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Archive for the ‘Impurity Solutions’ Category

Bakersfield Water Contamination Causes and Levels

Posted by Rayne Water

It feels like every time you watch the news, you see stories about water contamination and water supply issues. With the increasing concern over air pollution, climate change, and its negative impact on our water supply, these stories are likely to continue to flood our news feeds. And if you live in California, you have to contend with both water contamination and water shortages. 

In cities such as Bakersfield, CA, shrinking groundwater and freshwater supplies—combined with the proliferation of human activities that contaminate the remaining water—are a cause for serious concern. 

How Contaminated is Bakersfield’s Water?

As of now, the clean drinking water in Bakersfield, CA is considered safe for consumption. The 2020 California Water Quality Report found that the levels of contaminants in the water system were at safe levels. This report analyzed water from the main sources of Bakersfield drinking water, including:

The report notes that the recommendations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are for the general population. Some people may be impacted by lower levels of contaminants than deemed safe by the EPA.

What are Contaminants in Drinking Water?

The EPA defines contaminants in water as anything other than water molecules. At times, this can lead to confusion because not all contaminants are harmful to humans, nor are all contaminants regulated by the EPA. 

Some of the categories of contaminants that are evaluated in drinking water include:

Before you vow never to drink the water from your tap again, it’s important to note that cities monitor and regulate the drinking water flowing to the homes of their constituents. Let’s look more closely at what is and isn’t regulated and how the levels considered safe might impact you.

Reverse Osmosis Systems starting at only $25/mo. Try before you buy!

Is It Safe to Drink the Tap Water in Bakersfield?

In general, officials in California say that it’s safe to drink the tap water in Bakersfield, CA. However, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) sets stricter standards for drinking water than the federal government. In their guidance for clean drinking water, the EWG notes several concerns with the federal standards for legal limits of contaminants in drinking water, including:

Therefore, while the drinking water in Bakersfield is deemed safe to drink, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have some concerns.

Bakersfield Water Contaminant Levels

Studies of Bakersfield water contamination by the EWG have uncovered some potentially problematic findings. These findings can be divided into two categories: contaminants with and without legal limits in drinking water.

Water Contaminants with Legal Limits

The following potentially harmful contaminants were found in the tap water in Bakersfield. While they were all below the legal limit, their presence is still alarming to many:

While all of these contaminants are below legal limits, those limits haven’t been updated in quite some time. It’s possible they could be set to a lower level upon further review.

Water Contaminants without Legal Limits

There are other contaminants in Bakersfield’s drinking water that the Environmental Working Group (EWG) finds concerning. While these don’t have set legal limits, they are found in an analysis of the tap water in Bakersfield in levels higher than recommended by the EWG:

These contaminants are potential contributors to the development of cancer with regular ingestion and exposure.

How to Ensure Safe Drinking Water in Your Home

If you’re feeling a little panicky about your drinking water, take a deep breath. There are ways you can upgrade the quality of your tap water to keep you and your family safe, including installing a water cleaning and filtration system, such as:

The best water system for your family depends on the quality of the water where you live. 

Bottled Water vs. Tap Water

It might be tempting to stuff your refrigerator with bottled water and avoid tap water altogether. However, this solution is damaging to the environment and not necessarily better for you. A study conducted by the State University of New York at Fredonia found that 93 percent of the bottled water samples they analyzed were contaminated by microplastics.

Furthermore, most of the bottled water purchased in the United States comes from the same groundwater and freshwater bodies as the water that flows through your taps—it’s just put through a different filtration system.

Therefore, unless the tap water is deemed completely unsafe for consumption, your best choice is to invest in a high-quality water solution system for your home.

Rayne Water: A Safe and Environmentally Friendly Water Solution System

The water in Bakersfield, CA contains many of the same contaminants found in other water systems across the country. The government sets acceptable levels of these contaminants that are allowed to be present in drinking water. Although Bakersfield’s water doesn’t exceed the legal levels of any measured contaminants, the presence of these particles is still a potential cause for concern.

Instead of reaching for bottled water that may have contaminants of its own, try investing in a water solution system. At Rayne Water, we’ve been working with homes in California since the 1920s. We have the latest in water filtration systems, water softeners, and more, all designed to keep you and your family safe.



