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Archive for May, 2015

Save Water Inside and Out!

Posted by Rayne Water

water filter or other type of drinking water system  could actually be wasting water right in your home. Using our state-of-the-art technology and following some of these easy-to-do tips will help you save water inside of your home and outside, too.
Inside your home, you can start by taking shorter showers, fewer baths, using less water in the bathroom in general and immediately fix leaks. If your toilet has a leak, you could be wasting about 200 gallons of water every day. That would be like flushing your toilet more than 50 times for no reason! Try this experiment: test for leaks by placing a drop of food coloring in the toilet tank. If the color shows up in the bowl without flushing, you have a leak! Another neat idea is to put a bucket in the shower while you’re waiting for the water to warm up, and use the water you catch for watering plants, flushing the toilet or cleaning.
There are also some things you can do outside which will conserve water too. For example, using a broom to sweep dirt and leaves and not use the hose. You will no doubt need to cut back on how often and how much you water your landscape, but for many people they may not know when to water their plants optimally and this, too, can create the issue of using more water than necessary. Experts suggest watering your yard in the early morning or late evening when it’s cool outside. Watering when it’s hot and sunny is wasteful because most of the water evaporates before the plants have time to drink it.
In addition to saving on your water bill, you can feel good knowing that you’re doing your part to conserve water. The state is in dire need of protecting water sources and simply cutting back. Some industries need water to thrive, but as a consumer we can certainly all do a better job of saving water. If you have a drinking water system in your home, be sure to use one which will require smaller amounts of water to do the trick. Household water consumption is one of the easiest ways to consume water in a short amount of time, especially in such desperation.

California Drought Creates Severe Regulations

Posted by Rayne Water

article by the Sacramento Bee, has ten of the Sacramento area’s 23 large water districts must cut usage by 36 percent during the next nine months compared to 2013. All but two must cut usage by 28 percent. That is a lot of water and many residents are fearful that it could cost jobs and businesses and residents will have a hard time dealing with the cutbacks. A state of emergency was also declared by Governor Brown in January and has spoken about the topic of water shortages several times. The state hopes to lead the way to make sure California is able to cope with an unprecedented drought. The article also explains that residents and various industries hit hard by these regulations will need to sacrifice and be responsible for their water use. People across the state are making sacrifices, but with our help, you won’t have to sacrifice the quality of your tap water.
How can residents help reduce their water use and do their part in the quest to save water sources and protect shortage issues? These massive cutbacks are reality in the Irvine and Sacramento areas. How can our water filters support these intiatives? By wasting less water than competitors. You still need to keep your water safe but using a water filter that will waste the majority of the water you filter is not going to support these cutbacks and goes against everything the state of California needs you as a consumer to do. Give us a call today and see how you can waste less water by still preserving the quality and purity of your water.  Your response to the state’s unprecedented and deepening drought can be answered with our drinking water systems.

Be on the lookout for these common water contaminants

Posted by Rayne Water

drinking water system or a water filter to maintain high-quality drinking water could be at risk of common water contaminants. Drinking water contamination doesn’t happen to everyone and it doesn’t always happen in the same places. With so many variables and causes for drinking water contamination, the only true and consistent way to protect your water is with a water filter. Unfiltered drinking water could be more dangerous than you thought. Traces of 18 unregulated chemicals were found in drinking water from more than one-third of U.S. water utilities in a nationwide sampling, according to new unpublished research by federal scientists. Included are 11 perfluorinated compounds, an herbicide, two solvents, caffeine, an antibacterial compound, a metal and an antidepressant. Yuck!

Twenty-one contaminants were detected – mostly in low concentrations of parts per trillion – in treated drinking water from at least nine of the utilities. Eighteen of the chemicals are not regulated under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act so utilities do not have to meet any limit or even monitor for them. But what are the most common drinking water contaminants we can all look out for? What contaminants can our drinking water filters remove? According to most sources, here are the most common drinking water contaminants and we also included their threats to our health:

Our drinking water systems are effective at removing harmful contaminants and efficient when it comes to the environment. High-quality drinking water doesn’t have to cost and arm and a leg, it only takes a phone call. Contact us today to learn more about our water filters and which of our drinking water systems would be optimal for your household.