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Archive for the ‘Impurities Found in Drinking Water’ Category

Herbicide Found in Water May Pose Greater Danger

Posted by Rayne Water

There has been a lot of talk in the news lately about the herbicide Atrazine. The debate? Just how much is allowable in our drinking water.
While many of us may believe that the correct response to this question should be, “None”, the reality is that according to the EPA, it is perfectly acceptable for trace amounts of the herbicide to be in drinking water. The problem is that documented spikes in atrazine in the water supplies in the agricultural areas of the US (primarily the Midwest and Southern states), may be causing unsafe levels of toxicity.
Because the EPA looks at annual average levels of the chemical in drinking-water systems, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) says this methodology misses spikes likely to occur after rain and springtime application of the herbicide.
The concern is that Atrazine can interfere with the body’s hormonal activity and the development of reproductive organs. It could also be linked to menstrual problems and endocrine-related cancers in adults.
Concerned? The good news is that Atrazine can be removed by carbon filters found in many home water treatment systems. (Read more about this story here)

‘Little Polliwogs’ Found in Connecticut Drinking Water

Posted by Rayne Water

There have been some fantastic news reports about contaminated water, but in Hartford, Connecticut, what they found is nothing short of creepy.
In April 2009, in Hartford, Connecticut, a resident there spotted “little polliwogs” or organisms about the size of a pin head in his water filter. You can see a larger picture of the little critters here on the left.
Pretty soon, the town realized they were everywhere – homes, schools, hospitals, in the entire water supply.
Their solution was to flood the entire water system with elevated levels of Chlorine in an effort to kill the infestation. And although health officials insisted these little guys are not harmful, the whole thing just makes your skin crawl.
What prompted this creepy discovery — a home water treatment system. (Read more about this story here)

Unsafe Drinking Water Found at Thousands of Schools

Posted by Rayne Water

According to investigation released by the Associated Press in September 2009, the drinking water at thousands of schools across the country contains unsafe levels of lead, pesticides and dozens of other toxins. This investigation revealed contamination in both public and private schools, from small towns to large cities and in all 50 states.
The contamination was more pronounced at schools that had wells (roughly 8% to 11% of the nation’s schools). According to data provided by the Environmental Protection Agency, of those schools with wells, nearly 20% violated the Safe Drinking Water Act over the past decade.

It this problem is not simply isolated to the schools that have wells. Schools that get their water from public utilities showed contamination too. This was more evident with schools in older buildings. Older school buildings were more likely to have higher levels of lead concentration most.
Concerned? Most home water treatment systems like a Rayne Reverse Osmosis System will remove much of these toxins and produce healthy drinking water for our children in school. These Rayne Systems are fitted to Water Fountains and Water Coolers for public consumption applications. (Read more about this story here)

Lack of Reporting Sited in Contaminated Water

Posted by Rayne Water

Only recently, West Union, officials learned about a spill took place over the summer at a location upstream from the community’s drinking water intake.

West Union’s drinking water treatment plant began experiencing high levels of manganese in the incoming water in mid-July through October. The levels recorded were four times higher than normal. While manganese is not dangerous, it does affect drinking water taste and odor. In fact it turned the water dark,”like tea”

They had no idea what was causing the elevated levels until Oct. 23, when a West Union City Council member called the treatment plant to ask about a spill that he had just read about in the Clarksburg Exponent-Telegram. That spill had been reported to the WV Department of Environmental Protection’s Spill Hotline on Aug. 25. Until the Council Member saw the article, the plant was totally unaware the spill had occurred since the EPA had failed to report the incident to West Union officials.

West Union is demanding answers but this event serves as a reminder that home water treatment systems can remove manganese and provide homeowners with superior, healthier water.
Read more about this article here. For information about removing manganese or other contaminants from your home’s water supply, contact your local Rayne Dealer.

Records Show Millions Drinking Dirty Water

Posted by Rayne Water

A recent study of E.P.A. data shows that Safe Drinking Water Act violations have occurred in all 50 states and more than 20% of municipal drinking water systems have violated crucial elements of this law.
Some were isolated events with little risk to communities and others were due to contamination that has persisted for years.  While communities are required by law to deliver safe water to residents, studies have shown that since 2004, the drinking water provided to more than 49 million people contained illegal traces of chemicals and contaminates such as arsenic and uranium as well as bacteria common in sewage waste water. 
Some of these contaminates even in small doses were found to be linked to cancer and one, Radium, was found as much as 2,000 times the legal limit.  Since 2004 in the state of New York, 205 water systems have recorded violations but only 3 systems have had any enforcement of penalties.
Unfortunately, most violations will not be pursued by the E.P.A. and Justice Department because imposing fines against the municipality will ultimately fine the local tax payer as more and more communities are struggling with revenue.
Regrettably a large portion of violations are in systems serving less than 20,000 residents, in communities were resources and expertise are often limited.
While the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will ask E.P.A. officials about how water safety laws are handled and the E.P.A. has in turn said they will be announcing new standards and practices, this grave data reminds us that treating the water as it enters our home can give us with the quality drinking water that our community may not provide.
Read more about this article here.

