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Start questionnaireNo one wants to get a failing grade when it comes to drinking water, but on the latest Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, the American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) has rated the nation’s drinking water systems a D grade and wastewater systems a D+ grade. They’re old, they’re falling apart and that means bad things for American’s drinking water around the country – and it’s not discriminating.
People around the country have been saying for many years that something should be done to preserve or maintain our drinking water and wastewater infrastructure but it seems as though now, we see that this investment in the country’s infrastructure is more necessary than ever. After what the nation witnessed in Flint, Mich., and the ongoing drought in the western U.S, it’s time to start thinking about what we all can and should do for our drinking water in our own homes while our government officials figure out what they’re going to – and that will not happen overnight.
Radhika Fox, CEO of the US Water Alliance said it best when she said: “Water is essential to everything we do. Every community in the country relies on drinking water and wastewater service, and many sectors of our economy are completely reliant on water as well.” We believe that a D and D+ are unacceptable grades in a nation that leads the world in so many other aspects. She states, “…we need to make reinvesting in water a national priority.”
As American citizens we should be asking the question, “What is going to be done to secure the safety of our drinking water?” We should also consider what is NOT being done – and take action into our own hands by investing in a home drinking water system or reverse osmosis system that can reduce contaminants and improve the quality of tap and well water.
Many water pipes and mains in the U.S. are more than 100 years old. Outdated infrastructure leads to a higher rate of main breaks, which can “allow contaminants to flow into the water supply. Additionally, most of the old water pipes are made of lead, which can leach into the water supply as the pipes age.” They’re behind the times but you don’t have to be!