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Archive for September, 2017

How Can Water Improve My Life?

Posted by Rayne Water

With the New Year comes resolutions. People begin finding ways to improve their lives- their health, their finances, their habits. Traditionally, many Americans will make weight loss and getting healthy their resolution for the New Year. As part of this healthier lifestyle, many Americans will try to eat better and exercise more. As you improve your diet and burn more calories, remember to drink plenty of water to keep you feeling and looking better. Besides from keeping you hydrated, there are additional health benefits of drinking water.

Drinking plenty of water before each meal has actually been proven to help you lose more weight. It has been hailed as a secret weapon in weight loss and is such an easy change you can do within your diet plans. Brenda Davy, PhD, an associate professor of nutrition at Virginia Tech and senior author of a 2010 study, says that drinking just two 8-ounce glasses of water before meals helps people melt pounds away and lose weight. She tells WebMD that many people substitute sweet-tasting calorie-containing beverages for water. Choosing water has so many benefits. You will feel fuller, look younger, and consume fewer calories. Why would you choose a resolution that will lead to failure? Drinking lots of water is easy and you will reap the health benefits of drinking water quickly, keeping you motivated for sure. After all, success is the best motivator.

Get started today! We specialize in providing the purest water possible!

Drinking plenty of safe water is a doable resolution for sure. Most resolutions come with an average failure rate of about 78%, say experts. Our drinking water systems make it easy to complete your goals of being healthier. Reverse osmosis will turn your tap water into safe, healthy filtered water by eliminating harmful contaminants in a cost-effective manner. Making a resolution doesn’t have to mean spending too much money. In fact, bottled water costs more financially and environmentally. A drinking water filter will simply turn tap water into healthier water. This is the perfect way to support such an important resolution. With so many unhealthy people in this country, increasing the amount of water we drink is the perfect start to the New Year. Your resolution may also have a positive impact on those around you. You will be modeling healthy habits for your children and promoting a healthier lifestyle without “failing” at a resolution. Will you improve your life, ditch the sugary beverages, and make drinking more (safe) water your New Year’s resolution too?

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What You Should Know About Common Well Water Contaminants

Posted by Rayne Water

Regular testing and timely maintenance of your private well can help ensure your family’s drinking water is healthy and safe. Private well water is susceptible to many different environmental conditions affecting the water supply in the locality. From bacterial contamination, to off putting smells and taste once it’s in its storage tank, well water can be less than ideal for daily consumption. Well water is NOT treated like that of public drinking water, and there are a number of naturally occurring minerals and contaminants that will be in that water if it’s not filtered. However, don’t let this alarm you. It’s easier than you think to set up a proper water filtration system and avoid any common well water contaminants. It’s time to make a drinking water system in your home a priority by educating yourself on contaminants and health risks and treating your water today!

According to one study from The University of Minnesota, clear, clean well water can still carry large amounts of naturally occurring bacteria which can cause a very bad smell, even if the water looks okay to drink. This bacteria can be very hard to eliminate with certain kinds of drinking water filters. You’ll need to make sure that the filtration product you choose is right for the type of water contamination you have since not all water filters on the market can handle multiple types of contamination. It’s important for your health, your time and your wallet to learn about common well water contaminants in your area and determine which water filter would serve best for filtration. If you choose to invest in a home water filtration system, you’ll save time because the right systems will function properly and efficiently. You can also save money from buying bottled water, since the filtered water will be free of high levels of contaminants and more clean for your health.

Get started today! We specialize in providing the purest water possible!

One of our most popular drinking water systems is our reverse osmosis drinking water system. It is equipped with a post-carbon water filter for great fresh taste, and effectively reduces 95-97% of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and other contaminant concentrations that may be harmful to your health. This is especially important for well-owners, so you can ensure that your private well water is safe from sources of contamination. On top of the effectiveness, our water filter systems also have the added advantage of being incredibly eco-friendly!

Water wells can be unpredictable when it comes to drinking water contamination. Conducting a proper water test is essential for maintaining potable water for your home. However, even that isn’t always foolproof, and you’ll still need to take action should you find bacteria or contaminants at or above safe levels. When you have a home drinking water system to filter your water, your family will feel better knowing that the water they’re drinking or using is safe for their health and free of any undesired sources of contamination. Drinking water contamination doesn’t have to be hard for those with wells when you have our drinking water filters on your side!

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How to Filter Water: Which Method is Best for Your Home?

Posted by Rayne Water

Water quality in the U.S. has been making national headlines, which may have you exploring filtration options to take precautions. Your family’s health decisions lie in your hands, and choosing the right water filtration equipment is important – especially if you have young children.