Your Water’s "Safe" – Just Not For Babies

Posted by Rayne Water

For the third time in six months, Fremont, Ohio issued a warning for residents to use bottled water for children under the age of six months. The city’s water tested excessively high in nitrates, a toxic substance that often enters water supply systems from fertilizers, animal wastes, septic tanks, municipal sewage treatment systems, and decaying plant debris.
Even small amounts of nitrates can cause infants to become seriously ill, with symptoms including shortness of breath and blue baby syndrome. These symptoms require immediate medical care because the condition can rapidly progress to coma and death. It is highly recommended that breast-feeding mothers also refrain from using municipal water.
The Ohio Administrative Code requires that drinking water contain no more than 10 milligrams of nitrate per liter. This level is considered safe for more individuals. However, according to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources website, pregnant women who drink nitrate-contaminated water during pregnancy are more likely to have babies with birth defects and long-term ingestion of water high in nitrates may increase the risk of certain types of cancer.
A good quality Drinking Water System will effectively reduce the nitrates in drinking water. Nitrate is tasteless and odorless, which means that water must be chemically tested by a professional laboratory to determine contamination. Boiling water will not reduce the nitrate level. In fact, excessive boiling actually makes the nitrates more concentrated as the pure water evaporates.
Your only means of treatment are an in-home water treatment system like the Rayne Evolution or a Rayne RO System.
To read more about this article, click here.

Beyond the Eye: The Increasing Prevalence of Microplastics in Our Bodies

Posted by Rayne Water

The Invisible Threat: Microplastics

The Invisible Threat Microplastics

Microplastics are minuscule plastic particles measuring less than 5 millimeters in size. They can be categorized into two main types: primary microplastics, which are intentionally manufactured for various purposes like personal care products, and secondary microplastics, which result from the breakdown of larger plastic debris over time.

These particles have made their way into our daily lives through multiple routes, but one primary avenue is through our water sources.

What makes microplastics particularly insidious is their size. Their minuscule dimensions render them difficult to detect with the naked eye, giving rise to the concept of the ‘invisible threat.’ Their small stature allows them to escape conventional filtration methods, both in water treatment facilities and within our own homes.

The growing concern about the presence of microplastics in our bodies cannot be overlooked. While research is ongoing to fully understand the potential implications, the mere fact that these particles have infiltrated our biological systems raises significant questions about their impact on our health and well-being.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the journey of microplastics, exploring their pathways, the methods used to detect them, and the potential risks they pose to our bodies.

Having water issues? Don’t stress; find out where you can find our closest team.

The Body Invasion: Tracing Microplastics in Humans

The Body Invasion: Tracing Microplastics in Humans

Recent studies have raised alarming evidence regarding the presence of microplastics within human tissues, shedding light on the extent of their infiltration into our bodies. These findings emphasize the need to delve deeper into the journey of microplastics and understand the potential health implications they may pose.

Researchers have made significant strides in detecting microplastics within various human tissues, ranging from the gastrointestinal tract to the lungs and even placental tissues.

Once microplastics enter our bodies, they have the potential to travel through different pathways. In the case of ingestion, microplastics can pass through the gastrointestinal tract and potentially accumulate in organs such as the liver, kidneys, and intestines. Similarly, inhalation of microplastics can lead to their deposition in the respiratory system, with the potential for migration into lung tissues.

While research is still in its early stages, it is crucial to maintain a sense of caution and acknowledge the unknown long-term effects of microplastic accumulation in the body. The gradual buildup of these particles over time, combined with their potential to cause harm at a cellular level, underscores the need for further investigation.

By recognizing the dangers posed by microplastics and their ability to navigate our bodies, we can drive the necessary research to better understand their long-term implications on human health.

