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Archive for the ‘Water Usage’ Category

Water Waste and Overuse Costs More than Just Money

Posted by Rayne Water

The livelihood of the Imperial Valley in Southern California – and a large portion of our enjoyment of fresh fruits and vegetables in the winter – depends on the crops that grow there and the water they use to grow these vegetables. The Imperial Valley, according to one article from National Public Radio, produces about 80% of the nation’s winter vegetables. These crops grow from the same water source as the residents’ drinking water – the only water source – Lake Mead and the Imperial Dam filled by the once-mighty Colorado River. When the river was flowing years ago, an agricultural giant emerged as the water from the river was sent to the Imperial Valley’s dry, desert lands. The amount of water needed for these crops, combined with population trends on the rise and recent years of drought, has put a very serious warning from climate researchers on the area. They say that Lake Mead (which feeds the Imperial Valley and most of the southwest), “has a 50 percent chance of drying up in as few as ten years.”

This recent claim has sparked a lot of interest in the area among local governments, cities, residents, farmers, and business owners in how to preserve the water so that their crops and livelihood will continue to flourish for many years to come. Without these crops, food prices would affect the rest of the country, local economies like fertilizer or tractor companies, as well as the Imperial farmers themselves. In an already unsteady economy, the Imperial Valley needs this water to keep farms going but to also preserve low prices for these winter vegetables for the rest of the country.

Water usage and water waste is to be addressed and some areas are regulating the water allowed for the residents and farmers. The farmers aren’t keeping all of their water there, as they are pressured to sell some to bigger area cities by officials. They know, however, that the water is necessary for growing their crops. Lake Mead, a reservoir that holds the Colorado River water for the Imperial Valley, needs to have a fundamental change.

So researchers predict that if the trends continue, there will not be sufficient water in the source to provide both drinking water and agricultural water, both needing the other to survive. Many residents are encouraged to save water as well. One way in doing this is to look into drinking water systems that will use less water than traditional reverse osmosis. In today’s economy and climate, residents need to find a drinking water system that is both affordable and eco-friendly. Changes on every level are necessary before the water source in that area is no longer available.

We have many Southern California locations in most major metropolitan areas. We have many SoCal locations and can provide water softeners in Santa Barbara all the way down to San Diego. Please contact us if you are looking for water filtration or water softener systems in Los Angeles, Orange County, Santa Barbara, or San Diego. We’re here to help!

Business Water Strategies

Posted by Rayne Water

Small Business Trends recently published an online article that we felt was worthy of being revisited by our readers, particularly those of you who own your own business or are in a decision-making capacity where you work. This article is titled “5 Strategies for Saving Water at Your Business”.

As a business owner or manager, you have many responsibilities and concerns in a day, but how much water is flushed down your drain is probably not something you waste much thought on. Environmental scientists, however, expect worldwide fresh water shortages to be one of the most pressing environmental concerns within the next 50 years. More immediately, many communities are hitting residents and local businesses with higher water and utility rates. What does that mean to you? Hopefully, it means that you do start being concerned about the amount of water that is used in your company.

Every company uses water differently and in different quantities. The most important thing you can do is figure out where your water is going, and then tackle the issue! The five strategies identified in the article are:

  1. Go low-flow in your toilets and faucets. A low-flow faucet aerator emits about 0.7 gallons less per minute than a standard faucet and a low-flow toilet uses less than half of the water to flush as compared to an older toilet.
  2. Get a water audit. A commercial water audit examines how much water a business uses and provides strategies for conservation and cost savings. These audits can also identify water leaks that can be repaired. In some communities, the utility company provides these audits for free.
  3. Reduce landscape watering. Consider planting native landscapes or using mulch or stone instead of grass. You may also find rain-harvesting sufficient.
  4. Engage and inform employees. Every employee plays a role in how much water your business uses. Remind employees to be conscientious of water use and ask for their ideas on how to conserve water.
  5. Purchase water-efficient equipment. Most types of equipment in use today are available in water-efficient models, or have less-water-intensive alternatives. While these alternative products may have somewhat higher upfront costs, they can often pay for themselves quickly through water and water-heating savings.

The most important tool in your attempts at water conservation? Knowledge. Do you know where your water is going? Do you know how many gallons you use each day? Do you know where the waste is? For example, many people would never consider that their drinking water systems could be wasting water. If you have a reverse osmosis system, it has the potential to waste 90% of the water it comes across. Or, if you have a water cooler, do you know how many gallons are used to create the bottles and clean them for reuse? So, do your homework and keep an eye on your water consumption.

Where there are farms, there may be nitrates.

