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Archive for September, 2015

The Benefits of a Water Softener

Posted by Rayne Water

Hard water is the single most widespread water problem here in the United States. The United States Geological Survey, the department responsible for collecting nationwide data on water quality and supply, stated that 89.3% of US homes have hard water. So what is hard water? The simplest explanation is that hard water is water with a high mineral content, usually excessive calcium and magnesium.

The quality and hardness of water is dependent on several factors – where the water originated, a home’s geographical location and the type of water filtration process it goes through before it reaches the tap. Not all water is hard enough to warrant a water softener, however if the mineral content is high enough, the benefits of a water softener significantly outweigh the cost of the system. Residential water softeners can easily become one of the most proficient household energy saving options available to homeowners.

The Battelle Memorial Institute recently conducted a study that researched the effect of water hardness on the performance of faucets, showerheads, dishwashers, clothes washers and water heaters. The results conclusively determined that softened water promoted better functionality, efficiency, life expectancy and appearance of each and every component tested. Water heaters, in particular, dramatically benefited from softened water over hard water. It costs 47 percent less to operate water heaters with softened water over hard water; this energy savings on water heaters alone was shown to reduce a home’s carbon footprint by over 14 percent.

Another crazy comparison the Battelle study uncovered was the flow rates between showerheads using hard water versus soft water. Showerheads using hard water lost a massive 75 percent of their flow rate within 18 months as compared to showerheads using soft water. There was almost no decrease in flow rate in showerheads using soft water; they maintained a brilliant luster, full flow and good-as-new performance.

Water softeners also have hair and skin benefits as well. Hard water can leave a filmy shampoo reside on the hair much like soap scum residue in showers and tubs. Soft water deters excess buildup, so hair stays soft and shiny without the dryness and frizz associated with hard water. Soft water also helps skin retain moisture and keeps skin from becoming dry and irritated from the minerals in hard water.

If you are one of the millions of households that have to deal with hard water on a daily basis, you might want to consider investing in a water softener. The benefits of softened water make it one of the best investments you can make in your home.

The Origins of Your Drinking Water

Posted by Rayne Water

<![CDATA[Here in the United States we are blessed with one of the safest and most plenteous drinking water supplies in the world. The water we consume is delivered from a combination of surface water, including rivers, lakes and reservoirs and groundwater drawn from beneath the Earth’s surface. The ratio between surface water usage and groundwater usage varies depending on location and the quantity of available water. With the pervasive drought the west has been experiencing, their groundwater usage has almost doubled compared to their surface water usage; but does it matter where our drinking water comes from?
Other than location, there are some distinct differences between groundwater and surface water. Groundwater tends to harbor nitrates, pesticides and other chemicals whereas surface water tends to contain more bacteria and other potentially dangerous microbes. That being said however, groundwater and surface water are undeniably connected which means that contaminates can be shared between them.  The Clean Water Act mandates that municipally supplied drinking water, whether from the ground or surface, must be treated for harmful contaminates before being transported for public consumption.
The one caveat to water treatment is when drinking water is supplied by private wells. The EPA regulations in place for public drinking water systems do not apply to privately owned wells. Owners of private water wells are responsible for safeguarding their water and treating it appropriately to reduce harmful bacteria and contaminates. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) there are over 15 million households here in the US being supplied by private groundwater wells. Builders are required to test private wells to make sure they are safe for consumption but even then without ongoing regulation, they can quickly become contaminated.
If you have a well, it is especially important to have your water tested at least once per year to ensure that it is safe to drink. However, even municipally supplied water can leave unwanted chemicals behind from treatment that should be filtered out. Ask for a drinking water report from your water supplier if you have one, it will show you where your water comes from and what contaminates are in it.
The solution to both groundwater and surface water contamination is a water filtration system. A water filtration system such as the LINX Drinking Water System as well as reverse osmosis (RO) systems has the ability to remove the bacteria and other microorganisms commonly found in surface water as well as the nitrates and other contaminates found in groundwater. When your drinking water is filtered, you can have confidence that the water you and your family are drinking is the safest and cleanest possible, regardless of where it originated from.

Water Coolers or Water Fountains?

Posted by Rayne Water

It can seem like rocket science to get your kid to drink more water, but a recent article from the Las Vegas Review Journal has an idea that is anything but rocket science. They state that if you want kids to drink more water, a water cooler is the way to go. Whether it be a daycare, preschool or school center, each place must ensure that they are providing adequate hydration for children, but how can we get them to actually drink it? Well at Mountain Heights Montessori School in the central Las Vegas Valley, the staff has a simple but proven tool: a water cooler. This is a great idea for schools and daycare centers here in Irvine, too. The hot weather plus the activities of children call for hydration as part of their daily routine for certain. Finding ways to provide them with safe drinking water may not be as hard as it seems.