Our Daily Intake: Microplastics in the Water We Drink

Our Daily Intake: Microplastics in the Water We Drink

Tap water, which is sourced from rivers, lakes, and groundwater, can contain microplastics due to pollution and contamination. Industrial and domestic wastewater, plastic debris, and environmental degradation contribute to the presence of microplastics in these water sources. Despite municipal water treatment processes, which aim to remove impurities and provide safe drinking water, the small size of microplastics presents a significant challenge.

Conventional water treatment methods, such as sedimentation and filtration, may not be designed to effectively filter out particles as small as microplastics, allowing them to persist in the water supply.

Even bottled water, often perceived as a safer alternative, is not immune to microplastic contamination. Studies have revealed that microplastics can be found in various brands of bottled water, highlighting the pervasive nature of this issue. The manufacturing and packaging processes, as well as the materials used, can introduce microplastics into the bottled water.

We recognize the need for advanced water filtration solutions to address the microplastic contamination issue. Our commitment lies in providing effective and reliable filtration systems that are designed to tackle the challenges posed by microplastics. Through innovative technologies such as reverse osmosis, our systems can efficiently remove microplastics, along with other impurities, from your household water supply.

Fighting the Invisible with Rayne Water’s Solutions

Fighting the Invisible with Rayne Water's Solutions

Our reverse osmosis systems are specifically designed to tackle the invisible threat of microplastics in water. Through a multi-stage filtration process, our systems employ a combination of sediment filters, activated carbon filters, and a semi-permeable membrane to remove impurities, including microplastics, from the water supply.

During the filtration process, water passes through various stages, each designed to target different contaminants. Sediment filters are the first line of defense, effectively trapping larger particles such as sediment and debris. The water then flows through activated carbon filters, which work to remove chlorine, odors, and organic compounds that may be present.

Finally, the water reaches the semi-permeable membrane, which acts as a barrier to block even the smallest particles, including microplastics, ensuring they are effectively removed from the water.

The value of our solutions extends beyond microplastic removal. By investing in our reverse osmosis systems, you not only protect yourself from the hidden dangers of microplastics, but you also gain additional benefits. The taste and clarity of your water will be noticeably improved, as our systems remove impurities and unwanted flavors.

Furthermore, choosing us is a more eco-friendly choice. By filtering microplastics and other pollutants from your household water, you contribute to reducing the overall environmental impact.

Learn more about the benefits you can expect with our water systems.

Choosing Rayne: A Step Toward a Microplastics-free Future

Choosing Rayne: A Step Toward a Microplastics-free Future

Moreover, microplastics pose a significant concern for our well-being, as they have the potential to enter our bodies through various pathways, accumulate over time, and lead to potential health issues. Recent studies have uncovered the presence of microplastics in human tissues, raising concerns about their long-term effects on our health.

By choosing our reverse osmosis systems, you take a decisive step toward reducing your exposure to microplastics. Our advanced filtration technology is designed to effectively remove these invisible threats from your household water supply. Through the multi-stage filtration process, our systems target and eliminate microplastics, ensuring that the water you and your family consume is cleaner, safer, and free from these harmful contaminants.

We invite you to join us in this fight against microplastics. Together, we can make a significant impact and protect the well-being of our loved ones and future generations.

Contact Rayne Water today to explore our range of reverse osmosis systems and find the one that suits your needs.

Check out all our current promotions!


1. Are microplastics only found in drinking water, or can they be present in other sources as well?

Microplastics are not limited to drinking water alone. They have been detected in various sources, including rivers, oceans, soil, air, and even food. They have become pervasive in our environment, and their presence extends beyond just the water we consume.

2. How do I know if my current water filtration system is effective in removing microplastics?

Conventional water filtration methods may not be equipped to effectively remove microplastics due to their small size. If you are concerned about microplastics in your water, it is recommended to look for advanced filtration technologies like reverse osmosis systems.

These systems are specifically designed to target and filter out microplastics, providing you with cleaner and safer water.

3. Can microplastics be harmful to human health if ingested?

While the long-term health impacts of microplastic ingestion are still being studied, there is growing concern about their potential effects. Microplastics have been found in human tissues, raising questions about their impact on our health.

It is important to reduce exposure to microplastics as much as possible and choose reliable filtration systems to ensure the water we consume is free from these potential contaminants.

Is Your Drinking Water Affecting Your Kids’ IQ?

Posted by Rayne Water

Recently, researchers from Columbia University and the University of New Hampshire have been doing some testing on elementary students in central Maine studying the connection between high concentrations of arsenic in groundwater and intelligence levels. These researchers are specifically studying third, fourth and fifth grade students that live in areas having high arsenic content in their water supplies.

