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Perchlorate: There’s An Easy Solution

One might assume that government regulations put in place to ensure the safety of our drinking water are set in stone. But with all of the reviews taking place in a multitude of government agencies, regulations, limitations, and research are constantly changing. Until recently our government had not been regulating a toxin in water from rocket fuel called perchlorate. Currently, the Environmental Protection Agency is undergoing an interagency review to reverse this decision.
Perchlorate is a toxic chemical that results from the use of rocket fuel, and contamination mostly stems from defense and aerospace activities. According to the AP, the department of defense used perchlorate for decades when testing rockets and missiles. It has been found in the drinking water in over half of our states, at levels high enough to cause irregular function of thyroid hormones which are essential for metabolism and normal growth and development in humans, particularly for babies and fetuses. According to one medical site, it specifically interferes with iodide transport into the thyroid gland, decreasing the availability of iodide needed for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Why wasn’t this regulated earlier if there are health effects? Previously, it was believed that certain amounts of contamination wouldn’t pose any risks to human health. After further research, these risks are all too apparent.
What can you do now to keep your family or employees safe? While undergoing review, every consumer has options for providing safe drinking water to those around them. There are water filtration systems, water purifiers, water coolers, and reverse osmosis systems that can clean your drinking water so that you don’t have to worry about how much of this toxic chemical is too much. Many home water filtration systems are of excellent quality, provide huge value and savings, and are eco-friendly. The government may regulate your drinking water, but so can you.