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Archive for January, 2017

What are the best drinks for sickness?

Posted by Rayne Water

Unfortunately, the winter weather has many of us getting sick. When we are sick, our bodies need a little extra help to fight off those germs and get stronger. One of the most common tips someone will say to another person when they’re sick is to rest and “get plenty of fluids.” This common tip is very true and one of the best things you can do to help your body fight and return to a healthy state. Drinking plenty of high quality water will help prevent dehydration. The real question is, what exactly should you be drinking. Coffee? Tea? Juice? Water?
Some drinks are great for easing symptoms, while others may make them worse. An article from WebMD suggests four drinks that can help during your sickness. Decaf tea heated up can soothe sore throats, stuffy noses, chest congestion, and upset stomachs. Plus, a warm cup of tea is comforting when you’re feeling rough. If you choose one with herbs like ginger, your immune system may get a small boost, as well. For an extra benefit, try adding a small dollop of honey to your cup: it can calm a cough and help you sleep.
Other drinks to consider include soup (yes, soup) as a drink. The heated soup can break up mucus, relieve bodily inflammation, and add calories when you do not have an appetite. Ice chips or ice pops are also good for staying hydrated and soothing a sore throat. Most importantly, drinking water with lemon is a great beverage when you’re sick.  Hot or cold, it keeps you hydrated and loosens up stuffiness and congestion. Lemon is also high in vitamin C, which may make a cold slightly shorter if you get it regularly. Of course, when you increase the water you drink when you’re sick, make sure to be drinking safe water. A home water filter can help protect the quality of your drinking water so that water contaminants don’t end up making you even sicker.
WebMD advises that people who are sick avoid drinks like sports drinks, fruit juices, ginger ale, coffee and alcohol. The sugar in most of these drinks is not going to make you feel better and has little nutrients to improve your health. Likewise, caffeine can make you dehydrated, which isn’t good when you’re trying to get well.
To learn more about our drinking water filtration systems and how they can support your healthy lifestyle, give us a call or visit our website. Filtering your drinking water is one more step in avoiding illness, but when you do get sick, it can be a great tool in ensuring that you get the high quality drinking water your body needs. Here’s to your health!

What’s that smell?

Posted by Rayne Water

Whenever a homeowner experiences an unpleasant drinking water odor, it can be scary. Your first instinct is to think that the water is contaminated and dangerous to drink, then panic starts to set in. Is it the pipes? Is the water treatment facility not working? Has the family already drank too much of this contaminated water? Unfortunately, this situation is all too familiar to homeowners who drink tap water, so knowing what to expect and how to treat the water within your household is important.
In many cases, determining why the water has an odor is difficult to do with regular water testing. Usually, contaminants are not something you can smell in your water. However, the UGA Extension has created a useful tool to figuring out what might be going on with your water.
Sinks and drains are a common source of odors due to bacterial growth. Disinfect your sinks and drains and flush them well to see if this helps with the odor. It is important to isolate the source of the odor, which can be done by filling a glass with water and moving it away from the sink. Do you still smell it? If not, the sink or drain could be the issue. If you do still smell the odor, the drinking water could be the source. Is it happening in all faucets? If the odor occurs in all water faucets, the problem is probably in the main water supply. If the problem goes away after running the water for a few minutes, the problem is somewhere in the household plumbing system.
Let’s assume you have a well. Water odors could be due to contamination from the surface water runoff, improperly located septic systems or leaky underground storage tanks. Typically, these types of odors resemble bleach or gasoline. If the smell is fishy, earthy or musty, that could be due to drinking water contamination.  You’ll want to be sure to have your water tested if you suspect this may be the case. Private wells are left up to the homeowner to treat and maintain. As for public water systems, if the odor is suspected to originate from the water source line, contact your water provider. This is especially true if your neighbors also experience the same type of odor problem!
To protect the quality of your drinking water, whether you have tap water or well water, a home drinking water system can be a valuable tool to filter your contaminants and maintain the safest, best water you’ve ever had. Water filters may not always help with the odor of your drinking water, but this is the perfect time to become more aware of the purification of drinking water, water quality in your home, and to install a water filtration system which will protect from other instances of water issues should they arise. Contact our company today to learn about all of the different drinking water systems we offer.