From filtration pitchers to faucet heads and water coolers, there are many ways to remove harmful contaminants from your tap. But which option is worth your investment in water quality? Which method is best for your home? Here, we lay out how to filter water, and the pros and cons of the most popular water purification methods available.

Let’s explore.

Reverse Osmosis System

Reverse osmosis systems help eliminate contaminants other types of filtration tend to miss to make water safer and better tasting – all for just pennies a glass. Great for those using a well, these technologically advanced and innovative filters use the reverse osmosis process to significantly reduce contaminants such as lead, arsenic, chloride, fluoride, radium and other harmful bacteria in water.

Reverse osmosis is the process of pushing water through a semi-permeable
membrane to remove impurities and harmful contaminants, thereby resulting in safe, great-tasting filtered water!

Reverse Osmosis Systems starting at only $25/mo. Try before you buy!

Water Cooler

When it comes to water coolers, there are a couple of options: the classic bottled water cooler, or the newer, more environmentally friendly bottle-free water cooler. Both offer various water temperature settings, potentially free up kitchen counter space and are low-maintenance.

Bottle-free coolers attach to your water supply and run tap water through advanced filters to remove impurities and contaminants. The filtered water is stored in an internal storage tank, so you’ll have plenty of clean water on hand to drink when you need it. There are no replacement filters to change or bottles to replace.

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Are Chloramines Wreaking Havoc on Your Pipes?

Posted by Rayne Water

Your drinking water might be safer, but your home is at risk for water damage caused by the possible failure of state-mandated copper piping, warns the California Professional Association of Specialty Contractors (CalPASC). Why is this? Why are copper pipes failing? The simplest answer is chloramines found in our home’s water. Chloramines are compounds containing a mixture of chlorine and ammonia that extend the disinfecting power of chlorine in drinking water. Research presented at CalPASC’s recent Drinking Water Symposium points to copper pipe failure caused by the presence of  chloramines in California’s water systems. Following federal guidelines from the Environment Protection Agency (EPA), the Metropolitan Water District, which supplies over 60 percent of the drinking water to cities in California, has switched to the use of chloramines to keep drinking water bacteria free. More than one in five Americans uses drinking water treated with chloramines, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Pinhole leaks are seemingly tiny problems that can lead to big repairs. Because of their small size, the leaks can go undetected for months, leading to mildew and water damage, and can waste gallons of water. There are two types of water: “working water” and drinking water. Working water is what we use to wash clothes, water our lawns, shower ourselves, or otherwise use in ways we do NOT ingest. Drinking water, on the other hand, is the water we intake directly—either by drinking or indirectly through cooking—and represents only about two percent of the water we use. If your home is connected to a municipal water supply, you will be in contact with chlorine or, more recently, chloramines. Chloramine disinfection is used by many water companies in the Bay Area. Having chloramines disinfect your water supply by your water company is a good thing, but you don’t need it coming into your house, where your pipes and drinking water are affected. So, what is the solution? The Water Quality Association recommends that you install in-home water purification systems, whole-house water filtration systems, and/or reverse osmosis drinking water systems that have been rigorously tested and certified to independent standards. Rayne Water Corporation and Rayne of Irvine however, announce the new Chloramine Buster water treatment systems. This system is specifically designed for Orange County Residents to help prevent copper plumbing pinhole leaks caused by the addition of chloramines from municipalities to treat the local water. For more information visit:

Looking for water softeners in your area? We have locations all over California! We can provide water softeners in Sacramento and all the way down to San Diego!

Going Green in Your Office

Posted by Rayne Water

If you work in an office like millions of other Americans, there are many benefits to pushing for green solutions and eco-friendly products. A business that is eco-friendly sets a different kind of tone for its employees and customers. Running an environmentally friendly business helps you reduce your impact on the environment and preserves natural resources. Your business can help the environment in many ways.

One of these ways is to add an eco-friendly drinking water system like one of our bottleless water coolers. It may not seem like a big deal, but providing safe, clean drinking water which won’t cost the environment is a great solution for going even a little bit greener.

As a business owner, do you…

…want to provide great-tasting water?  Our bottleless water cooler has LINX® technology which allows you to adjust the taste starting at reverse osmosis filtered water to spring water.

…want to go more environmentally-friendly? Our drinking water system reduces your carbon footprint and is different than a traditional RO system which wastes a ton of water.

…want to save water? LINX® technology wastes almost no water when compared to other RO systems that feed bottleless water coolers.

…want to save money? Of course you do! The cost of wastewater can be equally, or more expensive than the water you use in your building. Don’t watch your money literally go down the drain.

…want to use technology that is some of the most advanced on the market? We’re sure you will appreciate that our patented LINX® technology was designed and is manufactured in Silicon Valley by the best.

…want options on how to pay for our products? Unlike some companies, we allow you to rent, rent-to-own or buy our bottleless water coolers.