According to the article, like any and all day care centers and preschools in Nevada, Mountain Heights has fountains that must comply with a state regulation that says drinking water “must be freely available to all children at all times.” But they have also brought in a water cooler, is the water source of choice, especially during the summer when the fountain needs to run for a while to push out the hot water that never runs nearly as cool as the cooler. It is also safer in some cases than the water that could be flowing from the water fountain. Finding a water cooler with reverse osmosis water filtration technology is the best option you can give to the kids.

The kids also seemed to enjoy using the water cooler. The staff was able to promote good drinking habits into their routine just as New York school officials learned after they quietly introduced electronic drinking water dispensers near lunch lines, according to researchers from New York University and the city’s Health Department. Kids drank water nearly three times more because the dispensers made the water easier to get, the researchers reported in December in the American Journal of Public Health. Hydrated children tend to perform better in school and they are healthier overall – a win-win.

Our residential water coolers and commercial water coolers are available for homes, offices or academic and learning centers and schools. Using the same water filtration technology as water filters, the water from our coolers is safe and clean, and of course great-tasting. It is a positive way to encourage more water throughout the day for younger and older children and to introduce some sort of interesting way to get water which children can sometimes find to be boring. Children’s’ health and well-being is the most important thing anyone can focus on in a learning environment. If this will get them to drink more water, isn’t it worth giving us a call, too?

What Makes Water Healthy?

Posted by Rayne Water

We love how the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) looks at water. They say that water is our most precious global resource and that clean, safe drinking water is critical to sustain human life. But this begs the question – what makes water so healthy? We thought we would take a few minutes to look at the health benefits of water. We tend to focus much of our attention on drinking water and we would be remiss if we didn’t look at its myriad list of health benefits, but we also want to look at water in general and how it can help keep us healthy.
Considering the fact that our bodies are predominately water (approximately 60%), they require quite a bit of it to function properly. Every organ in our bodies is affected if we aren’t drinking enough water; in fact, humans can live for three weeks without food but only 3 DAYS without water! Drinking water can help with digestion, weight loss, fatigue, building muscle, clearer skin, kidney function, pain prevention and is one of the best hangover remedies around.
Water can also keep us from getting sick. One of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of the flu is frequent hand washing. Proper hygiene can prevent the spread of many different types of diseases which is why it runs rampant in parts of the world without access to clean water and soap. The CDC estimates that hand washing alone could reduce diarrheal disease associated deaths by up to fifty percent. Proper hand washing can also reduce the risk of food borne illness.
Have you ever considered the fact that water can give you a fantastic workout? Swimming is an excellent form of exercise; it gives your heart a great cardiovascular workout, it builds and tones muscles and burns a ton of calories. Just thirty minutes of swimming the butterfly will burn almost 500 calories – more than double what you will burn running. Swimming is also one of the lowest impact workouts you can do and will protect your joints from stress. It is strongly recommended by the Arthritis Foundation for this very reason.
Yep, water truly is our most precious global resource and we need to value and protect it as such. From its countless health benefits to its use in agricultural and industrial environments, we could not live without it. So the next time you lift your glass to take a drink of water, just think about all the good it does on a daily basis all around the globe.

How Does Water Become Contaminated?

Posted by Rayne Water

Have you ever considered the fact that the water on the Earth right now is the same water that was on the Earth millions of years ago? National Geographic is quoted as saying “The water the dinosaurs drank millions of years ago is the same water that falls as rain today.” How amazing is that? When we stop and think about this fact, it makes us want to keep our water as clean and unpolluted as possible for future generations. While we can certainly take steps toward this goal, there are times when our water supply becomes contaminated due to circumstances beyond our control. One of those circumstances is natural events such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, landslides and here in California lately, wildfires.

One of the byproducts of wildfires is the tremendous amount of debris that is generated. This debris tends to end up in our water reservoirs, lakes and streams, causing increased sediment and turbidity in the water supply. This sediment can be so extreme that the contaminated water can be unpotable for several years. Another byproduct of wildfires is the vast amount of chemicals that find their way into the water chain. Water quality studies have shown that after a wildfire, there is a significant increase in the amount of nitrogen and phosphorous found in the surrounding water; some studies have even shown a tenfold increase in nitrates as much as three years post fire.

Earthquakes are another concern that Californians face and can also be a source for water contamination. When a significant earthquake occurs, municipal water lines can be damaged or broken and underground wells can be dislodged or disrupted from the shaking. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) earthquakes have a direct impact on groundwater. Water wells have been known to become turbid, dry or even begun flowing again, new water springs have been formed, old water springs have dried up and both well and surface water quality suffer from varying degrees of degradation.

Our water supply can become contaminated from a variety of sources, those in our control and those beyond our control. A water filtration system can help eliminate the risk of ingesting contaminated water; it adds that extra layer of protection for homeowners and their families. The Centers for Disease Control (CDS) rates reverse osmosis (RO) systems with very high effectiveness for removing protozoa, bacteria, viruses, sodium, chloride, copper, chromium, lead, arsenic, fluoride, radium, sulfate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, nitrates and phosphorous. Whatever the initial quality of your water, you can be assured that filtered drinking water is going to be as safe and contaminate free as possible