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Archive for January, 2013

Know what you are buying

Posted by Rayne Water

water conditioners and water softeners – and why water softeners really aren’t as bad as some might have you to believe.
Water softeners actually remove the calcium and magnesium ions from the water by exchanging those ions with a salt or potassium ion. Water conditioners simply “condition” the water making it taste and smell better by reducing chlorine. Why do we sell both? Because they serve two different purposes. Our water softeners are for homes that have hard water and water conditioners are for homes that have unpleasant smelling or tasting water. So, if someone tries to convince you that you should opt for a water conditioner because it is better for the environment, make sure that a conditioner will solve your particular water problem.
To address the environmental concern, it is true that a traditional water softener does discharge a small amount of salt down the drain. However, new water softeners minimize this and we firmly believe that the environmental impact of NOT using a water softener is much worse than the impact of using a water softener. An independent laboratory study by Battelle Memorial Institute weighs the options very clearly.
Battelle researched the effect of water hardness on the performance of faucets, showerheads, laundry washers, and water heaters. The results? Overwhelmingly, softened water produced better function, efficiency, extended life, and appearance. There were no calcium-clogged pipes. The appliances used significantly less energy to operate. The appliances, plumbing, and fixtures lasted longer and needed fewer repairs. There were no water spots to be scrubbed away with harsh chemicals. To give you scientific evidence, the water heaters using soft water had operating costs 47% less than those water heaters used with hard water, and even the most energy-efficient water heater on the market was 10% more efficient when used with softened water. Water softeners also were shown to reduce a home’s carbon footprint by over 14% – just on water heating. So, when you consider all those appliances that wore out unnecessarily early and are dumped in landfills, and the extra energy required to operate them, the environmental benefit of using hard water simply isn’t there.
Because we are truly committed to being green as possible, we offer Exchange Tank Services. This service provides the same benefits of a water softener but uses no salt in the home. Rather, regeneration takes place in a properly-designed facility and a Rayne technician delivers fully-regenerated tanks to your home periodically. Not only is this the environmentally friendly way to go, it’s easy for you!  Rayne does all the work for you.
To read the entire Battelle study, click here.

High Efficiency Water Filter with Low Costs

Posted by Rayne Water

Wouldn’t you love to get more from your money without actually having to pay more? In this day in age, we have so many appliances and electronic devices. We live in a world driven by technology which translates to using a lot of energy and paying for it with our monthly energy bills. A couple of days ago, we (as a nation) celebrated National Cut Your Energy Costs Day, a day to create an awareness on how to lower energy costs and promoting less energy use while saving more money. Interested in a home drinking water system, but afraid to add yet another system to your home’s energy bills and consumption? With our water filters which use LINX® technology, you may not have to worry about that at all.

Our reverse osmosis systems are leading the competition in water technology and efficiency. For instance, a recent study by Van Newenhizen and Associates evaluated the use of water in several types of POU water treatment systems under various conditions – and our LINX product came out head and shoulders above the others. Not only was it shown to be incredibly effective, its efficiency demonstrated advantages when compared to other competitors making it a great choice for a water filter. In their executive summary, they stated that “The LINX system demonstrated superior efficiency in this study comparing typical and enhanced RO systems and a capacitive deionization system.” The temperature and pressure of the water tested didn’t even make an impact on the system efficiency. Water waste can be excessive with other systems and National Cut Your Energy Cost Day is a great reminder to reduce waste in all forms and save energy in whatever ways we can to protect and preserve this great planet – and our bank accounts!

When we conserve energy, we conserve money and time. Our water filters require less energy and electricity to function. The electricity cost is about $0.004 per gallon of drinking water produced based on the highest electrical rates in the US. That’s less than it costs to run your toaster or your blow dryer. Likewise, if a customer used one gallon of drinking water per day they can expect to save money on their water and sewer bill. The more water you use with our products, the more the savings add up. To learn more about the features and benefits to one of our drinking water systems, contact us today. When it comes time to remind ourselves to conserve energy and cut energy costs through financial savings, you will feel good about choosing us as your energy partner and know you have done something right.

January is National Birth Defects Prevention Month

Posted by Rayne Water

Did you know that every four minutes, a baby is born with a birth defect? I was astounded at that number!  That’s 360 babies per day. Of course, there are literally hundreds of causes that we can point our finger to – smoking, drug abuse, poor nutrition, and so forth. But, as a water guy, I decided to just do a quick search on how drinking water affects pregnancy, so I plugged “drinking water + birth defects” into Google, and I found quite a wide array of potential problems. Now, don’t get me wrong, I think our municipal water treatment plants do a fantastic job of keeping us safe, but an unborn baby is affected by minute quantities of contaminants that wouldn’t affect a healthy adult so drastically.
So, here’s what I found on my search:

And so the list went on. If you are pregnant, or are considering adding to your family, we encourage you to have your water tested. Birth defects are heartbreaking – and permanent. There is much that we cannot control, such as genetic factors, but we can most certainly control the water we drink and use in our homes. A quality water filter, drinking water system, or water conditioner could mean life or death to your baby.

Grab a Book and Soak in your Softened Water

Posted by Rayne Water

Dim lights. Flickering candles. Soft music. A good book. Peace and quiet. Read in the Bathtub Day, February 9th, is just around the corner and is the perfect time to plan a relaxing, guilt-free night to yourself and let the water do the healing. We all need some time away from the hectic schedules and lives we lead. Without the pressures of work, family, or school, a long bath can be just what the doctor ordered… unless you have hard water. Almost 85% of homes deal with the problems hard water creates and in this case, you may feel worse after your long, hot bath than beforehand, or at least disappointed with the soap scummy bathtub.
Hard water is a problem for many homeowners because of the nuisances and hard-to-deal-with issues it brings. It is usually defined as water which contains a high concentration of calcium and magnesium minerals or ions. Measurements of hardness are given in terms of the “calcium carbonate equivalent, which is an expression of the concentration of hardness ions in water in terms of their equivalent value of calcium carbonate.” Water is considered to be hard if it has a hardness of 100 mg/L or more as calcium carbonate. Hard water makes soap precipitate out of water and form a scum, such as the ring which forms around bathtubs. In addition to being unsightly, the reaction of hard water with soap results in excessive use of soaps and detergents. Hard water may also cause taste problems in drinking water, cause discoloration, and may shorten the life of fabrics washed in hard water and even the appliances themselves due to buildup in pipes.
With all of these worries that hard water brings, it is hard to imagine how someone could enjoy bathing in it after all. Hard water leaves skin feeling itchy and dry. In fact, people suffering from skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis especially report much nicer skin. According to experts, dry, scaly skin is one of the most common effects of hard water. Since hard water makes it more difficult to rinse soaps and shampoos from the skin’s surface, the skin may become quite irritated. To prevent the effects of hard water on skin, people should limit their exposure to hard water and use a natural soap on their bodies. For those with sensitive skin when the water comes in contact with a person’s skin, a small portion of the minerals are left behind. These deposits can absorb the moisture and natural oils from the skin. Dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis sufferers, for instance, often experience more dryness and irritation after being exposed to hard water.
So how can we avoid contact with hard water, particularly to not bathe or shower in it? Our PE Tank Service is an easy and affordable solution for households who require soft water. With this service, one of our technicians will deliver a fresh Soft Water Exchange Tank to your home and exchange it regularly depending on the demands of your household. The old tank gets regenerated at the plant while we do all of the work. It doesn’t get much more relaxing that, right? So this Read in the Bathtub Day, grab a good book and think about how much better you (and your bathtub!) will look and feel with soft water.