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Winter Watering: What You Need to Know

There are two very important things we want you to consider saving more of this winter; money and water. When it comes to winter watering and desert landscaping, there are a few tips you can try that will help you do a better job controlling your winter irrigation habits. According to the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association AMWUA, many businesses and homeowners are watering throughout the winter, as if it were still 110 degrees outside. We know that the other seasons, especially summer, require us to water our plants a little more and a little more often, but water conservation is still crucial to the well-being of the Southwest and Western United States. Like many other homeowners in our area, desert-adapted plants can make it through the winter months with little or no water. Overwatering is just a waste of water and money. Experts agree that even rye grass can thrive with a watering every week or two. There is no need to water each and every day during the winter months. Water efficiency and efficient and eco-friendly water treatment systems are at the heart of what we do, so we wanted to pass along ten important things to know about winter watering straight from the water efficiency professionals at AMWUA:

  1. You can reduce your “sewer fee,” or part of your monthly water bill, as it is based off of your average water use during the winter months. Lower next year’s sewer fees by cutting back on water this winter.
  2. Overwatering can kill desert-adapted plants, whose roots need the soil to dry out between waterings, so they can absorb nutrients from the soil. Soggy soil prevents plants from pulling in essential elements, such as nitrogen and iron, and can suffocate the roots. This leads to yellowing leaves, poor health and even death.
  3. Sometimes, overwatering some types of shrubs and vines in the early winter months will make them too vulnerable to colder temperatures and susceptible to frost damage.
  4. Cactus plants suffer less frost damage if they have not been watered for several months before cold temperatures set in. They hold their water in their cells.
  5. Overwatering could lead to pools of water in your lawn that won’t evaporate as quickly as in the summer heat. These puddles and winter temps could breed mosquitoes.
  6. There are tools available to learn just how much water your specific plants and landscape need in the winter to thrive and survive.
  7. Rye grass is now established by the winter so no need to water as frequently. You are no longer germinating from seeds.
  8. Discuss these concerns and tips with your landscaper and don’t assume they know all about winter watering.
  9. Test once in a while for leaks in your irrigation system. You don’t want to be overwatering and not even know it.
  10. Trees should be watered deeply but far less in the winter months.

All of these tips can really help to save you water and money. 50-70% of a homeowner’s water usage happens outside. If we can lower our total usage during the winter months, it will really help with water conservation and making sure our region has enough water supplies should drought-like conditions hit us again in the future. If you are interested in conserving water in Arizona, we provide Phoenix water softener solutions. Are you located outside of Phoenix? We are proud to offer Scottsdale water softener solutions as well. Whether you need Phoenix water softener solutions or Glendale water softener installation, or a water filtration system in Scottsdale…we have you covered. To check out our water-saving appliances, visit our website or give us a call.