  1. CalWater. Bakersfield 2020 Water Quality Report.
  2. EPA. Types of Drinking Water Contaminants.
  3. Environmental Working Group. Developing Health-Protective Standards for Drinking Water.
  4. EWG. California Water Service (CWS) Bakersfield.
  5. EWG. Water Filter Guide.
  6. Frontiers in Chemistry. Synthetic Polymer Contamination in Bottled Water.

Water Filter Solutions: Tannins in Water

Posted by Rayne Water

Funky, tangy, even a bit sour? While that could describe an interesting craft beer, these aren’t the flavors anyone is hoping for in their drinking water. If you’re tasting something slightly foul, as well as noticing yellow tinting to your H20, you’re likely dealing with a particular variation of water contamination.

To put it simply, it’s likely that you have tannins in your home’s water.

Don’t fret, tannin contamination is a common and solvable problem. In this article, we will establish what tannins are, how to test for them, and what kind of filtration options are available to assure your water is clean, clear, and crisp. If you’re looking for a solution for your tannin problem, read on.

What Are Tannins?

Before we can seek a solution to your home’s water contamination issues, it’s important to understand what tannins are and where they come from.

Musty, earthy, and organic, tannins are naturally occurring decomposing materials—think peaty soils and decaying plant matter—that have been dissolved into water. 

To get a little more technical, tannins are derived from phenolic (AKA tannic) acids. These acids are found in trees, flowers, and fruits and wind up in the soil, then seep into groundwater through the decomposition process.

You’ve probably encountered tannins outside of your tap water when:

As much as you might admire tannins in their natural habitat or in a different sort of beverage, tannins in water are typically bad news for anyone looking to enjoy the simple pleasure of clear glass. 

What Tannins Do To Water

After getting familiar with tannins, you may be unsure what this kind of contamination is actually doing to your drinking water. You can think of tannins in your water the way you might think about a steeping teabag. As the tea steeps in the hot water, it becomes stronger and more flavorful. It works just the same for tannins.

Tannin contamination works on a sliding scale, from highly contaminated to barely noticeable levels of tannins in your water supply. Chances are, if you’re tasting tannins, you’re dealing with at least a moderate level of contamination.

Besides the aforementioned taste, the earliest signs of tannin contamination include:

While tannins may put a damper on your drinking water, they can cause a host of other problems throughout your household. Tannins can make everyday household chores more difficult than they should be.

Reverse Osmosis Systems starting at only $25/mo. Try before you buy!

Health Effects

Natural and organic is good, right? Not all of nature is great for humans—poison ivy, volcanos, mosquitos—but while tannins aren’t inherently harmful to your health, there are possible risks associated with them.

There has been scientific research conducted relating to the possible negative health side-effects of tannins, including possible carcinogenic properties, but as of now, there’s no conclusive evidence.3  

Ultimately, the risks associated with tannin-contaminated water, as well as other factors make filtration solutions even more appealing. Finally, what’s best for your health is also the best-tasting solution.

Testing for Tannins

Most frequently, you can assume that your water is contaminated by tannins by the yellow water tint and peculiar taste. Few other water issues produce these effects, though it is possible to confuse tannin contamination with another type of contamination—whether from a different organic compound, heavy metals, or bacteria.

To be certain that you’re dealing with tannins in your water, follow these guidelines:

It may be superfluous to run subsequent tests after recognizing you have a contamination problem. Often the first step is to dive directly into tannin filter solutions. Though, as we’ve mentioned, tannin contamination can also mean bacterial contamination, so it is recommended that you test for this more serious form of contamination before proceeding to filtration.

It helps to know the exact problem you’re dealing with in order to find the best solution for better water.

Tannin Filtration Options

After establishing the precise contamination problems—whether strictly from tannins or a combination of water adulterants—the path to clean, delicious water leads directly to water filtration.

You’re most likely already familiar with filtration to some degree, perhaps from a pitcher-based water filter, or an attachable filter on your sink. These are considered point-of-use filtration systems, and while efficient for minor filtration needs, if you’re dealing with tannins in your drinking water, you’ll need a point-of-entry filtration option.

Point-of-entry filtration means the filter is attached to the source of the surface water supply, effectively filtering all the water within your home, as opposed to a single faucet. Point-of-entry filtration can vary in size and style but the most common options for a tannin filter system include:

While the circumstances and requirements of filtration are based on your specific needs, rest assured that there are several methods to guarantee clean water in your home. There’s no reason to let tannins spoil the experience of a seriously refreshing glass of water.

