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Archive for July, 2017

Softened Water Means Softer Skin!

Posted by Rayne Water

Ahhhh … that feeling of clean, soft skin as you get out of the shower! There’s nothing quite like the smell and feel of freshly cleaned skin … don’t you agree? Well, if you have NO idea what we’re talking about, there could be something in your water that is sticking to your skin. When this happens, your skin can feel sticky or slimy, even after you get out of the shower or the bath. No, there’s nothing wrong with your soap or your skin – the culprit could be the result of hard water.
Hard water is one of the most common issues in US households – in fact, about 85% of homes in the country are known to have some level of hard water, and many of those homes do not have a water softener to remove hard minerals like calcium and magnesium.
Could this be what you’re feeling on your skin?
It most certainly could be! Hard water isn’t going to help your skin. It is known to create dry, itchy, irritated and slimy skin. In fact, people who have psoriasis often complain that their condition is worsened with hard water minerals.
What does hard water do to your skin?
For starters, the hard minerals we mentioned above, make it harder for water to form a solution with soap, and it leaves behind a scummy residue. Do you see white residue on your fixtures or dishware in your home? That same residue is left on your skin. That residue also clogs your pores the same way it clogs your pipes. Clogged pores can lead to breakouts and worsen skin conditions like acne or eczema. Experts also warn that the natural oils your body produces are distributed through the pores of your skin. When those pores are clogged, the oil gets trapped, and blemishes like pimples and zits form. Might not be genetics – might just be that you could benefit from softened water after all!
Dermatologist, Dr. Dennis Gross, told that many of the impurities in hard water, like iron and magnesium, can form free radicals that damage healthy skin cells. No one needs that in their life!  Our water softeners give you plenty of advantages that make the investment worth it; besides just ease of cleaning, laundering and saving your pipes, you’ll see better hair and skin as a result of eliminating hard minerals. Soft water is so beneficial to your skin – you’ll finally start to realize what soft, clean skin looks and feels like!

Water Pollution: Bad for Humans and Animals Alike

Posted by Rayne Water


When we discuss the topic of water pollution, we often focus on its effects on human health and the measures we can adopt to protect our drinking water.

However, a critical aspect that often gets overlooked is the question, “Why is water pollution bad?” not just for us, but for wildlife and ecosystems.

Sources of Water Pollution

Water pollution arises from various sources, impacting both surface water and groundwater.

Industrial Discharges

Industries contribute significantly to water pollution. They release a range of pollutants, including heavy metals, toxic sludge, and various chemical compounds, into water bodies.

These discharges, if unregulated, can deteriorate water quality, leading to the degradation of aquatic ecosystems and spreading water-borne diseases.

Agricultural Runoff

The use of fertilizers and pesticides, essential for modern agriculture, leads to runoff that carries these chemicals into nearby water bodies.

Additionally, soil erosion transports soil-bound agricultural pollutants into streams, rivers, and lakes. This runoff will lead to nutrient pollution, a major contaminant in freshwater sources, causing issues like eutrophication and harmful algal blooms​​​​.

Urban and Stormwater Runoff

According to the NRDC, urban areas significantly contribute to water pollution through stormwater runoff. Surfaces like concrete and asphalt prevent natural absorption of rainwater into the soil, leading to more runoff.

This runoff carries various pollutants, such as oil, grease, toxic chemicals, and urban waste, into water bodies.

Learn More: 5 Contaminants in Your Drinking Water

Effects on Human Health

Contaminated Drinking Water

The contamination of drinking water sources is a significant concern. Various chemicals, microbes, and radionuclides can pollute surface waters and aquifers.

For instance, organic solvents, petroleum products, and heavy metals from industrial and agricultural sources can seep into our water supplies.

This causes a range of health problems, from gastrointestinal illnesses to more severe conditions like nervous system damage, reproductive effects, and chronic diseases such as cancer.

Waterborne Diseases

Contaminated drinking water can transmit diseases like diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio. These diseases are especially prevalent in areas without safe and sufficient drinking water.

The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 505,000 diarrhoeal deaths each year are caused by microbiologically contaminated drinking water.

Long-Term Health Impacts

Prolonged exposure to water pollution can lead to long-term health consequences.

There have been a variety of health issues associated with water pollution, including thyroid system disorders, kidney damage, neurological problems, and reproductive and endocrine damage.

Chemicals such as endocrine disruptors and pesticides like DDT are known to cause these effects.

Essentially, water pollution creates breeding grounds for disease-carrying organisms, such as malaria-carrying mosquitoes, which is a significant health risk globally.

Bathing in contaminated water can also lead to less serious health effects like rashes, earaches, and conjunctivitis​​​​.

Rayne Water has been the one-stop shop for residential & commercial water treatment customers for nearly a century.

