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The Myths Surrounding Reverse Osmosis Water

There have been a lot of negative blogs and comments on social media about drinking water from a reverse osmosis water filtration system (RO). Is it safe? The answer is, Yes! Some people even say that water from a RO is too clean and too pure. So, what’s the problem? We should be drinking the cleanest, purest water we possibly can. Reverse Osmosis is a normal film based filter that pushes water through a film-membrane from one side to the other. Water vapors and molecules are small enough to pass through the semi-permeable membrane, contaminants are not. The only difference is that the RO membrane is much more refined, which means it restricts more contaminants than other water filtration systems. It’s important to note, RO systems will remove minerals from tap water. Removing minerals from tap water is also ok. Most people get the required minerals that they need by eating healthy foods, not by drinking water. A good example is: 1 glass of orange juice has the same amount of minerals as 30 gallons of water. What would you rather drink in the morning? RO water has been used in the food industry for years. It is used in the dairy industry to produce whey protein powders and for the concentration of milk to reduce shipping costs. Reverse osmosis is used globally throughout the wine industry for many practices including wine and juice concentration and taint removal; such as acetic acid, smoke taint and alcohol removal. With all the scientific research that has been done over the years on reverse osmosis water, none has ever documented any negative health effects from water treated by this method. In fact, RO technology was invented by the US military, and our military personnel still use it currently for drinking water. You are probably reading this on social media, and if it makes you feel better, Google employees have on-site doctors, massage therapists, nutritionists, yoga classes and volleyball courts at their fingertips. They also have delicious RO drinking water too. The truth is, many of us have been drinking reverse osmosis water all our lives without even knowing it.]]>