Arsenic in ground water is largely the result of minerals dissolving from weathered rocks and soils. In 2001 the EPA lowered the maximum level of arsenic permitted in drinking water from 50 micrograms per liter to 10 micrograms per liter. Federal and state geologists have found that a lot of Maine’s landscape contains types of rock that dissolve arsenic and other elements into the ground water.

One University of New Hampshire researcher, Carol Ladd, stated ‘If your water is high in arsenic, you may not want to drink it, or cook rice or spaghetti or other things that absorb a lot of water.’

Three years ago researchers started evaluating elementary-school children in two school districts serving Manchester, Mount Vernon, Readfield, and Wayne. Now they want to expand to an additional 500 students whose families use private well water to see how they compare.

The researchers have studied well-water supplies from more than 200 children and their families, finding that the water supplies of 55 of the first 92 participants had arsenic levels that exceeded federal guidelines. The research into the connection between arsenic levels in groundwater and children’s IQ levels is drawing attention to the frequency of arsenic in water.

In addition to these new concerns, arsenic is a carcinogen which causes many cancers including skin, lung and bladder, as well as cardiovascular disease. Even low concentrations of arsenic contamination can raise the risk of several serious diseases. It’s a good idea to know what your drinking water contains to keep you and your family healthy. To read the entire article, click here.

Thirst for Safe Water: Understanding the Harm of Microplastics

Posted by Rayne Water

Decoding the Microplastics Phenomenon

Decoding the Microplastics Phenomenon

Microplastics, as the name suggests, are tiny plastic particles measuring less than 5 millimeters in size. They originate from various sources, including plastic waste that breaks down over time, microbeads found in personal care products, and even synthetic fibers released from clothing during washing. Due to their small size, microplastics have become pervasive in the environment, from our oceans and rivers to our soil and air.

The impact of microplastics extends beyond environmental degradation. There is increasing evidence suggesting potential risks to human health. These tiny particles have the ability to enter our bodies through various pathways, including ingestion, inhalation, and even dermal absorption. As they make their way into our system, there is a growing concern about their potential long-term effects on our well-being.

The thirst for safe, clean water has always been a fundamental human need. However, the presence of microplastics introduces a new challenge, making it increasingly difficult to satisfy this basic requirement. We now face the task of not only ensuring the availability of water but also safeguarding its quality from these invisible threats.

In this article, we will dive deeper into the intricate world of microplastics, their impact on human health, and the innovative solutions that can help us overcome these challenges.

Having water issues? Don’t stress; find out where you can find our closest team.

A Closer Look: Unraveling the Threat of Microplastics

A Closer Look: Unraveling the Threat of Microplastics

The presence of microplastics in human tissues has become a subject of growing concern. Recent studies have detected these microscopic particles in various organs and systems within our bodies, including the digestive system, respiratory system, and even in blood and lymphatic vessels. This finding raises important questions about the potential long-term consequences of microplastic accumulation within our physiological framework.

While researchers are diligently investigating the impacts, our understanding of the full extent of the threat remains limited. The complexity lies in the fact that microplastics encompass a diverse range of polymers, additives, and chemical compositions.

Despite these limitations, the potential risks of long-term exposure to microplastics cannot be overlooked. It is crucial that we recognize the urgent need for further research to unravel the intricate mechanisms through which microplastics may impact our health. By better understanding the potential harm they may cause, we can develop informed strategies to safeguard our well-being.

Invisible Invaders: The Ubiquity of Microplastics

Invisible Invaders: The Ubiquity of Microplastics

Microplastics have infiltrated ecosystems far beyond the ocean’s depths. They are found in freshwater bodies such as lakes, rivers, and even groundwater, posing a significant concern for the quality and safety of our drinking water. Through various channels, these unseen invaders make their way into our bodies, potentially disrupting the delicate balance of our health.

Water consumption is a primary route through which microplastics enter our systems. When we drink water from contaminated sources, whether it be tap water or even bottled water, we inadvertently expose ourselves to these tiny particles.

Moreover, the use of plastic in food packaging, utensils, and other everyday items further compounds the problem. As we ingest, inhale, or come into contact with microplastics through our daily lives, we become unwitting hosts to these invisible invaders.

The alarming nature of this widespread problem cannot be overstated. Microplastics have the ability to accumulate in our organs, tissues, and cells, posing potential implications for human health. The long-term consequences of this invisible invasion are not yet fully understood, but evidence suggests that the accumulation of microplastics in our bodies could lead to adverse effects.