Impact on Aquatic Life

Disruption of Ecosystems

When pollutants enter water bodies, they disrupt the delicate ecological balance that has evolved over millions of years.

For example, pollutants like heavy metals, oil spills, and pesticides directly harm fish and other aquatic organisms, causing problems such as gill damage, reproductive issues, and even death.

Additionally, water pollution can lead to oxygen depletion in water bodies, due to excessive algae growth caused by agricultural runoff containing nitrogen and phosphorus.

This creates ‘dead zones’ where fish and other aquatic life cannot survive due to the lack of oxygen (Peacock, 2023)​​.

Loss of Biodiversity

Contaminants in water bodies can lead to the loss of certain species, disrupting ecological stability and diminishing overall biodiversity.

For instance, the accumulation of mercury in fish populations is an example of how pollutants can lead to a decline in specific species.

Accumulation of Toxins in Aquatic Organisms

Pollutants often accumulate in the tissues of aquatic organisms, a process known as bioaccumulation. This leads to severe health problems or even death for these organisms.

For example, when birds consume polluted insects or fish, they too can suffer from the accumulated toxins.

This bioaccumulation also has implications for human health, as these toxins can enter our food chain when we consume fish and other seafood​​.

You Might Like: Why Are Water Quality Standards Important?

Economic Consequences

The cost associated with treating and cleaning up polluted water is significant. Industries and local governments often have to invest heavily in water treatment facilities to ensure the water meets safety standards for human consumption and industrial use.

The tourism industry also suffers due to water pollution. Polluted beaches, rivers, and lakes deter tourists, leading to lost revenue in local economies that depend heavily on tourism.

Global Perspectives on Water Pollution

Pollutants can travel long distances through rivers and oceans, affecting regions far from the pollution source.

There are numerous examples of cross-border water pollution challenges. Rivers and lakes that span multiple countries can become polluted in one country, with significant impacts on the water quality in another.

At the global level, there are various initiatives and collaborations aimed at addressing water pollution.

International agreements and treaties often play a role in managing shared water resources and reducing pollution.

Regulatory Measures

Water quality standards in the United States are primarily governed by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), enacted to protect the quality of drinking water.

Under the SDWA, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets maximum contaminant levels and treatment requirements for over 90 different contaminants in public drinking water.

These regulations ensure the safety and health of drinking water supplies​​.

The EPA’s Water Quality Standards Handbook provides detailed guidance on implementing water quality standards.

The Clean Water Act (CWA) is a key federal law that establishes the framework for regulating discharges of pollutants into U.S. waters and sets water quality standards.

One of the significant challenges in enforcing these regulations is addressing non-point source pollution, which is caused by activities like agriculture and urban runoff.

Community Involvement and Awareness

Community involvement is vital in addressing water pollution. Local actions and awareness can significantly impact reducing pollution and protecting water resources.

Educating communities about the sources and effects of water pollution and encouraging active participation in preservation efforts are key to making a real difference.

Educational initiatives also play a role in raising awareness about water pollution. These can include community workshops, school programs, and public awareness campaigns.

Moreover, citizen-led efforts, such as neighborhood clean-up events, advocacy for stricter pollution controls, and participation in water quality monitoring, are effective ways to combat water pollution.

Improve Your Water Quality with Rayne Water

Rayne Water has been dedicated to improving water quality since 1928, providing high-quality water treatment systems for homes, businesses, and industries. Trust us to provide you with the gift of life: pure, healthy water.

Contact your local Rayne Water office today.


What is water pollution and why is it bad?

Water pollution refers to the contamination of water bodies (like rivers, lakes, oceans) due to human activities, leading to harmful effects on aquatic life, human health, and the environment. It’s bad because it disrupts ecosystems, reduces biodiversity, and poses risks to public health​​​​​​.

What are the main causes of water pollution?

The primary causes include industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, urban and stormwater runoff, sewage and wastewater, oil pollution, and radioactive substances. These pollutants come from various sources like factories, farms, and urban areas​​​​​​.

What are some effective solutions to water pollution?

Solutions include improving sewage treatment, industrial wastewater treatment, reducing agricultural runoff, implementing stormwater management, and promoting sustainable practices. Public awareness and adherence to environmental protection laws are also crucial​​​​​​.

How do water pollution control authorities work?

Water pollution control authorities set and enforce water quality standards, monitor pollutant levels, regulate discharges into water bodies, and take measures to clean and protect water resources. They collaborate with various stakeholders to manage and reduce water pollution​​​​​​.

How can individuals contribute to reducing water pollution?

Individuals can contribute by properly disposing of waste, minimizing the use of harmful chemicals, participating in community clean-up efforts, and supporting policies and initiatives aimed at protecting water resources. Being informed and advocating for environmental protection are key steps​​​​​​.