Experience Tannin-Free Water With Rayne Water

With all this information about tannins, you might feel excited at the prospect of finally enjoying your drinking water the way it’s supposed to be enjoyed. If you’re ready to start finding the filtration solutions for your future, look no further than Rayne Water.

At Rayne Water, we’ve worked for years to provide unparalleled filtration options for residential and commercial use. Whether you’re dealing with tannin contamination in your home or office or sulfur smell in water, we have the technical expertise, dedicated staff, and filtration systems to fit all your needs.

Visit Rayne Water today and find out about the benefits of truly pure water.



  1. Springer. Bacterial contamination and health risks of drinking water from the municipal non-government managed water treatment plants.
  2. Mayo Clinic. Water: how much should you drink every day.,fluids%20a%20day%20for%20women 
  3. Nation Library of Medicine. Tannins and human health: a review. 
  4. Water System Council. Tannins and groundwater. 


Is Fluoride in Water Bad For You?

Posted by Rayne Water

Is fluoride in water bad for you? Short answer: no. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Fluoride has been regularly added to America’s public water system supplies to help strengthen teeth and prevent cavities since 1945. 

According to the CDC or Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the addition of this mineral to drinking water has been found to reduce the risk of tooth decay by up to 25% for both children and adults. 

If you have ever wondered, is fluoride in water bad for you, or does reverse osmosis remove fluoride in the water? This guide has all the answers you’ll need. We’ll outline what exactly this mineral is and explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of fluoride, how you can measure the amount of fluoride in your water, and how you can regulate your fluoride intake with home water filters or water softeners. 

What is Fluoride? 

It is a mineral that can naturally be found in your teeth and bones. It’s also found in water, soil, plants, rocks, and even air. When we talk about the human consumption of fluoride, it is generally in regard to oral health. Dentists like fluoride because it strengthens the enamel of teeth, thus preventing the risk of forming cavities. 

Outside of the dentist’s office, this mineral can also be used:

Where Does Fluoride Come From

Fluoride is a mineral that’s naturally present in the earth. Primary fluoride sources include:

The Benefits of Fluoride in Water

The primary benefit of fluoride is that it strengthens tooth enamel. This may seem like a minor detail, but in reality, maintaining healthy teeth and oral health is an important way to also maintain a healthy body. Here’s why:

Tooth enamel protects the inner layers of your tooth from acids, bacteria, and plaque, all of which can lead to more serious severe illnesses. The reason has to do with the tooth itself. The inner layers of the tooth offer a direct path to the skeletal structures of your jaw and skull, circulatory system, and nervous system. The stronger the enamel, the more these parts of your body are protected. 

Let’s look at how fluoride keeps your gnashers strong, plus other benefits of adding fluoride to water:

Fluoride, a naturally occurring mineral, can help prevent the loss of minerals from the tooth enamel and can also accelerate the repair process of putting minerals back into damaged enamel. Fluoride can also reduce acid production in your mouth, helping to prevent the formation of cavities in the first place.

Reverse Osmosis Systems starting at only $25/mo. Try before you buy!

The Drawbacks of Fluoride in Water  

Adding fluoride to water has proven effective when it comes to cavity reduction. But can too much fluoride ultimately cause your body harm? 

An excess intake of fluoride can cause:

This condition typically occurs during the formation of childhood teeth when children consume too much fluoride from multiple sources. This may look like a child ingesting fluoride toothpaste in large quantities, or consuming too much fluoride via fluoride supplements, plus drinking fluoridated water. 

This disease is most commonly found in countries like India and China, where there are longer periods of groundwater consumption with high levels of naturally occurring fluoride.

So should you be worried about an excess of fluoride in your tap water? Not necessarily. Some places have high levels of fluoride, which can cause health problems, as mentioned above, but typically the amount of fluoride found in groundwater is between a safe 0.01 to 0.3 parts per million. When groundwater approaches 4 parts fluoride per mission, it becomes hazardous. 

Translation? There would have to be 400 times more fluoride parts per million than the typical groundwater contains. In fact, according to a study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey, the fluoride concentration in most potable water wells sampled in the county were “below the optimal concentration recommended to prevent tooth decay.” 

High amounts of fluoride in your drinking water is extremely unlikely. According to the study mentioned above, you’re more likely not to be getting enough fluoride than you are to be getting too much. 