Posted by Rayne Water

Where there are farms, there may be nitrates. You cannot see them. You cannot taste them. We eat our vegetables because they are healthy, never considering that they may contain nitrates or what we wash them in may contain nitrates as well.

A recent article emphasizes responsible fertilizer use and the effects of the nitrogen that escapes. According to the Santa Maria Sun, a new study by UC Davis scientists shows that plants only use half the nitrogen fertilizer that farmers apply. The other half hops a ride on water molecules and percolates down through the soil, eventually making its way into local drinking-water wells—where nitrate contamination can make the water unfit for human consumption. It’s a serious problem that’s getting worse, according to water quality officials. Many local growers (and those around the country) have been spending resources trying to use fertilizers responsibly and reduce the use in general in order to minimize nitrogen.

Today’s farmers often apply the liquid boost along with irrigation water, using drip lines to feed the plants’ root zones. Some even have their own onsite laboratories, relying on plant science to fine-tune fertilizer application. But nitrate pollution of groundwater is so widespread that these voluntary efforts aren’t enough for the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board anymore. Now Central Coast farmers are the first in California to face a host of stringent new requirements designed to stem the flow. This is good news for consumers who may find excess nitrates in their drinking water or foods. For areas high in nitrates due to poor farming practices, drinking water systems are recommended to reduce and remove harmful contaminants (not just nitrates which is a definite bonus) from the tap water or drinking water. In order to reduce water waste and to help conserve water sources, consumers are recommended to find a drinking water system that wastes less water than traditional reverse osmosis systems and will provide a continuous supply of safe drinking water while being eco-friendly.

Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet, but high levels of nitrates are not. Find a drinking water system for you and continue to eat and drink healthy.

Are you worried about nitrates in your Southern California water supply? We have many SoCal locations and can provide water softeners in San Diego all the way up to San Jose. Give us a call today!

The Bottled Water Crisis Here and Now

Posted by Rayne Water

We have all felt the convenience of bottled water at one time or another. But as a result, we are now feeling the crisis of plastic waste devastating our environment. This convenience has turned into a massive waste which is destroying our planet’s ecosystems. Plastic water bottles are overflowing landfills, polluting the streams, rivers and oceans, altering the environment in which we live. Over 60 million plastic bottles wind up in landfills or dumps across the country every single day, making an alarming 86% of all produced plastic bottles never recycled. One plastic water bottle takes 700 to 1,000 years to biologically degrade, earning it the status of true toxic waste.
This type of waste is rapidly growing as millions of health-conscious Americans are consuming more and more bottled water and enjoying its convenience. A recent article from The Northern Iowan states that every 27 hours, Americans consume enough bottled water to circle the globe, and in a week’s time the bottles will stretch more than halfway to the moon. While we encourage people to drink plenty of water, we also suggest that it be done the right way – with a water filter and reusable cup or bottle rather than plastic bottles. “Bottled water consumers justify their purchases by claiming that bottled water tastes better than water from the tap. In an effort to prove that tap is just as good, a series of blind taste tests were done at Stanford University in California. Participants tasted three different kinds of water: tap water, bottled water and filtered tap water. Filtered tap water was the most popular, with 50 percent of voters preferring it over the other choices.”
According to one environmental website, “investing in a home water-purification system and reusable water bottles are excellent alternative solutions to stop the plastic water bottle crisis. The amount of money and of Earth’s natural resources saved by using these eco-friendly alternatives makes it worth the effort. Many health-conscious families already own a drinking water system  in their home. Our company’s products are eco-friendly; our reverse osmosis systems actually wastes up to 90% less water than traditional reverse osmosis systems and will still reduce harmful contaminants from the tap. It is convenient, great-tasting, easy, and cost-effective. What more could you ask for during our plastic water bottle crisis? To read more from this article, click here.

Are you looking for a drinking water system or water softener system in Southern California? We have many SoCal locations and can provide water softeners in Bakersfield all the way down to San Diego. Give us a call today!

