recent years it has become increasingly evident that expecting mothers must be extra cautious as to what they expose their unborn child to.  Some doctors have noticed the correlation between everyday chemical exposure and conditions such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia and lower IQ points.   As technology continues to advance, we find ourselves exposed to chemicals almost everywhere; the food we eat, water we drink, air we breathe, clothing we wear, vehicles we drive, our everyday environment is inundated with chemical exposure and it is adversely affecting our children.
Studies have shown that certain chemicals and water contaminants are considered toxic to the developing brain.  Fortunately, some of them are banned in the US, however there are many that are not.  For example; lead, arsenic, fluoride in high concentrations, insecticides such as chlorpyrifos, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) used as a flame retardant found in children’s pajamas, furniture and electronics.  Doctors believe expose to these chemicals in utero can cause defects in the developing brain with effects ranging from a few lost IQ points to children suffering from severe autism.
Just because a mother might not feel the effects of low-dose exposure to these chemicals doesn’t mean that the developing baby won’t.  The brain is such a complex organ and in a vulnerable state during development so even small doses of exposure can cause potentially devastating results.  Considering the fact the scientists know very little about the effects of more than 99% of the chemicals currently on the market, it just makes sense to avoid them whenever possible, especially during pregnancy.

Some suggestions to take into consideration during pregnancy is to eat organic food whenever possible, stay away from paint thinners, strong cleaning agents and pesticides, get checked for lead exposure, and drink only filtered drinking water.  It is amazing how many of these chemicals can be leaked into our water supply and not all water filters are capable of removing them to the level where they are safe to drink.  If you are expecting, make sure you are taking extra precautions to what you are exposing your baby to.  If you are looking for a water filtration system that will effectively remove these harmful chemicals from your drinking water, give us a call and we will get you started on the right track to a healthier you and a healthier baby.

Recycled Wastewater as Potable Water

Posted by Rayne Water

Water Technology recently published an article on recycled wastewater and potable water reuse that we found fascinating and thought really addressed our existing water crisis needs. The majority of our Earth is covered in water so it shouldn’t seem as though we would ever have to worry about a water shortage.  The reality of the situation however is that of the 326 million trillion gallons of water in or on the earth, less than 1 percent (about 0.72 percent) of it is actually usable.  Then there is the additional dilemma of water not being located in adequate amounts in some parts of the world, even though others have an overabundance of freshwater. Some states have begun looking at the possible ways in which we can recycle our wastewater; Southern California in particular has been a leader for many years in this regard. Because of this recycled wastewater, household water filtration & salt-free water softeners in Orange County are becoming increasingly common.

While many states have completely overlooked the fact that wastewater is a fantastic source of essentially 100% reuse, there are others that have developed large scale projects looking at ways to convert wastewater into drinking water. Currently, there are potable reuse technologies in the works that are more thorough than conventional treatments. However, water softeners in the San Fernando Valley and other large Southern California cities are still recommended until wastewater technology becomes more widespread.  Even though the process begins with wastewater, they are ultimately able to produce even higher quality drinking water than conventional treatment plants that begin with “clean” surface water.  Utilizing multiple treatment configurations, they can essentially remove all microbial and chemical contaminants (including industrial and bio-chemicals) with exceptional effectiveness; conventional treatment plants are not capable of this type of water filtration.

Wastewater contains nitrogen, phosphorous nutrients and biosolids that can be used for agriculture as well as oils and grease that can be recycled as biofuels. Technology is currently available that can convert even the most contaminated water into safe high quality drinking water, however many consumers are still leery of drinking recycled wastewater.  We agree – it is hard to overcome the perception and stigma of wastewater even though it is readily available and can be successfully converted into safe and reliable quality drinking water. We believe it is essential to look at alternative ways to conserve, recycle and reuse our existing water supplies.  Drinking water systems and water filters have seen some amazing advances these last few years and if we can overcome the perception of recycled water, it would go a long way toward solving the water crisis in the world.

California Drought Could Lead to Water Contamination

Posted by Rayne Water

Water Technology Online, experts in California have warned that the state’s drought conditions could actually lead to contaminated groundwater, putting our drinking water at risk. There are currently ten rural water systems where people with private wells have been identified by the California Department of Public Health as being at risk of running out of drinking water in 60 days because of drought. It is said that the drought has caused some contaminants already present in the groundwater to become concentrated, contaminating wells in these areas. With a normal level of rainfall, contaminant levels could be considered safe and measured under the limits, but the drought has created the risk of high levels of arsenic and other chemicals. State and public health officials promised to truck in water to the affected communities when necessary, but how long could this last?
Since private well owners are often left to their own testing, unlike public water systems. Residents have to monitor regularly for contamination, but there may be an easier solution to rely on. Would you make an investment in your water to ensure it is contaminant-free and protect your home? Our drinking water systems are eco-friendly and waste less water than traditional reverse osmosis systems. Our advanced technology allows residents access to a full amount of safe drinking water- even those residents who have wells. Give your family the tools to protect and conserve the water you have right now and prepare your home for the water you may have in the future. Contact us today to learn which of our drinking water systems would be best for your home.

NASA Involved in California Drought Crisis

Posted by Rayne Water

Water Technology Online, NASA will be meeting with officials at the California Department of Water Resources to talk about the drought and what could be done to help. NASA can track the levels of underground aquifers using satellites, and plans on advising the state on how to keep those crucial water supplies from getting too low. This may be the information people have been waiting for and one way to deal with the future implications.

But how can a satellite in space monitor something like an aquifer which is deep below ground level? Good question. As the article explains, NASA geologist Tom Farr says one way involves sending radar signals down to earth. These signals can measure changes in surface elevation. “As you pump water out of an aquifer the ground actually does subside or sink,” Farr said, adding that when it rains and aquifers fill up the ground rises slightly. Another way NASA monitors groundwater levels is by measuring the mass of the Earth at various locations. Both of these methods are important because draining too much water from an aquifer can undermine its ability to store more water.

After their discussions, the state hopes to minimize some of the possible scenarios that could be a result of limited water in the aquifers. Residents, too, can do their part to minimize the water crisis by using and wasting less. You can conserve more water with the right drinking water system. Technology has evolved into eco-friendly solutions which waste less water than traditional reverse osmosis systems and filter water so that your family can enjoy great-tasting, safe drinking water. Contact us today to learn more about how our drinking water systems can conserve water. You can do the little things while NASA and the officials figure out the big things when it comes to these drought conditions.