How Much Fluoride is In Your Drinking Water? 

Just because fluoridating water is a common practice in the U.S. doesn’t mean the city you live in currently adds this mineral to its public drinking supplies. 

To see whether or not your city fluoridates its water, head to the CDC website where there is a tool that allows you to see if your city adds fluoride to water and if so, how much. From there, you can gauge if your drinking water is providing enough fluoride for your health or if you need to increase your intake of this vital mineral. 

Get the Right Amount of Fluoride with Water Filters 

So, is fluoride in water bad for you? The short answer: when consumed in safe amounts, fluoride can be highly beneficial to your overall oral health. 

The suggested fluoride intake for adults over the age of 18 is a max of 3 milligrams of the mineral per day. Most public water systems in the U.S. contain .7 parts per million of fluoride. However, your county may not be introducing enough fluoride into the drinking water to ensure maximum health benefits for you, your family, and your whole community. In cases like these, it’s always best to take control of your health. Consider investing in a home water filtration system. 

Home water filtration systems can:

Trust Rayne Water to Improve Your Water Systems

Consider investing in a home water filtration system to control how much fluoride is in your drinking water.. Rayne Water Conditioning services are based in Arizona, California, and Nevada and can help you install reverse osmosis systems that will help clear your water of excess fluoride, as well as any contaminants. 

Interested in learning more about keeping your water safe and clean for your family? Our trained experts can help you find the perfect solution for your home water systems, like a reverse osmosis water filter system, so that you can enjoy better water quality every day. Check out our services and products today!

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American Dental Association. 5 Reasons Why Fluoride in Water is Good for Communities. 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Over 75 Years of Community Water Fluoridation 

Healthline. Fluoride: Good or Bad? 

Healthline. What Is Fluoride, and Is It Safe? 

Mayo Clinic. Oral Health: A Window to Your Overall Health. 

National Institutes of Health: Office of Dietary Supplements. Fluoride. 

Rayne Water. Effects of Fluoridated Drinking Water. 

U.S. Department of the Interior. A Comprehensive Assessment of Fluoride in Groundwater. 

How Long Does Water Conditioner Take to Work

Posted by Rayne Water

If you are in the process of installing a water conditioner, you are probably curious about how they work. Does this system facilitate reverse osmosis? Does it remove chlorine, chemicals and other heavy metals from tap water? 

Most water conditioners remove chemical contaminants from your water, while some also alter the minerals in water so they don’t cause scaling, but how long does this process take to work? Let’s dive into the question of “how does a water conditioner work” and determine whether its function is a good fit for you!

How Does a Water Conditioner Work?

Water conditioners work in different ways depending on what contaminants you want to be removed from your water. Many water conditioners remove chemical contaminants from water. These include chlorine, chloramines, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These chemicals and compounds alter the taste and smell of your water.

Some water conditioners also provide soft water benefits. Water conditioners achieve this feat through a process known as nucleation. To do this, water conditioners utilize special resin beads known as template-assisted crystallization (TAC) media. On TAC media are printed catalytically activated sites known as templates. 

As water moves through these water conditioners it passes over the TAC media beads. A small proportion of the dissolved minerals in water come into contact with the template sites printed on the beads, where they are encouraged to come together in an ordered crystalline pattern. These initial steps form what is called a seed-crystal, which is a tiny crystal.

Once the seed-crystal has been formed it attracts other dissolved mineral ions that contribute to water hardness. The dissolved mineral ions prefer to attach and build the existing crystal rather than attach to other surfaces your water may come into contact with. Although your water conditioner only physically alters a small proportion of the mineral ions in your water, those changes are sufficient to encourage the remaining mineral ions in your hard tap water to change as well. This physical change in the mineral structure helps answer the question of what is a water conditioner

One thing to note about the water conditioners that provide soft water benefits we’ve described here is that they specifically rely on TAC media to function. You might be wondering about electronic water conditioners. Do they work? The answer is complicated. Some studies have shown a decrease in scaling associated with magnetic or electronic water conditioners, while others have not. Unlike electronic water conditioners, water conditioners using TAC media provide repeatable, consistent results.

Get started today! We specialize in providing the purest water possible!

How Long do Water Conditioners Take to Work?

