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Arsenic Makes It Back Into the News.

Arsenic isn’t new to drinking water. It is a naturally-occurring mineral toxin that pops up in various water sources throughout the United States, just like one Texas community was faced with in an online news article. The residents there were drinking, bathing in, and cooking with drinking water that was plagued by the toxin without even knowing it. They were not notified of the arsenic, although it was required to be regulated quarterly according to state mandates. The main reason for the concern? Arsenic, when consumed in large amounts for a long period of time, can cause cancer and circulatory problems that are similar to the effects of diabetes. According to the article, “Arsenic enters drinking water supplies from natural deposits in the earth or from agricultural and industrial practices.” This small community is surrounded by acres of rural farmland like those found all across this country in virtually every state.

As stated in the article, “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lowered the allowed arsenic levels in 2001 from 50 micrograms per liter to 10 micrograms per liter after scientific findings showed drinking water at the higher level posed a greater health risk.” Texas isn’t the only area where arsenic causes these health concerns. Communities all over the United States are finding levels beyond regulations which are bringing arsenic back to the forefront of the discussion. But in this small community, they will most likely have to continue serving residents drinking water that is over the allowed levels until funding is available to reduce the levels of arsenic.

So what should you do if you find that your community is being provided drinking water with “unsafe” levels of arsenic beyond federal regulations? Or perhaps you don’t want to wait until the powers that be tell you there is a problem? Don’t wait for your water supply company to secure funding, especially with the state of the economy today. Look into a water treatment company which provides you with a number of water treatment options like water coolers, water conditioners, reverse osmosis or a drinking water system that uses electricity for ion exchange rather than chemicals. Find a water treatment company that has eco-friendly and affordable products which will provide your family with immediately safe drinking water, rather than waiting for funds which may take longer than ever to reach your water supply company.