High Efficiency Water Filter with Low Costs

Posted by Rayne Water

Wouldn’t you love to get more from your money without actually having to pay more? In this day in age, we have so many appliances and electronic devices. We live in a world driven by technology which translates to using a lot of energy and paying for it with our monthly energy bills. A couple of days ago, we (as a nation) celebrated National Cut Your Energy Costs Day, a day to create an awareness on how to lower energy costs and promoting less energy use while saving more money. Interested in a home drinking water system, but afraid to add yet another system to your home’s energy bills and consumption? With our water filters which use LINX® technology, you may not have to worry about that at all.
Our reverse osmosis systems are leading the competition in water technology and efficiency. For instance, a recent study by Van Newenhizen and Associates evaluated the use of water in several types of POU water treatment systems under various conditions – and our LINX product came out head and shoulders above the others. Not only was it shown to be incredibly effective, its efficiency demonstrated advantages when compared to other competitors making it a great choice for a water filter. In their executive summary, they stated that “The LINX system demonstrated superior efficiency in this study comparing typical and enhanced RO systems and a capacitive deionization system.” The temperature and pressure of the water tested didn’t even make an impact on the system efficiency. Water waste can be excessive with other systems and National Cut Your Energy Cost Day is a great reminder to reduce waste in all forms and save energy in whatever ways we can to protect and preserve this great planet – and our bank accounts!
When we conserve energy, we conserve money and time. Our water filters require less energy and electricity to function. The electricity cost is about $0.004 per gallon of drinking water produced based on the highest electrical rates in the US. That’s less than it costs to run your toaster or your blow dryer. Likewise, if a customer used one gallon of drinking water per day they can expect to save money on their water and sewer bill. The more water you use with our products, the more the savings add up. To learn more about the features and benefits to one of our drinking water systems, contact us today. When it comes time to remind ourselves to conserve energy and cut energy costs through financial savings, you will feel good about choosing us as your energy partner and know you have done something right.

World Water Day Brings Global Communities Together

Posted by Rayne Water

When we hear the word community, we don’t always think of everything that makes one function. We know people, places, and leadership are essential, but we often forget other important resources which make a community function and survive. Freshwater and freshwater resources are vital to the functioning and success of a community. All over the world, people are celebrating World Water Day, an annual event held on March 22nd to raise awareness and advocacy for the importance of freshwater sustainability. Threats to freshwater and freshwater resources, as well as their ecosystems, can also pose a threat to communities. Drinking water sources and drinking water quality are annual themes, but this year the UN’s focus is on water cooperation.
According to the UN, the fulfillment of basic human needs, our environment, socio-economic development and poverty reduction are all heavily dependent on water. Even more so, every action involving water management requires effective cooperation between multiple actors whether at the local or international scale. Water cooperation is essential in providing water resources to all people in all countries. Unfortunately, 783 million people still do not have access to clean water and almost 2.5 billion do not have access to adequate sanitation. A startling 6 to 8 million people die annually from the consequences of disasters and water-related diseases. And as demand for water increases due to population growth and water shortages, now is the time to see what you can do for your community.
Responsible and eco-friendly decisions are the best ways consumers and residents can support their community and water supplies. We all have a stake in the water we drink, from residents and businesses, to officials and water treatment companies. This year, make the responsible choice for safe drinking water and eco-friendly products with one phone call – to us! Our drinking water systems are eco-friendly and reduce water waste by up to 90% less than traditional reverse osmosis systems. We can provide your household with unlimited water right from the tap. You can feel good about wasting less water during the filtration process while still providing your household with safe, pure drinking water. In the grand scheme of things, the United States certainly has some of the best drinking water in the world. However, even our tap water can contain harmful contaminants affecting our health. Here in Irvine, California and surrounding areas, we do not put effective management of freshwater resources at the top of our to-do list. But when you choose a water filter from our selection, you can feel good about doing your part to provide safe drinking water as well as choosing an eco-friendly system which will keep water where we need it – in our community.

Businesses Also Facing Water Risks These Days

Posted by Rayne Water

Joel Makower of GreenBiz, “company awareness about water risk” is vital. The good news for the situation (and about the only good news) is that scarcity and risk drive innovation and new products on the market, and there’s a mini-boom taking place in water tech — everything from “filtration and desalination to sanitation and efficiency.”
Conservation is the key. In order to both protect yourself from impurities and harmful contaminants as well water waste, consider one of our eco-friendly drinking water systems which can filter  your water and reduce water waste. Our advanced water filter technology can save you up to 90% more water than traditional reverse osmosis systems and will allow you to do your part to conserve when this nation needs it most.

Recycled Wastewater as Potable Water

Posted by Rayne Water

Water Technology recently published an article on recycled wastewater and potable water reuse that we found fascinating and thought really addressed our existing water crisis needs. The majority of our Earth is covered in water so it shouldn’t seem as though we would ever have to worry about a water shortage.  The reality of the situation however is that of the 326 million trillion gallons of water in or on the earth, less than 1 percent (about 0.72 percent) of it is actually usable.  Then there is the additional dilemma of water not being located in adequate amounts in some parts of the world, even though others have an overabundance of freshwater. Some states have begun looking at the possible ways in which we can recycle our wastewater; Southern California in particular has been a leader for many years in this regard. Because of this recycled wastewater, household water filtration & salt-free water softeners in Orange County are becoming increasingly common.