Now that we’ve outlined the different results water conditioners can provide, you’re probably wondering how long does water conditioner take to work? The good news is that conditioning water happens very quickly. You shouldn’t notice a decrease in flow rate, and water conditioners are capable of conditioning as much water as you need. This could mean gallons and gallons of water! 

Whether you are using a water conditioner to remove chemicals altering the smell or taste of your water, or are using a water conditioner that provides some soft water benefits, water conditioning happens immediately. This allows you to condition water on-demand, rather than having to wait for it. 

Why Consider a Water Conditioner?

Aren’t sure whether a water conditioner is right for you? Let’s take a look at a few of the top advantages of water conditioning systems.

Closing Thoughts

How long does conditioned water take to work? No time at all! Water conditioning happens on demand.

Most water conditioners remove chemicals and compounds that give your water an unpleasant taste or smell. Additionally, some water conditioners can also provide the benefits of soft water without the use of salt! While these types of water conditioners don’t remove hard minerals from water, they do alter it in a way that reduces the impact of hard water around your home or business.

Aren’t sure whether a water conditioner vs water softener is right for you? Our specialists at Rayne can help! These two types of systems function in different ways and produce different results, so understanding what you want out of your water treatment system is crucial.

Contact Rayne Water today to find the Best Water Conditioner for your home or business.

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  5. Vastyan, John. 2010. “Template-Assisted Crystallization.” Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning Engineering 82 (11): 34–37.

Why Your Office Needs a Commercial Water Filter System

Posted by Rayne Water

There are many must-have office amenities, especially if you are looking for ways to improve your working environment. You might want to consider investing in commercial water filtration for your office. Office water purification systems offer a cost-effective means of providing a nearly unlimited supply of clean drinking water to your office staff.

There are several different commercial water treatment systems available, including bottle-less water coolers and commercial reverse osmosis systems. Understanding the advantages of these systems, as well as how they stack up against alternatives like bottled water delivery, can help your organization find the filtered water solution that is right for you.

Why Invest in a Commercial Water Filter System?

Executives and consultants have worked hard over the years to create the image of the modern office as an extension of one’s own home. With things like flexible furniture, open designs, and seamless technological integration, the office is increasingly a collaborative space where creativity and productivity are enhanced by the environment itself. So, it is a no brainer that there are added benefits of an office water cooler and incorporating other filtration options into the office. 

This effort extends to the food we eat and the water we drink. Tap water from a faucet can be full of contaminants, chemicals, and other products that aren’t the best to ingest. Companies that are looking for ways to improve their work environment have cast an eye towards building a collection of healthy and convenient food choices and ensuring that their employees have easy access to clean, filtered water.

Offering clean, filtered water is an effective way for employers to fulfill a straightforward need for their staff. By proactively making clean drinking water available, you’ll improve the health of your staff. Dehydration can reduce a person’s ability to concentrate and think clearly. By ensuring that your staff has convenient access to clean water, you’ll also improve productivity.

Lastly, investing in a commercial water filter system is an environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution for providing clean drinking water to your staff. You’ll reduce waste stemming from bottled water, while also saving your organization money in the long run.

Get started today! We specialize in providing the purest water possible!


Options for Providing Clean Drinking Water

Providing clean drinking water to your entire office isn’t necessarily difficult, but it is important to understand what your options are so that you can find the appropriate solution for your needs. The two most common methods for providing drinking water to your office are by installing a commercial water filter system or using a bottled water delivery service. 

Let’s take a look at the core benefits and drawbacks of these solutions.

Water Purification Systems

Commercial water purification systems are the most comprehensive and cost-effective solution for providing clean drinking water to your employees. There are many different types of commercial water filter systems. The two most popular options are bottle-less water coolers and reverse osmosis systems. Each of these systems has advantages that make them appropriate for different applications.

When taken together, commercial water purification systems represent more of an initial investment than alternatives like bottled water delivery services. But, that investment results in lower ongoing costs over time. Some water purification systems do require some degree of maintenance, which may be provided by a service provider like Rayne. Typically this involves changing filtration media, but certain solutions like bottle-less water coolers don’t require this.

Bottled Water Delivery Service

Many offices rely on a bottled water delivery service for drinking water. These services involve a contract with a water provider who delivers bottled water at regular, agreed-upon intervals. The amount of water delivered usually depends on your specific needs and is typically delivered in 5-gallon bottles.