Is your water bottle actually safe to use?

Posted by Rayne Water

Bottled water has been the rage for a while now – it’s convenient, easily accessible and if you believe advertisers, much healthier for you than tap water. Unfortunately, we are coming to realize that bottled water isn’t all it’s cracked up to be! In fact, researchers are finding out that some bottled water can actually be harmful to your health. We have known for years now that water bottles are slowly killing our environment and our landfills are overflowing with plastic. Now we are finding out that water bottles might be slowly killing us as well.

As consumers, the first thing we need to be aware of, is what type of plastic our drinking water is stored in. There are various plastics used for water bottles, and some are much safer than others. Before you purchase any food or drink item packaged in plastic, you need to be aware of what type of plastic it is stored in, and whether it is safe. Everything should carry a label on it as to what plastic is it made of but most of us have no idea what those labels mean. Here is the breakdown of the different plastic labels, and what you need to know:

• PC/Other – This plastic should be avoided, if at all possible, and is likely the most dangerous of all the plastics. They have been known to leak a lot of chemicals into both food and beverages.
• PS – Polystyrene is typically used in disposable takeout containers, egg cartons, plastic utensils and Styrofoam cups. It can release carcinogenic chemicals when it is heated and should not be used repeatedly.
• PET/PETE – This is the most common type of plastic used for consumer products, such as bottled water. It is only intended to be used once and any repeated use can lead to bacterial growth. This type of plastic also has the potential to leach heavy metals and chemicals into its contents which is a serious health concern.
• LDPE – Not commonly used for water bottles, but it has been known to leak chemicals into other packaged foods.
• PVC/3V – This type of plastic has the potential to cause hormonal imbalances. If there is an alternative plastic available, experts recommend using that instead. This plastic is commonly found in food wrappers, pet toys, children’s toys and cooking oil bottles.
• PP – This is a relatively safe plastic. It doesn’t melt when heated and is a good barrier against chemicals, grease and moisture. It is commonly used to pack syrups and yogurt.
• HDP/HDPE – This plastic is a much stiffer plastic than the PET/PETE plastics and is commonly used for detergent bottles, milk jugs and even some children’s toys. This is one of the safest plastics available, so if you need to purchase something in plastic, definitely look for this label.

Of course, the safest bet is to avoid plastic water bottles altogether! Consumers can get just as good or even better quality water from a drinking water filtration system in their home. If you like the convenience of having a water bottle on the go, purchase a safe, reusable bottle and refill it with filtered water, right from the tap. You will be saving money, saving the environment and maybe even saving your health in the process!

So Many Water Filter Choices, How Will You Decide?