While many states have completely overlooked the fact that wastewater is a fantastic source of essentially 100% reuse, there are others that have developed large scale projects looking at ways to convert wastewater into drinking water. Currently, there are potable reuse technologies in the works that are more thorough than conventional treatments. However, water softeners in the San Fernando Valley and other large Southern California cities are still recommended until wastewater technology becomes more widespread.  Even though the process begins with wastewater, they are ultimately able to produce even higher quality drinking water than conventional treatment plants that begin with “clean” surface water.  Utilizing multiple treatment configurations, they can essentially remove all microbial and chemical contaminants (including industrial and bio-chemicals) with exceptional effectiveness; conventional treatment plants are not capable of this type of water filtration.

Wastewater contains nitrogen, phosphorous nutrients and biosolids that can be used for agriculture as well as oils and grease that can be recycled as biofuels. Technology is currently available that can convert even the most contaminated water into safe high quality drinking water, however many consumers are still leery of drinking recycled wastewater.  We agree – it is hard to overcome the perception and stigma of wastewater even though it is readily available and can be successfully converted into safe and reliable quality drinking water. We believe it is essential to look at alternative ways to conserve, recycle and reuse our existing water supplies.  Drinking water systems and water filters have seen some amazing advances these last few years and if we can overcome the perception of recycled water, it would go a long way toward solving the water crisis in the world.

NASA Involved in California Drought Crisis

Posted by Rayne Water

Water Technology Online, NASA will be meeting with officials at the California Department of Water Resources to talk about the drought and what could be done to help. NASA can track the levels of underground aquifers using satellites, and plans on advising the state on how to keep those crucial water supplies from getting too low. This may be the information people have been waiting for and one way to deal with the future implications.
But how can a satellite in space monitor something like an aquifer which is deep below ground level? Good question. As the article explains, NASA geologist Tom Farr says one way involves sending radar signals down to earth. These signals can measure changes in surface elevation. “As you pump water out of an aquifer the ground actually does subside or sink,” Farr said, adding that when it rains and aquifers fill up the ground rises slightly. Another way NASA monitors groundwater levels is by measuring the mass of the Earth at various locations. Both of these methods are important because draining too much water from an aquifer can undermine its ability to store more water.
After their discussions, the state hopes to minimize some of the possible scenarios that could be a result of limited water in the aquifers. Residents, too, can do their part to minimize the water crisis by using and wasting less. You can conserve more water with the right drinking water system. Technology has evolved into eco-friendly solutions which waste less water than traditional reverse osmosis systems and filter water so that your family can enjoy great-tasting, safe drinking water. Contact us today to learn more about how our drinking water systems can conserve water. You can do the little things while NASA and the officials figure out the big things when it comes to these drought conditions.

Will Californians follow rules set forth due to the severe drought?

Posted by Rayne Water

The drought here in California has caused many issues for residents, business owners, farmers and government officials who are now staring down the barrel of a gun. The drought is forcing all parties to make decisions and set precedents when it comes to water conservation and water filtration. But without the proper drinking water system installed in your home, are you prepared to deal with both contamination and restrictions? Whether or not Californians will follow new rules is unknown, and even more alarming is whether the new rules will prove sufficient to meaningfully curb California’s water use — which won’t be clear for a while.

Will Californians follow the new water laws?

According to a recent article from New Republic discuss some devastating news that keeps the situation looking bleaker by the minute. Last week, The Association of California Water Agencies released a list of water-saving measures that local governments have rolled out in response to the drought. Unfortunately, what is listed in their report is beginning to define California and the era we live in. Everyone in the state—including homeowners, farmers, and environmentalists—has failed to make the tough choices when it comes to water conservation that now stare them in the face.

Why is the crisis so severe? Well after decades of dealing with the pressure of dwindling water resources, the drought is starting to force life-changing choices. Some estimate that half a million acres of farmland will go fallow in California this year, and the reduction in farming already is raising food prices in much of the nation.

Change is imminent. In January, Gov. Brown called on Californians to curb their water use by 20 percent. Implementation of other ideas like the use of “recycled,” or used, water—something that makes many people cringe because of the health impact.

How can you protect your own household? Our drinking water systems will filter water efficiently and waste much less water than traditional reverse osmosis systems. You can simultaneously conserve water and filter water, both two important answers in coping with our drought situation in California. Contact us today and starting conserving water tomorrow.