The systems used by bottled water delivery services are either bottom-loading or top-loading, meaning the bottle of water is either loaded into the bottom or top of the system. This brings us to the first disadvantage of these systems, which is that the 5-gallon bottle of water weighs around 42 lbs, which makes loading the system difficult for many people. 

Storage is also a concern, particularly in small offices or in work environments with many employees. If you have 50 gallons, or ten bottles, delivered every week, you’ll have to have a place to store those ten bottles. 

The biggest disadvantage of bottled water delivery services is that they are relatively expensive when compared to using a commercial water filtration system. Using one of these services will result in costs for water, deposits for the bottles themselves, and a rental fee for the cooler.

What Types of Commercial Water Filter Systems Are There?

Understanding what types of commercial water filter systems can help you get a sense of what type of system might work best for you. There are different types of water filtration systems, each using one or more filtration methods. The three most common filtration methods are reverse osmosis, filtration through charcoal media, or ion exchange systems. 

The two most common types of commercial water filtration systems are bottle-less coolers and commercial reverse osmosis systems. Which system is right for you will depend largely upon your needs.

Bottle-less Coolers

Bottle-less coolers come in a familiar form-factor that is similar to the types of coolers that provide water from a 5-gallon bottle. Unlike those systems, bottle-less coolers provide filtration on the spot. The standard bottle-less cooler can provide both hot and cold water, while tri-temp coolers can provide hot, cold, and room temperature water.

Bottle-less coolers utilize both reverse osmosis filtration and multi-stage carbon filtration. Reverse osmosis captures almost all of the dissolved solids in the water, while the multi-stage carbon filter captures the chemicals that are used to treat water, such as chlorine, as well as the odors that give tap water a bad taste.

The combination of both filtration methods ensures that the water coming out of your bottle-less cooler is always clean and fresh tasting. At the same time, bottle-less coolers can provide a nearly limitless supply of filtered water. This makes them ideal for busy office spaces. 

When compared to bottled water delivery service, a bottle-less cooler takes up much less space. With a bottle-less cooler, you won’t have to worry about where to store your many full bottles, and where to stage your empty bottles until they can be picked up. Lastly, with a bottle-less cooler system, you won’t have to worry about loading heavy water bottles into the system, making on-demand drinking water easier to access for everyone in your office.

Commercial Reverse Osmosis Solutions

Commercial reverse osmosis filtration systems offer an alternative to bottle-less coolers. While bottle-less coolers are great for fitting into a small area and providing easy access to hot or cold water, they aren’t ideal for providing large quantities of filtered water to multiple delivery points. For that type of application, you will probably want to look towards a point-of-entry (POE) solution that filters water as it comes into your building like a commercial reverse osmosis system.

Commercial reverse osmosis systems can vary in size and how much water they deliver. Smaller point-of-use (POU) systems that fit under a single sink can deliver anywhere up to 75 gallons-per-day (GPD) of filtered water. An example of this would be our Rayne Eradicator RO System, which is used to provide 36, 50 or 75 GPD of drinking water and is small enough to be installed under a sink.

The next step up would be a system like our Rayne Compact RO, which is capable of providing between 150 – 800 GPD of drinking water. For even larger applications, the Rayne Frame Mount Verticle RO is a POE solution capable of providing up to 10,800 GPD in certain configurations.

Some of these larger commercial reverse osmosis systems are better suited for commercial applications like foodservice, a car wash, or an agricultural setting than your typical office building. However, they may be right for you depending on what contaminants are in your water and how much filtered water you need each day.

Final Thoughts

Your office needs a commercial water filter system because it is the most cost-effective, long-term solution for providing clean, filtered water to your employees. Access to clean, filtered water is a top amenity that today’s businesses can offer their employees that is both cost-effective and beneficial for health and productivity.

When compared to other options for providing clean drinking water for your employees, office water purification systems can do so at less cost and with less hassle. Compared to water delivery services, filtration systems provide clean drinking water that is cheaper and without the need to load heavy 5-gallon water bottles.

Other drinking water solutions, like bottled water delivery, take up more space. You’ll need to store your full bottles near your dispenser, and store empty bottles until they can be picked up and replaced. In contrast, filtration systems like the Rayne Tri-Temp Bottle-less Cooler take up less room, can provide hot, cold, or room-temperature water, and can provide a nearly limitless supply of filtered drinking water. 

