If you are in the process of installing a water conditioner, you are probably curious about how they work. Does this system facilitate reverse osmosis? Does it remove chlorine, chemicals and other heavy metals from tap water?
Most water conditioners remove chemical contaminants from your water, while some also alter the minerals in water so they don’t cause scaling, but how long does this process take to work? Let’s dive into the question of “how does a water conditioner work” and determine whether its function is a good fit for you!
Water conditioners work in different ways depending on what contaminants you want to be removed from your water. Many water conditioners remove chemical contaminants from water. These include chlorine, chloramines, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These chemicals and compounds alter the taste and smell of your water.
Some water conditioners also provide soft water benefits. Water conditioners achieve this feat through a process known as nucleation. To do this, water conditioners utilize special resin beads known as template-assisted crystallization (TAC) media. On TAC media are printed catalytically activated sites known as templates.
As water moves through these water conditioners it passes over the TAC media beads. A small proportion of the dissolved minerals in water come into contact with the template sites printed on the beads, where they are encouraged to come together in an ordered crystalline pattern. These initial steps form what is called a seed-crystal, which is a tiny crystal.
Once the seed-crystal has been formed it attracts other dissolved mineral ions that contribute to water hardness. The dissolved mineral ions prefer to attach and build the existing crystal rather than attach to other surfaces your water may come into contact with. Although your water conditioner only physically alters a small proportion of the mineral ions in your water, those changes are sufficient to encourage the remaining mineral ions in your hard tap water to change as well. This physical change in the mineral structure helps answer the question of what is a water conditioner.
One thing to note about the water conditioners that provide soft water benefits we’ve described here is that they specifically rely on TAC media to function. You might be wondering about electronic water conditioners. Do they work? The answer is complicated. Some studies have shown a decrease in scaling associated with magnetic or electronic water conditioners, while others have not. Unlike electronic water conditioners, water conditioners using TAC media provide repeatable, consistent results.
Now that we’ve outlined the different results water conditioners can provide, you’re probably wondering how long does water conditioner take to work? The good news is that conditioning water happens very quickly. You shouldn’t notice a decrease in flow rate, and water conditioners are capable of conditioning as much water as you need. This could mean gallons and gallons of water!
Whether you are using a water conditioner to remove chemicals altering the smell or taste of your water, or are using a water conditioner that provides some soft water benefits, water conditioning happens immediately. This allows you to condition water on-demand, rather than having to wait for it.
Aren’t sure whether a water conditioner is right for you? Let’s take a look at a few of the top advantages of water conditioning systems.
How long does conditioned water take to work? No time at all! Water conditioning happens on demand.
Most water conditioners remove chemicals and compounds that give your water an unpleasant taste or smell. Additionally, some water conditioners can also provide the benefits of soft water without the use of salt! While these types of water conditioners don’t remove hard minerals from water, they do alter it in a way that reduces the impact of hard water around your home or business.
Aren’t sure whether a water conditioner vs water softener is right for you? Our specialists at Rayne can help! These two types of systems function in different ways and produce different results, so understanding what you want out of your water treatment system is crucial.
Contact Rayne Water today to find the Best Water Conditioner for your home or business.