Posted by Rayne Water

These days, there are plenty of drinking water systems on the market for you to choose from. But with so many options, and so many companies telling you that THEIR product is the best, how will you ever choose the right water filter for your household? How will you know what to look for in order to provide your family with high-quality drinking water? We are not here to just tell you we have the best drinking water systems on the market – we want to prove it to you.  Selecting a home water treatment system takes time and it takes some knowledge of what to look for in a product. In a recent article from NSF, they explain what makes a great, efficient drinking water system and how to narrow down your search.
People have different reasons for choosing a water filter or other drinking water system. In order to capitalize on the health benefits of water, it is essential to draw from a clean source of water. Keeping in mind that there are more than 2100 known drinking water contaminants that may be present in tap water, including several known poisons, don’t you think it’s time that you pay more attention to your own drinking water? Finding the right filter will help you to improve the quality and purity of your tap water for your family.
Start by finding out what is in your water. If you’re suspicious of drinking water contamination or you simply want to know what your neighborhood drinking water is like, your water quality report is the perfect place to read about it. If you have a private well, you’ll have to consider getting your drinking water independently tested to see what it contains.
Then, you’ll have to decide what contaminants you want to reduce. Which ones are the most concerning to you? Which ones have the highest levels? Not all water filters can reduce all contaminants, so before you decide, you’ll want to know which contaminates that product can remove and which it cannot. It should be certified to address your individual concerns. Once you do this, you’ll then want to compare which water treatment systems are right for you. There are point-of-use systems, whole house filters, pitchers and many more. Our water technicians can also help answer any questions you might have and help you make a decision about what type of system would work best for you and your family – they are only a phone call away.
Finally, NSF certified drinking water filters adhere to standards applicable to each type of treatment option. You may notice the NSF mark on a product and this is important. We know that not all water filters have this certification, but our drinking water systems do and can offer you numerous solutions to meet your household demands and water quality concerns. Our systems will reduce water waste, remove almost any contaminants, save you money, and finally, are certified and effective at improving the quality and purity of your drinking water. When the search for a home water filter becomes too daunting, make it easy on yourself and give us a call. All you need for water quality is right here.

Winter Watering: What You Need to Know

Posted by Rayne Water

There are two very important things we want you to consider saving more of this winter; money and water. When it comes to winter watering and desert landscaping, there are a few tips you can try that will help you do a better job controlling your winter irrigation habits. According to the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association AMWUA, many businesses and homeowners are watering throughout the winter, as if it were still 110 degrees outside. We know that the other seasons, especially summer, require us to water our plants a little more and a little more often, but water conservation is still crucial to the well-being of the Southwest and Western United States. Like many other homeowners in our area, desert-adapted plants can make it through the winter months with little or no water. Overwatering is just a waste of water and money. Experts agree that even rye grass can thrive with a watering every week or two. There is no need to water each and every day during the winter months. Water efficiency and efficient and eco-friendly water treatment systems are at the heart of what we do, so we wanted to pass along ten important things to know about winter watering straight from the water efficiency professionals at AMWUA:

  1. You can reduce your “sewer fee,” or part of your monthly water bill, as it is based off of your average water use during the winter months. Lower next year’s sewer fees by cutting back on water this winter.
  2. Overwatering can kill desert-adapted plants, whose roots need the soil to dry out between waterings, so they can absorb nutrients from the soil. Soggy soil prevents plants from pulling in essential elements, such as nitrogen and iron, and can suffocate the roots. This leads to yellowing leaves, poor health and even death.
  3. Sometimes, overwatering some types of shrubs and vines in the early winter months will make them too vulnerable to colder temperatures and susceptible to frost damage.
  4. Cactus plants suffer less frost damage if they have not been watered for several months before cold temperatures set in. They hold their water in their cells.
  5. Overwatering could lead to pools of water in your lawn that won’t evaporate as quickly as in the summer heat. These puddles and winter temps could breed mosquitoes.
  6. There are tools available to learn just how much water your specific plants and landscape need in the winter to thrive and survive.
  7. Rye grass is now established by the winter so no need to water as frequently. You are no longer germinating from seeds.
  8. Discuss these concerns and tips with your landscaper and don’t assume they know all about winter watering.
  9. Test once in a while for leaks in your irrigation system. You don’t want to be overwatering and not even know it.
  10. Trees should be watered deeply but far less in the winter months.

All of these tips can really help to save you water and money. 50-70% of a homeowner’s water usage happens outside. If we can lower our total usage during the winter months, it will really help with water conservation and making sure our region has enough water supplies should drought-like conditions hit us again in the future. If you are interested in conserving water in Arizona, we provide Phoenix water softener solutions. Are you located outside of Phoenix? We are proud to offer Scottsdale water softener solutions as well. Whether you need Phoenix water softener solutions or Glendale water softener installation, or a water filtration system in Scottsdale…we have you covered. To check out our water-saving appliances, visit our website or give us a call.