If a bottle-less cooler doesn’t suit your needs, you might consider a commercial reverse osmosis system. Reverse osmosis systems vary in size depending on their application and your needs. Smaller systems can be installed under your sink and provide up to 75 gallons of drinking water each day, while larger systems are available that can provide up to 10,800 gallons of filtered water every day.

The first step to determining which type of system is right for you is to contact our water specialists at Rayne. For instance, we can determine if offices needs a commercial water softener or cooler. Our helpful staff can outline the options available to you, help you weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each, and guide you towards the solution that is ideal for your needs. To learn more about commercial water filter systems, please contact Rayne today.

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Your Water’s "Safe" – Just Not For Babies

Posted by Rayne Water

For the third time in six months, Fremont, Ohio issued a warning for residents to use bottled water for children under the age of six months. The city’s water tested excessively high in nitrates, a toxic substance that often enters water supply systems from fertilizers, animal wastes, septic tanks, municipal sewage treatment systems, and decaying plant debris.
Even small amounts of nitrates can cause infants to become seriously ill, with symptoms including shortness of breath and blue baby syndrome. These symptoms require immediate medical care because the condition can rapidly progress to coma and death. It is highly recommended that breast-feeding mothers also refrain from using municipal water.
The Ohio Administrative Code requires that drinking water contain no more than 10 milligrams of nitrate per liter. This level is considered safe for more individuals. However, according to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources website, pregnant women who drink nitrate-contaminated water during pregnancy are more likely to have babies with birth defects and long-term ingestion of water high in nitrates may increase the risk of certain types of cancer.
A good quality Drinking Water System will effectively reduce the nitrates in drinking water. Nitrate is tasteless and odorless, which means that water must be chemically tested by a professional laboratory to determine contamination. Boiling water will not reduce the nitrate level. In fact, excessive boiling actually makes the nitrates more concentrated as the pure water evaporates.
Your only means of treatment are an in-home water treatment system like the Rayne Evolution or a Rayne RO System.
To read more about this article, click here.

Just Because You Can’t See It, Doesn’t Mean It Isn’t There

Posted by Rayne Water

filter out this toxin for its residents?
According to the US Geological Survey’s site, a range of about 0.05 – 0.30 g is considered a deadly amount if ingested daily over a period less than or equal to 14 days in a row. A single ingested amount as small as 0.13 g can be lethal to an adult. Yet, even more alarming are the numbers here in the United States. It has been estimated that more than 34 million Americans have been drinking tap water supplied by systems containing varying levels of arsenic. So what’s the big deal? Arsenic intake can result in many symptoms including chronic health effects, including organ damage, cancer, and even death.
How is it getting in our water in the first place? According to the Natural Resource Defense Council, it naturally occurs in water after it has dissolved from minerals in our rocks and soil. Other times, arsenic enters our groundwater from mining, manufacturing, and pollution. While industrialization takes great pains to prevent groundwater contamination nowadays, we can’t wage war on naturally occurring processes – like minerals dissolving in rainwater.
What are our options if arsenic cannot be prevented from the main source? We could buy bottled water at the grocery store each week. But, in looking at the whole picture (the cost of the water, transporting the plastic to a recycling center, the costs associated with recycling plastic and not even knowing if the bottled water is assured to be safe) still don’t have me buying in.
Particularly here in California, where there are pockets of arsenic are in some places the highest in the nation, it is more appropriate to look into home water conditioning, water filtration, or reverse osmosis to rid many unwanted and unsafe toxins in drinking water. Weigh your “costs”- an affordable water filtration system, or unaffordable health risks.