From potential inflammatory responses to the disruption of biological processes, the implications are deeply concerning.

Learn more about the benefits you can expect with our water systems.

Quenching the Thirst: Rayne Water’s Solution to Microplastics

Quenching the Thirst: Rayne Water's Solution to Microplastics

So how does our reverse osmosis system work?

In simple terms, it employs a multi-stage filtration process that leverages advanced membrane technology. Water passes through a series of filters, including a semipermeable membrane with microscopic pores, designed to trap and remove impurities, including microplastics. This process effectively eliminates these tiny particles, providing you with cleaner, safer drinking water.

While we won’t delve into the intricate scientific details, it’s important to highlight the efficacy of our system in microplastic removal. With its robust filtration capabilities, our reverse osmosis system helps to ensure that your water is not only free from microplastics but also a range of other contaminants, such as chemicals, heavy metals, and sediments.

But the benefits of our solution extend beyond microplastic removal. Our reverse osmosis system enhances the taste and clarity of your drinking water, removing unpleasant odors and flavors that may be present due to impurities.

Say goodbye to the faint taste of chlorine or the lingering aftertaste of pollutants.

Moreover, by choosing Rayne Water’s reverse osmosis system, you contribute to reducing environmental impact. Our solution eliminates the need for single-use plastic water bottles, reducing plastic waste and its associated carbon footprint.

The Rayne Advantage: Safeguarding Your Health

The Rayne Advantage: Safeguarding Your Health

As we reflect on the pervasive issue of microplastics and the escalating need for advanced water purification methods, it becomes clear that the quest for safe drinking water has never been more critical.

This is where our reverse osmosis systems offer a distinct advantage. Our cutting-edge technology and rigorous filtration process provide unparalleled protection against microplastic contamination. By effectively removing these invisible intruders, our systems ensure that your drinking water is pure and free from potential harm.

We call upon you to take control of your water safety. Together, we can create a future where clean and safe drinking water is within everyone’s reach.

Contact us today and embark on a journey towards a healthier, microplastic-free life.

Check out all our current promotions!


1. How do microplastics enter our drinking water in the first place?

Microplastics can enter drinking water from various sources. They can be released from plastic waste and debris that degrade over time, they can be present in wastewater effluent, and they can also come from atmospheric deposition.

These microplastics can then find their way into freshwater sources, such as rivers and lakes, which serve as our drinking water supplies.

2. Are microplastics harmful to human health?

Microplastics have been found in human tissues, and there are concerns about their potential to cause inflammation, oxidative stress, and the potential for harmful chemicals to be absorbed by the body. The long-term effects of microplastic exposure are still not fully understood, but it is important to minimize our exposure to these particles.

3. How does Rayne Water’s reverse osmosis system effectively remove microplastics from drinking water?

Our reverse osmosis system utilizes a multi-stage filtration process that includes a high-pressure membrane. This membrane has extremely small pores that can effectively filter out microplastics, along with other impurities such as chemicals, heavy metals, and bacteria.

The system works by applying pressure to the water, forcing it through the membrane while leaving microplastics and other contaminants behind. This ensures that the water you consume is free from these invisible invaders.

Defending Your Family from Invisible Invaders: How Rayne Water’s Systems Filter Microplastics Effectively

Posted by Rayne Water

Understanding the Microplastics Menace

Microplastics are tiny plastic particles measuring less than 5 millimeters in size, almost invisible to the naked eye. They can come from a variety of sources, including the degradation of larger plastic debris, microbeads in personal care products, fibers from synthetic clothing, and even the breakdown of car tires.

These minute particles are released into the environment and have infiltrated virtually every corner of our ecosystem, from the air we breathe to the water we drink and the food we consume.

The scale of the microplastics problem is often underestimated, as the particles are imperceptible and easily overlooked. Their omnipresence has earned them the moniker of “invisible invaders,” silently making their way into our lives without us even realizing it.

We cannot afford to ignore the potential health impacts of microplastics any longer. The absorption and accumulation of microplastics in the human body have raised concerns about their potential to disrupt hormonal balance, cause inflammation, and even contribute to the development of certain diseases.

Having water issues? Don’t stress; find out where you can find our closest team.

Not Just a Drop in the Ocean: The Ubiquity of Microplastics

Microplastics have permeated every aspect of our lives, extending far beyond the realms of oceans and water bodies. They have become ubiquitous, finding their way into various facets of our existence, from the food we consume to the products we use daily.