The benefits are awesome and we cannot wait to tell you more about our drinking water products. You’ll be proud to tell your customers and your employees about the systems you chose which will help your office be green and eco-friendly. Good practices start with our products. Promoting your environmentally friendly methods can set your business apart from your competitors and attract new customers who want to buy products and services from an environmentally friendly business!

Drink up – It's HOT out there!

Posted by Rayne Water

Late August and September are known as the Dog Days of Summer. The tourists are going home, but the temperatures are still warm. Here are a few late summer ideas to help you stay hydrated in the high temps. Excessive heat exposure can cause dehydration, which in turn can cause dangerous conditions like heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke (also called sunstroke). Drinking water frequently throughout the day is the easiest way to prevent the complications from excessive heat exposure. The way you dress can go a long way towards keeping you comfortable when you’re outside in the heat. Dark clothing absorbs more heat, and tight clothes don’t let you sweat, your body’s natural cooling system, evaporate. Sunglasses are chic and functional. They prevent harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from scorching your corneas and protect your eyes for many more summers to come. Choose sunglasses that block 90 to 100 percent of UV rays. Nothing knocks good days off a summer calendar like a nasty sunburn. When outdoors, use sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least 15. Use a higher-rated, waterproof sunscreen if you’ll be poolside or out on the beach. Don’t forget to cover areas that burn easily: nose, ears, shoulders, and back of the neck. Don’t forget your lips! Just like sunscreen protects the rest of your skin, a lip balm with SPF protection blocks out the sun and keeps in moisture for your lips. It’s so important to stay hydrated. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty! Drink water throughout the day to prevent dehydration or over exhaustion. All-natural juice without added sugar not only provides hydration but also important nutrients to keep you active in hot weather. Check the label on the juice bottle and make sure it says “100 percent juice with no sugar added.” A nice cool alcoholic drink sounds great and refreshing on a hot summer day. Picking an alcoholic drink isn’t the best choice however, choose water if possible. That’s because alcohol only dehydrates you more. If you can’t barbecue without a brew, drink a bottle of water between each alcoholic beverage to stay hydrated. Like alcohol, caffeine sucks the moisture out of you. On hot days, avoid it as much as possible, especially when combined with alcohol. The best advice, avoid the sun during the hottest part of the day. UV rays are at their highest, normally between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. That’s the best time to head inside, get food and water, let your body cool down, and maybe even take a nap. How much water do you need on a hot summer day? Water makes up about 60 percent of the human body, and without enough of it, dehydration can set in, causing dry mouth, tiredness, and headaches. Experts say adult males, that means about 3.7 liters of fluids per day (nearly 16 cups), while ladies need roughly 2.7 liters (or 11 cups) per day. It’s important to remember if you are not accustomed to working or exercising in a hot environment, start slowly and pick up the pace gradually. If exertion in the heat makes your heart pound and leaves you gasping for breath, STOP all activity. Get into a cool area or at least into the shade, and rest, especially if you become lightheaded, confused, weak, or faint. It is important to drink before and during physical activity in hot weather and not wait until thirsty. And if, after a period of yard work or an intense workout in the heat, watch for the signs of dehydration. Daily water intake must be balanced with losses to maintain total body water. Losing body water can adversely affect your functioning and health. Once you start feeling thirsty, you’ve probably lost about 1 percent of your body water and are dehydrated. With a 2 percent water loss, you could experience serious fatigue and cardiovascular impairments. It’s important to note that individual fluid needs differ depending on your sweat rate, the environmental temperature, your clothing, humidity and other factors. Of course, drinking filtered water, is the healthiest option you can choose. For more information on our drinking water systems, you can visit our website.]]>

Servicing Your Water Filtration System Made Easy

Posted by Rayne Water

So you’ve made the decision to invest in a home water filtration system and chances are, you’re loving every minute of it. A drinking water system is necessary because clean water is important for our health. No one wants to knowingly or unknowingly consume tap water full of harmful contaminants. Unfortunately, according to recent reports, millions of Americans are being exposed to unsafe drinking water each day. You’ve made the choice to invest in better drinking water, but you will need to make sure to maintain your water filtration system.Whether your drinking water system comes from us, or from another water filtration company, we do service most of the brands on the market. If you have any questions about whether or not yours would be included, you can call our office. It is important to have your system serviced or inspected at least once per year and should include:

In order for your system to work optimally and reduce the contamination in your tap water, maintenance is important. Just like you have routine maintenance for your vehicle or get check-ups at the doctors, we want to inspect your water filtration system so you get the most out of your investment. Most people today drink chlorine-treated water that still contains many harmful bacteria, chemicals and other contaminants.  A drinking water system that isn’t doing its job may be failing to remove them. Ready for a system check? We’ve got you covered!