President’s Anti-Cancer Panel Recommends Home Water Filters

Posted by Rayne Water

In their official annual report, President Obama’s Cancer Panel recommends the use of home water filter devices to decrease exposure to cancer-causing chemicals. While municipal water systems are tested on a regular basis and homeowners are encouraged to test their wells for contamination, studies find that there are still numerous known or suspected carcinogens and endocrine-disrupting chemicals that are ingested through drinking water. The report says that control of environmental cancer risks is hampered by conflicting or inadequate exposure measurement and ineffective regulation of chemical exposures. And, while disinfection of public water supplies has dramatically reduced waterborne illnesses, research indicates that long-term exposure to disinfection by-products such as trihalomethans may increase cancer risk.
In addition to man-made dangers, there are naturally occurring problems with drinking water. For example, most of the inorganic arsenic in drinking water is from natural sources. Even though it is “completely natural”, this ingested arsenic has been linked with skin, lung, bladder, kidney, and prostate cancers.
The President’s Cancer Panel’s report, titled “Reducing Environmental Cancer Risks: What We Can Do Now” indicates that “individuals and families have many opportunities to reduce or eliminate chemical exposures.” Some of the suggestions made by the Panel include:
Filtering home tap or well water to decrease exposure to known or suspected carcinogens. Also, when water must be stored or carried, stainless steel, glass, or BPA-and phthalate-free containers should be used.
In 2009 alone, approximately 1.5 million Americans were diagnosed with cancer, and 562,000 died from the disease. Further, approximately 41 percent of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, and about 21 percent will die from cancer. In addition to causing cancer, many of the chemicals that the panel studied also interfere with normal hormonal function. Also distressing is the fact that many cancers are increasing in children. The report states that “pound for pound, children take in more food, water, air, and other environmental substances than adults.”
How do we combat the millions of contaminants facing our bodies every day? The first step is to become informed. Second, we take the necessary precautions to protect ourselves and our families. The Water Quality Association recommends purchasing water treatment products that have received the Gold Seal certification for being able to remove a variety of contaminants. Finally, we must each take a stand for our community. Every person can choose to be the voice that demands responsive policy making and responsible industry.
To read the full report, click here

Uranium a Common Problem in Wells

Posted by Rayne Water

Most people remember uranium from their high school chemistry class as being an element, but most homeowners aren’t aware of the ways it gets into drilled wells and into drinking water. The element uranium is a metallic gray and found naturally in rocks and soil. It is the result of volcanic activity, making it radioactive, which scientifically means that its atoms spontaneously break into new atoms, releasing energy in the process. It also has chemical toxicity which makes consuming it dangerous for the body. But even more dangerous is that it doesn’t have any taste, smell, or color, so many consumers have no idea it is present.

According to an article on, uranium is present in larger quantities in certain types of rock. Some of these rocks include granite, shale, and sandstone. So wherever groundwater flows through these rock formations, the mineral can then dissolve into the water. Drilled wells that need underground water sources flowing through the bedrock are more likely to have higher, and sometimes unsafe, levels of uranium.

So what are the safe levels set forth for uranium in drinking water? Health Canada defines it as .02mg/L, and the World Health Organization has been working to determine the safe levels. In 2011, a provisional document has the amount at .03mg/L. And because uranium naturally occurring, those people with drilled wells are advised to get their well water tested. Uranium can also occur as a result of mining, industry, and agricultural fertilizers.

The health affects when consumed in large amounts are really quite alarming. According to the Nova Scotia Department of the Environment, the effects of uranium are caused only from consuming the drinking water, not through skin or air. Ingesting excessive amounts of uranium can lead to kidney damage. But the dangers don’t stop there. According to the online article, when the uranium breaks down, radon gas is produced. In homes, radon has a tendency to collect and increases the risk of lung cancer when inhaled. As previously mentioned, well water consumers are encouraged to test water. If the water test shows the presence of uranium or radon, water filtration systems can be the solution to a potentially harmful situation.

There’s Little Water Problems – And Then There’s 1000 TIMES THE LIMIT

Posted by Rayne Water

Desert Sun’s recent article about some California wells containing huge amounts of Chromium-6. In some cases, wells contained 1,000 times the amount deemed safe by the State.
Hexavalent chromium is a potentially carcinogenic (cancer causing) metal that Erin Brockovich brought to the media’s attention some time ago. Because scientific studies on the contaminant are still ongoing, official maximum allowable standards have not been set, but California’s public health officials have determined a “goal” of 0.02 parts per billion that public water utilities and private wells should try to stay under. To implement and maintain a chromium-6 removal system is speculated to cost just one California water district more than $275 million and would raise water rates by approximately 74 percent.
Many Californians complain that there is absolutely no room for cancer-causing agents in their drinking water. Others argue that if chromium-6 were a real problem, they would have felt the effects of it by now, since generations of people have been consuming this same water. Regardless of which way the public opinions swings, governmental regulation is a long ways off, with the EPA often taking four or more years to set limits.
The solution is surprisingly easy – and affordable. While a faucet-mounted or pitcher-style water filter will not remove the contaminant, a reverse osmosis system generally can. Be sure to ask your water treatment professional for a list of contaminants their water filter can remove.