Research has revealed that microplastics are not limited to our oceans alone. They have infiltrated the food chain, making their way into the very sustenance we rely on. Microplastics have been detected in various food sources, including seafood, drinking water, and even table salt.

These tiny particles enter the environment through various means, such as agricultural runoff, atmospheric deposition, and wastewater discharge. Consequently, they find their way into the crops we harvest, the animals we consume, and ultimately, onto our plates.

Perhaps most alarmingly, recent research has shown the detection of microplastics in human tissues. These minuscule particles have been found in organs such as the lungs, liver, and intestines, raising concerns about the potential risks they may pose to our health. The fact that microplastics have reached our very own bodies underscores the urgency of addressing this issue.

The universal presence of microplastics amplifies the level of exposure we face. They are covert in nature, silently making their way into our surroundings and subtly increasing our vulnerability.

The Silent Infiltrators: How Microplastics Make Their Way into Our Bodies

While the presence of microplastics in our environment is undeniable, it is equally important to understand how these insidious particles make their way into our bodies. One of the key routes of exposure is through contaminated drinking water, which serves as a direct conduit for the silent infiltration of microplastics.

Conventional water treatment methods, although effective in addressing many contaminants, often fall short when it comes to filtering out microplastics. The small size and diverse nature of these particles make them particularly challenging to remove. Traditional treatment processes such as sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection, while effective against larger impurities, are not specifically designed to target microplastics.

As a result, a significant proportion of these particles can still find their way into our tap water, reaching our glasses and ultimately our bodies.

The limitations of conventional water treatment methods underscore the growing need for advanced purification techniques that can effectively combat the infiltration of microplastics. Our advanced technologies go beyond conventional methods, ensuring that your water is thoroughly cleansed and free from these invisible invaders.

Learn more about the benefits you can expect with our water systems.

Rayne Water’s Counterstrike: A Robust Defense against Microplastics

In the battle against the microplastics menace, Rayne Water stands at the forefront with our state-of-the-art reverse osmosis systems. These innovative solutions are a powerful weapon in our arsenal, offering an effective means of removing microplastics from water.

What sets our reverse osmosis systems apart is our commitment to delivering comprehensive solutions. Removing microplastics from water is just one aspect of our approach. By utilizing our systems, you also benefit from enhanced water quality overall.

Another advantage of using Rayne Water’s systems is the reduced environmental footprint compared to conventional bottled water. We provide an eco-friendly alternative, allowing you to enjoy high-quality water while actively reducing plastic waste. Most importantly, our systems offer the guarantee of safer water for you and your family.

Rallying with Rayne: Secure Your Home Against Microplastics

Moreover, the urgency of the microplastics menace cannot be overstated. These tiny particles have infiltrated every aspect of our lives, from the food we eat to the air we breathe. Their universal presence, combined with the potential health impacts they may have, demands our immediate attention.

When it comes to choosing a solution, reliability and efficiency are paramount. Our reverse osmosis systems have been designed and engineered to combat the microplastics invasion. With our cutting-edge technology, we ensure that your drinking water is thoroughly purified, providing a robust defense against these invisible invaders.

By investing in our reverse osmosis systems, you are not only safeguarding your family’s health but also making a conscious choice to contribute to a cleaner, plastic-free environment.

Contact us today to explore the range of solutions we offer, tailored to meet your specific needs.

Check out all our current promotions!


1. Are microplastics harmful to human health?

Microplastics have been linked to potential health risks, although the full extent of their impact is still being studied. Research suggests that the absorption and accumulation of microplastics in the body may disrupt hormonal balance, cause inflammation, and potentially contribute to certain diseases.

2. How do microplastics enter our drinking water?

Microplastics can enter drinking water sources through various means. They may originate from the breakdown of larger plastic debris, microbeads in personal care products, synthetic fibers from clothing, or even atmospheric deposition.

Contaminated water sources, such as rivers and oceans, can transfer microplastics into our drinking water supplies, making it important to have effective filtration systems in place.

3. How does Rayne Water’s reverse osmosis system remove microplastics?

Our reverse osmosis systems utilize a semi-permeable membrane to effectively filter out microplastics from water. The membrane features microscopic pores that block the passage of these tiny particles, ensuring that the water that reaches your glass is free from microplastics.

Reverse osmosis is a proven and reliable method for removing a wide range of contaminants, including microplastics, and providing purified drinking water.